can people who smoke donate blood

by Hayden Huel III 8 min read

If you smoke and you want to donate blood, plan to refrain from smoking on the day of your appointment — both before your appointment and for three hours afterward. Smoking before your appointment can lead to an increase in blood pressure. This may disqualify you from donating. Smoking afterward may lead to dizziness.

Can I donate blood if I have just recently smoked?

Yes. Whether or not you smoke is not a question asked of donors, but donors who do smoke are instructed not to smoke for a half hour after donating. Diabetics can donate blood.

Can you smoke marijuana after donating blood?

Read more about the advantages and disadvantages of donating blood here. Although smoking cigarettes, vaping, and using cannabis will not disqualify a person from donating blood, they should refrain from smoking for at least 2 hours before and after donating blood.

What are the reasons why a person cannot donate blood?

You may NOT be eligible to give blood if you have any of these health conditions:

  1. You are anaemic Anaemia is a deficiency in the number or quality of red blood cells in your body. ...
  2. You are on Antibiotics Are you taking antibiotics for an acute infection? ...
  3. You Have a High Fever If you have a temperature above 99.5 F, you may not donate.
  4. You are Pregnant If you are pregnant, wait six weeks after giving birth.

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Can you donate plasma or blood if you smoke marijuana?

Yes, you can donate blood even if you use marijuana but you must remember the following before you do: Avoid smoking hours before the donation or at least a day before you donate. This will ensure that THC is not in your blood. Do not eat any cannabis edibles either.


How long should you avoid smoking before donating blood?

Based on these findings, the researchers recommend that people avoid smoking for 12 hours. Trusted Source. before donating blood.

How many people donate blood annually?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of blood donations collected around the world per year exceeds 117.4 million.

How much mercury is needed to donate blood?

According to American Red Cross guidelines, people can donate blood as long as their blood pressure is between 90/50 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) and 80/100 mm Hg.

What are the benefits of blood donation?

Blood donations can help with: serious injuries. surgery. anemia. cancer. chronic illnesses. Read on to learn more about how different ways of using cigarettes, cannabis, and other drugs can affect a person’s ability to donate blood.

How old do you have to be to donate blood?

To donate blood, the general requirement is that a person should be at least 17 years old. A person can be 16 years old, but they must have a legal guardian’s consent.

Can you donate blood with nicotine?

However, a person does need to make sure that substances such as nicotine and cannabis are not in their system when donating blood.

Can you donate blood from smoking cannabis?

Like smoking cigarettes and vaping, smoking cannabis does not disqualify a person from donating blood.

How old do you have to be to donate blood?

The basic eligibility guidelines state that you must be at least 16 years old with parental consent in some states or 17 years old without consent in most states, ...

Is there a state of emergency for blood donation?

While blood donation centers are no longer in a state of emergency, there is still a critical need.

Can you donate blood with Marinol?

If you are taking Marinol for a medical condition, such as nausea from chemotherapy or loss of appetite from HIV infection, you would not be eligible for blood donation. If you have taken Marinol and do not have a pre- existing medical condition, you would not be deferred, as it is FDA-approved.

Can you donate if you smoke marijuana?

So, if you have smoked or ingested non-synthetic marijuana, are otherwise in good health and meet the basic donation guidelines, you can donate.

Can you donate blood from a weed plant?

Here is what the American Red Cross said when we asked about cannabis use and donating blood: Yes, you can donate if you’ve smoked marijuana. However, you cannot donate if you’ve smoked or ingested a synthetic form of the drug. Synthetic marijuana — also known as K2 or Spice — is a human-made chemical with a similar make-up to the marijuana plant.

How to contact the Red Cross about synthetic marijuana?

Whether the synthetic marijuana you take is a prescribed medication or a recreational variety, our best advice is to contact our Red Cross Donor and Client Support Center at 1-866-236-3276.

Does the Red Cross test blood for THC?

The Red Cross does not test blood donations for the presence of tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, the principle psychoactive component of the cannabis plant.

Can you donate plasma from cannabis?

A: For a cannabis user donating platelets or plasma, the guidelines are the same as they are for donating whole blood.

Does the FDA require blood collection for THC?

A: Eligibility to donate blood is regulated the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, not the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration. The FDA does not require blood collectors to test for THC.

Can you donate cannabis if you have memory impairment?

A: No. Again, we ask that you do not present to donate if your use of cannabis is impairing your memory or comprehension.

How long should you wait before giving blood to a smoker?

So, after these findings, researchers decided that smokers who want to donate blood should avoid smoking for about 12 hours before blood donation to avoid the harmful effects of smoking in their blood. (15)

How old do you have to be to donate blood?

The minimal age requirement for donating blood is 17 years. A 16 year old can donate blood with their guardian’s consent. (17)

What are the health effects of smoking cannabis?

Similar to vaping and smoking cigarettes; smoking cannabis also does not disqualify anyone from donating blood. Research has shown that the use of cannabis causes harm to the cardiovascular system by: (16) 1 Increasing heart rate and blood pressure. 2 Vessel walls inflammation. 3 Blood vessels narrowing. 4 Increased risk of promoting blood clots.

What is a recent blood transfusion?

Recent Blood Transfusion/Organ Transplant: If the patient has had gotten a blood transfusion within the past year or has had an organ transplant.

How many units of blood are collected in the world?

(1) World Health Organization shows that the blood donations which are collected all over the world are more than 117.4 million units. (1, 2)

Does vaping cause hypertension?

However, one thing for sure is that smoking cigarettes and vaping leads to hypertension. (11, 12)

Can smokers donate blood?

So, American Red Cross guidelines state that smokers can donate blood if their blood pressure is between 90/50 mm Hg to 170/100 mm Hg. (14)

How old do you have to be to donate blood?

One of the most basic rules to donate blood is that person must be 18 years old. Though if you want to donate blood, even if you are not 18, then you can do it through parents’ consent however it is not recommended. Apart from this, one important law is that cannabis should be natural. People who smoke synthetic cannabis are not allowed to donate blood.

Why Someone Could Need A Blood Transfusion?

For example- when a person has experienced some severe damages from natural disasters and accidents. People with diseases that cause anemia such as kidney disease and leukemia also need a blood transfusion. Apart from this, people who have a surgical procedure also need a blood transfusion to restore the loss of the blood during the operation. There are many situations where individuals need a blood transfusion, that’s why people who are qualified to donate blood must do it.

Can you donate blood from weed?

Yes, cannabis users can donate blood, and smoking weed doesn’t disqualify them for donating blood. But they must be in the senses while coming for the donation because if the doctor suspects that the person is high, then it won’t allow him. So if you smoke marijuana or use cannabis, then you won’t be stopped for donating the blood. However, Clinics don’t do tests whether you have taken cannabis or not, but they can easily tell that person is under the influence of an intoxicating substance.

Can you donate blood from synthetic cannabis?

It comes under the category of NPS (new psychoactive substances) and is considered as a mind-altering substance. Apart from this, if you are receiving Marinol, a human-made THC, for any kind of medical condition, then you are not qualified to donate blood. But if you don’t any medical conditions, then you can donate blood.

Can you donate blood if you smoke marijuana?

As you know that smoking is dangerous to health and can cause many health problems. So if you smoke marijuana and have any of these problems, then you are not allowed to donate blood.
