game where you donate rice

by Prof. Devon Stiedemann 10 min read

How can I donate rice for free?

Freerice by WFP is a free trivia game that helps end world hunger. How does it work? For every question you answer correctly, the cash equivalent of 10 grains of rice is donated by a group of sponsors. The money goes to work where it’s needed most – saving and changing lives around the world. 500,000+ people play Freerice every month 4.5-Star

How do I play the Freerice Rice game?

May 13, 2020 · is an interactive vocabulary game in which players donate grains of rice to WFP every time they answer a question correctly, allowing children to simultaneous bolster their vocabularies and help feed the world’s hungry. The money raised from advertising is used to underwrite FreeRice’s donation to WFP. How does it work?

Does Freerice really donate 10 grains of rice to the needy? – Play online English Vocabulary game and Donate Free Rice to hungry people. Play English Vocabulary and donate Free Rice to hungry people in UN refugee camp under World Food Program (WFP). You can learn English word and earn 10 grains for every correct answer. Play the freerice game and donate rice without spending any money from your pocket.

How many grains of rice have been donated?

Jun 08, 2020 · Freerice is a trivia and knowledge game. For every correct answer you get, grains of rice are donated to the United Nations World Food Programme.


Does FreeRice actually give rice?

Where does the money go? WFP does actually give rice, but also so much more. The money is used to provide all kinds of lifesaving meals to hungry people in humanitarian emergencies all over the world. 100% of the money generated from Freerice goes to support WFP.

What is the game that donates rice? is an interactive vocabulary game in which players donate grains of rice to WFP every time they answer a question correctly, allowing children to simultaneous bolster their vocabularies and help feed the world's hungry.May 13, 2020

Is FreeRice still running?

For every question the user answers correctly, ten grains of rice are donated via the United Nations World Food Programme. There are over 50 available categories including English, Geography, Humanities, Language Learning, Math, and Science....Freerice.Type of siteClick-to-donate siteLaunched2007Current statusActive5 more rows

Is FreeRice a legitimate website? is a simple website that you'll enjoy spending a few minutes on. It's a word game, monetized by Cost Per Action affiliate ad links, with a social justice twist. Those are just the boring details, though, and it's probably a scam.Nov 7, 2007

How does FreeRice get money?

Founded in 2007, Freerice lets users donate grains of rice simply by correctly answering educational questions. The site earns money from advertisement banners displayed while users play, and in turn uses the funds to purchase rice.Aug 28, 2012

Who made FreeRice?

John BreenWeb Resources. John Breen, a computer programmer, developed the Internet game to teach vocabulary and help fight hunger. is quickly becoming all the rage for school children as well as immigrants learning English. Breen said the idea came to him one day in his kitchen in Indiana.Dec 17, 2007

How do I join a group in Freerice?

To get started:Visit or download the app on the App Store for free.Go to and enter your group code(s)Enter Group Code: DQW6PAPK to join Baylor's Global Team. ... Enter the Challenge Group Code if you're competing against other teams/schools.Start playing and keep playing!More items...

Do you need an account for Freerice?

Click on the correct answer and Free Rice donates ten grains of rice to the UN World Food Program. A graphic on the side shows bowls of rice as they fill and accumulate. The terms of Free Rice state that it does not require an account to access its services.Apr 10, 2020

How many grains of rice should I eat?

When it comes to rice the norm seems to be about ½ cup (90g) per person, although some people prefer to use a bit less – about 1/3 cup (60g) per person. And remember we are talking about uncooked rice here, which means that when it's cooked it's usually about a cup per person, as rice doubles in size.Dec 19, 2021

How many pieces of rice is 1kg?

One kg bag of rice contains 50,000 grains. FREE!Aug 29, 2007

How much does a grain of rice weigh?

The weight of a Grain of Rice is about 0.021 grams. With great differences in variety, the average among a sampling of common short-, medium- and long-grain rices finds that a single grain weighs about 0.021 grams before cooking.

Does it only donate rice?

Put simply, no. While the WFP has projects relating to ending hunger, and freerice generates the money equivalent to at least 10 grains of rice an ad, rice is only one part of a myriad of efforts by the WFP.

What about returning players?

If you’ve been playing Freerice from before the beta version was made, while your old rice total is saved, the new and old rice totals on the beta version are entirely separate.

Is it a scam?

No, from what I can tell, Freerice is far from being a scam, even if it does sound a little too good to be true.


Hopefully, I’ve covered Freerice in enough detail to the point it’s clear what it is.

Play Game to Donate Rice to Hungry Rohingya – game to learn English Vocabulary & earn rice – Play online English Vocabulary game and Donate Free Rice to hungry people

Who Pay for Freerice rice?

Freerice is non-profit website supported by United Nations World Food Programs. Freerice has two main goals are – providing free English education to everyone and free rice to hunger.

Do I really make a difference by playing Freerice?

Yes. The rice you donate makes a huge difference to the person who receives it.

How can I play other subjects, besides English vocabulary?

Click on the Subjects link near the top right of the page to see a list of all subjects available at Freerice. There is math, science, geography, art history, foreign languages and more. Freerice is working to add more subjects and expand material within each subject. Our goal is to provide knowledge that is useful and interesting for you.

Why are some questions repeated?

Whenever you get a question wrong, Freerice will repeat it a few turns later to give you a second chance at it.

Who pays for the donated rice?

The rice is paid for by the sponsors whose names you see on the bottom of your screen when you enter a correct answer. These sponsors support both learning (free education for everyone) and reducing hunger (free rice for the hungry). We thank these sponsors for their generous participation at Freerice.

How does the Freerice program work?

Freerice has a custom database containing questions at varying levels of difficulty. There are levels appropriate for beginners and levels that will challenge the most scholarly professors. In between are levels suitable for students of all ages, business people, homemakers, doctors, truck drivers, retired people. everyone!

How is the difficulty level determined?

The program keeps track of how many people get each question right or wrong, and then adjusts each question's difficulty level accordingly. So the questions at the easiest levels are the ones that people most often get right. The questions at the hardest levels are the ones that people most often get wrong.

What happens if my computer suddenly loses power while I am in the middle of playing? Does my donation still count?

Once your screen says that you have donated a certain amount of rice, our servers have registered it. For example, suppose your screen says that you have donated 120 grains of rice. If your computer then suddenly loses power, or you close your browser, or you click to go somewhere else, your donation has already been counted.


My Experience with Freerice

  • Allow me to indulge you in a bit of a brief backstory. While Freerice originally launched as early as 2007, I didn’t discover it until 7 years later, in 2014. Back in those days, I had been a student in a computer class, and was referred to Freerice by my instructor as a class-accepted downtime activity. Ever since, I was inspired by the cause, and played Freerice off and on through the years…
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So, How Does It Work?

  • The process is simple! On Freerice, you’ll be asked a question, and are given four possible answers to choose from. When you answer a question correctly, an ad appears on the screen, and the advertiser donates the cash equivalent to 10 grains of rice, when the ads are displayed. Successive correct answers will make the game harder. Should you get a question wrong, the pa…
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Is English Vocabulary The only Mode?

  • No, not at all! In fact, there are 7 main categories of the game: 1. Global Goals: Using Facts to Fuel Action 2. English 3. Geography 4. Humanities 5. Language Learning 6. Math 7. Science As you may have guessed, these subjects are more scholarly in nature, so students of any kind are strongly encouraged to play during their downtime. If you aren’t a student, don’t worry, there are …
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Does It only Donate Rice?

  • Put simply, no. While the WFP has projects relating to ending hunger, and freerice generates the money equivalent to at least 10 grains of rice an ad, rice is only one part of a myriad of efforts by the WFP. From the freerice beta site’s about page, “WFP doesn’t use the funds raised via Freerice to only purchase rice. Instead, money raised via Freerice funds a variety of WFP projects around …
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What About Returning Players?

  • If you’ve been playing Freerice from before the beta version was made, while your old rice total is saved, the new and old rice totals on the beta version are entirely separate. In other words, all users on the beta version of Freerice will begin with 0 grains of rice. But your old efforts were neither forgotten, nor in vain! By filling out the Freerice Account Migration form, the Freerice tea…
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Is It A Scam?

  • No, from what I can tell, Freerice is far from being a scam, even if it does sound a little too good to be true. Knowing what I know about how ads work, everything checks out. Without getting too technical, when you answer a question correctly, an ad pops up on the screen, and creates an “impression” by doing so. Through these impressions, users generate the money that advertiser…
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  • Hopefully, I’ve covered Freerice in enough detail to the point it’s clear what it is. One of the best things about it, is that it’s super easy to play, and that everyone who plays it can contribute to a global impact. But why just stop here? At the very least, I want everyone who reads this to check out Freericefor themselves. If you find yourself just casually on your phone, looking for the next t…
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