how do i donate to salvation army

by Mr. Green Sipes 4 min read

Q: How do I donate to my local Salvation Army Thrift Store
  1. Step 1: Call your local donation center or visit its website to find out the hours of operation and what items are allowed.
  2. Step 2: Drop off your items at the donation center near me.

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What items should not be donated?

What Not to Donate to GoodwillItems in Need of Repair. ... Recalled or Unsafe Items. ... Mattresses & Box Springs. ... Fireworks, Weapons or Ammunition. ... Paint & Household Chemicals. ... Building Materials. ... Extremely Large or Bulky Items. ... Medical Supplies.More items...•

Who will pick up donations for free in my area?

These eight organizations offer donation pickups.The Salvation Army. When you think about where to donate unwanted belongings, your mind might go to The Salvation Army first. ... Goodwill. ... AMVETS National Service Foundation. ... Habitat for Humanity. ... Pickup Please. ... Furniture Bank Network. ...

Who will pick up donations in my area during Covid?

Many nonprofit organizations offer free pickup services, all you need to do is schedule an appointment online....Where to donate furniture and other household goodsThe Salvation Army.Goodwill.The Arc.Habitat for Humanity.The Furniture Bank Network.AMVETS National Service Foundation.GreenDrop.

Who will pick up donations for free Los Angeles?

Pick Up Please offers free donation pick up service in Los Angeles. Click here to get started scheduling a pickup online. We will send a truck to your house — often within 24 hours if you like. We accept almost any type of item, and your donation benefits Veterans by supporting the Vietnam Veterans of America.

What items can I donate to the Salvation Army?

The Salvation Army accepts furniture, clothing, automobiles, household goods and appliances.

What is the Salvation Army?

The Salvation Army is a faith-based charity that works to serve the needs of communities worldwide. From disaster relief and food pantries to job training and after-school programs, the non-profit Christian organization is one of the most all-encompassing charities in the world. In addition to many other programs and charitable causes, the Salvation Army offers thrift stores (also known as Salvation Army Family Stores ), which sells donated goods at discounted prices. Proceeds from the sales are used to fund the organization’s Adult Rehabilitation Centers, which helps those struggling with drugs and alcohol to find “help, hope and a second chance at life.” Salvation Army Family Stores offer new and gently-used merchandise. They also “serve as drop-off locations for donations of clothing, housewares, small furniture, and even used vehicles,” according to the charity.

How to save money on a move?

It could save you money on the move – The more stuff you have to move, the more expensive the move will cost. Local moves are typically priced based on the number of hours it takes to move your household goods. The more items you have, the longer the move will take. Interstate moves are based on the weight of your belongings. The heavier the load, the more expensive the move will cost. So purging household belongings before the move is one way to save money on both types of moves.

Is the Salvation Army tax deductible?

Yes, charitable donations to the Salvation Army are tax-deductible. We recommend saving your donation receipts and itemized list of all donated items for tax purposes. Fortunately, the Salvation Army makes it easy to assign a cash value to donated items. The organization’s Donation Value Guide helps determine the approximate tax-deductible value of commonly donated belongings, including both low and high estimates. The Donation Value Guide includes cash value information for appliances, children’s clothing, furniture, household goods, men’s clothing, miscellaneous and women’s clothing.

How you can help

Once you have sorted through your home for possible things that you no longer have a use for keeping around, think about some charitable act and decide donating it to some organization who may have some access to people who are in need. For example, the Salvation Army, who have been instrumental in delivering goods to people who are less fortunate.

Things to consider

In Salvation Army donate furniture pick up, there are a few things you will need to consider, such as whether they offer to give donation receipts in exchange for your kindness. Certainly, they offer donation receipts to their donors, as they are aware that these receipts are useful to them.

How to report donations to the Salvation Army?

To begin this process, record the calendar date when the donations were successfully received by the Salvation Army on the blank line labeled as “Donation Date.” The next piece of information that must be delivered is the dollar value of the donation being made. It will be up to the Donor to determine what the precise value of the donation is. This value can be determined at the Donor’s discretion however, it is recommended that any value reported be determined using the Salvation Army’s Donation Value Guide. Once the total dollar value for all the donated items has been determined and summed, record the total value (in USD) on the blank line labeled “Donation Value.” The next few empty lines, following the label “Donation Description,” will provide an area where you can report each item being donated. While this can be a simple list, it is generally a good idea to itemize each deductible donation and its dollar value. Regardless, make sure to provide a complete inventory of each item this donation consists of. If you do not have enough room, you may either use your editing program to add more lines or you may use this area to refer to an attachment listing the donated items.

What is a donation receipt for the Salvation Army?

The Salvation Army donation receipt is used to report items at cash value when determining the tax-deductible value. The Salvation Army, being a 501 (c) (3) organization, accepts almost anything of value, even unused airline miles. For help determining the value of goods being donated, see the Salvation Army’s Donation Value Guide.

Where is the receipt number on a Salvation Army receipt?

Notice the first two blank lines near the top of the page below the Salvation Army logo. Enter the record number the Salvation Army will use to refer to the concerned donation (and this paperwork) on the blank line labeled “Receipt No.” The Salvation Army outlet where the donation is received, and this receipt is issued, must have its “Tax ID Number (EIN)” reported on the next blank line.

How to donate a vehicle?

Schedule a Free Pickup – To donate just about anything, use their pick up service to donate directly from your location or call 1-800-SA-TRUCK (1-800-728-7825) for more information.

How to get a blank receipt?

You can obtain a blank copy of this receipt by clicking on the buttons or links labeled as a PDF, Word, or ODT file. You may use any of these file versions so long as you have downloaded a one you can view and work with. If you do not have a word processing program or a pdf editor, you can open the PDF version then print it directly from the screen using most up-to-date browsers.

How much can you deduct from your taxes if you donate to the Salvation Army?

For example, a person in the 28% tax bracket who donates $5,000 worth of clothing or household goods to the Salvation Army can deduction $1,400 from their taxes ...

How much can you deduct from charitable donations?

In any single tax year, you’re allowed to deduct charitable donations totaling up to 50% of your adjusted gross income (AGI). If you donate more than that, the IRS will allow you to carry over these donations for up to 5 subsequent tax years.

What charities can help lower your tax bill?

For those who itemize their deductions, charitable donations to organizations like the Salvation Army and Goodwill can help lower your tax bill while doing something good for the world.

Do you need a receipt for a donation to the Salvation Army?

Any donations to the Salvation Army or Goodwill between $251 and $500 require a receipt. Donations valued between $500 but under $5000 need a receipt and a completed Form 8283, which explains how you got the item you are donating. Donated cars usually fall into this category. You can use a credit card statement as proof of your donation.

Can you deduct Goodwill donations?

If you are planning a big move and want to pare down large amounts of household goods , a Salvation Army or Goodwill tax deduction may be in your future. Placing the proper values on your donated goods can be challenging; they are not worth as much as they were when you first bought them, no matter how “lightly used” or carefully maintained they may be. This applies even to things like designer clothes and high-end small appliances.

Does the Salvation Army accept donated items?

In general, the Salvation Army and Goodwill accept most household goods and small appliances, plus books, clothes, and used exercise equipment. There are a few donated items that the Salvation Army cannot accept including: Items that are subject to frequent recalls (baby cribs, car seats, etc.)

Do you need a receipt for a donation?

Donations of goods under $250 do not require a receipt; this means if you drop off clothing, books, or shoes to a tax-exempt organization’s collection box, you can still deduct that donation, even without a receipt, if the value of those items is less than $250
