how long after doating blood to donate platles

by Torrance Braun 9 min read

seven days

How long after donating platelets can I donate whole blood?

Platelet donation uses a machine to extract just your platelets and then returns the rest of your blood back to you. From start to finish, it takes about three hours to donate platelets. Both arms are used during a platelet donation.

How long does an apheresis platelet donation take?

Donor eligibility criteria are the same for both platelet and whole blood donors. You can donate platelets 7 days after donating whole blood. If you donate platelets first, you can donate whole blood 7 days later. Back to top

How long does it take to donate plates?

Nov 23, 2021 · Whole blood donation: once every 56 days (every 8 weeks). Therefore, you can give a whole blood donation up to 6 times per year. Double red cell donation: once every 112 days (every 16 weeks) Platelets: Blood platelets can be donated every 2 weeks, which makes it one of the most popular blood donation methods.

How do you donate platelets?

You may donate platelets as often as once every eight days, and up to 24 times in a 12-month period. Donated platelets can only be stored for use for as long as five days. Plasma donation (plasmapheresis) During plasmapheresis, only the liquid portion of …

What disqualifies you from donating platelets?

What Conditions Would Make You Ineligible to Be a Donor? You will not be eligible to donate blood or platelets if you: Have tested positive for hepatitis B or hepatitis C, lived with or had sexual contact in the past 12 months with anyone who has hepatitis B or symptomatic hepatitis C.

Is it better to donate blood or platelets?

Platelets are blood cells that help stop bleeding. And while a whole-blood donation can be broken into components, one of which is platelets, for patient usage, a unit from apheresis platelet donation can yield approximately six times the number of platelets compared to whole-blood-derived platelet donations.Dec 2, 2015

How often can you donate blood and platelets?

every seven daysYou may donate platelets every seven days, up to 24 times a year. Read more about eligibility requirements including travel and medication restrictions.

Why can't I donate platelets?

There are some health, travel and lifestyle reasons that may stop you giving platelets on a temporary basis. These include: pregnancy. taking certain non-steroidal medications on a regular basis such as ibuprofen.

What should I eat before donating platelets?

You should eat a regular meal and drink plenty of fluids one to two hours before donating platelets. We also suggest that you increase your consumption of calcium-rich foods (such as dairy products) or take a calcium supplement the evening before your donation and also the morning of your donation.

How many calories do you burn donating platelets?

Burning calories. No, blood donation won't become a weight loss fad any time soon. However, researchers at the University of California, San Diego have found that you can lose up to 650 calories per pint of blood donated.Jun 11, 2018

How long does it take to recover from platelet donation?

It doesn't take long to recover after giving platelets as your body replaces platelets quickly, usually within 48 hours. Don't forget to book your next appointment at the welcome desk before you leave or by calling 0300 123 23 23.

Does donating platelets make you tired?

Will it make me feel sleepy? Most people say they only feel a slight pinch of the needle at the start of the donation. Because platelet donors get their oxygen-carrying red cells back, donors report feeling less tired than after giving blood.

How can you raise your platelet count?

8 Things That Can Increase Your Blood Platelet CountEating more leafy greens. ... Eating more fatty fish. ... Increasing folate consumption. ... Avoiding alcohol. ... Eating more citrus. ... Consuming more iron-rich foods. ... Trying a chlorophyll supplement. ... Avoiding vitamin E and fish oil supplements.Dec 7, 2020

Why can females not donate platelets?

While whole blood donors and platelet donors-male or female need to have a Hemoglobin of 12.5 g/dl, platelet donors need to have atleast 1.5 lakh platelets/uL. There is hardly any physiological variation in the platelet count between males and females and both are equally eligible to donate blood.

What blood type is best for donating platelets?

AB positiveThe universal blood type for platelet transfusions is AB positive (AB+). One of the rarest of all blood types, only 3% of the population has this special blood type. Platelets from AB positive donors can be used for any patient in need.Apr 13, 2021

Why do they check your elbows when donating plasma?

Because arteries have higher blood pressure than veins, a puncture can lead to bleeding into the arm tissues around the puncture site. The signs of an arterial puncture include a faster blood flow and lighter-than-usual color of blood running through the tubes to the machine collecting your plasma.

What Is Different About Donating Platelets and How Long Does It take?

It is now easier, and in many cases faster, to donate platelets. Only one of your arms is used to withdraw blood, separate out the platelets, and r...

Why Do Some Cancer Patients Need Platelets?

Some cancer treatments cause a loss of platelets. These specialized blood cells help control blood clotting. When platelet levels fall too low, pat...

Is It Safe to Donate Platelets?

Yes, it is safe to donate platelets. All needles and supplies used to collect platelets are sterile, disposable, and used only once — for you — bef...

Are There Any Special Instructions I Should Follow Before Donating Platelets?

You should eat a regular meal and drink plenty of fluids one to two hours before donating platelets. We also suggest that you increase your consump...

How Often Can I Donate Platelets?

You can donate platelets once within a seven-day period. You may donate up to six times in an eight-week period and 24 times a year.

Can I Give Whole Blood and Also Be A Platelet Donor?

Yes. Donor eligibility criteria are the same for both platelet and whole blood donors. You can donate platelets 7 days after donating whole blood....

How long after donating platelets can you donate whole blood?

Donor eligibility criteria are the same for both platelet and whole blood donors. You can donate platelets 7 days after donating whole blood. If you donate platelets first, you can donate whole blood 7 days later. Back to top.

Why do people need platelets?

When platelet levels fall too low, patients may need a transfusion of platelets to replenish their supply and prevent life-threatening hemorrhages. Some patients, especially those who have had a bone marrow transplant or who are being treated for leukemia, may require daily platelet transfusions for several weeks.

Do you have to wear a mask at MSK?

Masks Are Still Required at MSK. Patients and visitors must continue to wear masks while at MSK, including people who are fully vaccinated. MSK is offering COVID-19 vaccines to all patients age 12 and over. To schedule or learn more, read this. About Us /.

Can you donate platelets in your arms?

It is now easier, and in many cases faster, to donate platelets. Only one of your arms is used to withdraw blood, separate out the platelets, and return the rest of the blood to you. Your other arm is free to turn pages in a book, click on a laptop keyboard, or scratch an itch during the 70 to 90 minute donation procedure.

Is There an Age Requirements for Blood Donors?

In Indiana, you can donate blood starting at 16 years old with parental consent, and at age 17 without it. This age can vary depending on the state and facility, so make sure to check before signing up to donate blood. There is also no upper age limit for donating blood; as long as you’re healthy, you can donate!

How Long Does It Take to Give Blood?

Donation times vary based on the type of donation. In general, whole blood donation takes about 45 minutes, a double red donation about an hour, and platelet donations 1 ½ to 2 hours.

Can I Still Donate If I Am on Medication?

With most medications, you can still donate blood while taking them just make sure to check with your doctor if you have any health concerns regarding blood donations. For medications that do affect blood donation eligibility check out this chart here .

How Many Blood Donations Are Needed Each Day?

In the United States, 38,000 blood donations are needed each and every day. Blood donations are more important than ever. Just one donation can help save up to 3 lives, but your donated blood also makes a big difference to the patient’s friends and family.

How Will I Feel After Donating Blood?

The most common response when we ask this question is “proud that I’m helping my community!”

Where Can I Donate Blood?

To find a blood donation center or a remote blood drive location near you visit and schedule an appointment! We look forward to seeing you!

How long does it take to donate plasma after apheresis?

Platelet or plasma donations take approximately 1 1/2 to two hours.

What is platelet donation?

Platelet donation (plateletpheresis) During plateletpheresis, only platelets are collected. Platelets help blood to clot and are commonly given to people with cancer or scheduled for major surgery. To donate platelets, you must meet all of the requirements for whole blood donation, and also: Have donated whole blood at Mayo Clinic ...

How long does it take to transfuse red blood cells?

A red cell donation is typically transfused within days, so the need for this component is ongoing. You may donate double red cells about once every 168 days (24 weeks). During this time, you cannot make other types of blood donations. Your body replaces the lost red cells in about 90 days.

How often can you donate blood?

You may donate platelets as often as every eight days, and up to 24 times in a 12-month period. Platelets from a whole blood donation or apheresis are good for only five days.

What is double red cell donation?

Double red cell donation. During double red cell donation, two units of red cells are collected. Red cells carry oxygen to all parts of the body. Red cells are typically given to people with sickle cell anemia or significant blood loss due to trauma or surgery.

What is plasmapheresis used for?

Plasma is commonly given to people in emergency and trauma situations to help stop bleeding. To donate plasma, you must meet all of the requirements for whole blood donation.

How long after a platelet donation can you donate blood?

You can donate platelets once in a seven-day period and up to 24 times a year. You must wait at least seven days after donating platelets before donating whole blood. After an automated double red cell collection, you must wait 112 days before donating ...

How long does it take for blood to be replaced after a blood donation?

Your body will replace the liquid part of the blood (plasma) and platelets within two days and the red blood cells within 56 days.

How old do you have to be to donate blood?

Donors must be in good general health, be 17 to 75 years old, and weigh at least 110 pounds. However, there are certain exceptions to these guidelines. If you are 76 or older, you may still donate blood or platelets if you have written approval from your doctor dated within six months of your donation. If you are 16 years old, you may donate blood if you have a consent form signed by your parent or legal guardian. Consent forms are available by calling the Blood Donor Program, 212-639-8177.

How long should you stay in the donor room after giving blood?

However, you should avoid heavy lifting and pushing heavy objects for at least 24 hours after giving blood.

How to contact MSKCC for blood donation?

If you have a question after reviewing this information, please call 212-639-8177 or email [email protected].

Can you have ABO blood?

No. Everyone has an ABO blood type, and most transfusions can be performed if the blood type of the donor and patient are compatible, regardless of their races or ethnicities.

Is it safe to give blood?

Yes, it is safe to give blood and platelets. All needles and supplies used to collect blood/platelets are sterile, disposable, and used only once — for you — before being discarded.

How long is a total donation allowed?

Another layer of donor safety the FDA regulates is the total donation/loss permitted in a rolling 12-month period of both red blood cells and plasma . This protective policy can create donor deferral periods among frequent donors who choose to donate a combination of red blood cells, platelets, and plasma in the fluid 365-day eligibility interval.

How much plasma can you give in a 12 month period?

Plasma. The maximum volume of plasma that can be given in a rolling 12-month period has a demarcation divide of 175 pounds. If the donor weighs below this amount, the cut-off is at 12 liters total. If the donor weighs more than 175 pounds, they can give up to 14.4 liters. If you have not reached these limits when you come to donate platelets, ...

What is the FDA's goal in ensuring the safety of blood products?

The FDA enforces standards for the collection and manufacturing of blood products to maintain donor safety, as well as the safety, purity and potency of our nation’s blood supply. One aspect of those donor standards are the time intervals mandated between different types of donations.

Can you donate platelets if you have not reached the limit?

If you have not reached these limits when you come to donate platelets, you can still donate that day. However, if you exceed the FDA guidelines during that donation, you may find yourself with a longer interval period than you normally would, until the rolling 365 day period resets.

Where is Dan Eberts?

Dan ‘The Bloodman’ Eberts has worked in various capacities of Donor Recruitment, Promotions, Marketing and Communications, as well as Media and Public Relations at OneBlood and their legacy Tampa Bay Blood Centers in Florida for more than 31 years. He is a 50 gallon blood and platelet donor, the Chairperson of the Blood Donor Ministry at his church and a volunteer stem cell courier with “Be The Match” of the National Marrow Donor Program. Dan holds a Bachelor of Arts from Purdue University. He lives in Largo, FL with his wife Karen and they have two adult children.

Learning What Plasmapheresis Is

Before we discuss how long a platelet donation is, you must know first what Plasmapheresis is. Plasmapheresis is a process that only takes out all of the blood’s plasma (the liquid portion.) During an emergency or traumatic circumstance, plasma is often given to patients to help with bleeding control.

How Many Hours A Platelet Donation Take Up

So, how long does a platelet donation take? Donating platelets takes around three hours from start to end. Completing the health history questionnaire and having your machine prepared for you will take about 30 minutes total. For the next two hours, you’ll donate and then have a bite in the refreshment area.

Frequently Asked Questions About Platelet Donation

Now that you know what Plasmapheresis is and how long it takes, at this point, let us learn more about platelet donation by finding out the answers to the most frequently asked questions related to the topic. Read on!


And that is it for “How long does a platelet donation take?” Once again, the maximum hours a platelet donation could take is three hours. It might be time-consuming, but it will be all worth it because someone will have a second chance at life, thanks to you! We hope that we have helped you out.

Four Steps Of Platelet Donation

How does platelet donation work? Platelet donation involves a machine that will extract your blood but only take the platelets and return your blood. On the other hand, there are four steps for platelet donation. Read the article till the end to understand the entire procedure clearly.

Three Important Points For Platelet Donation

Before you undergo platelet donation, you must keep in mind that there are essential points to remember. The process would be crucial as medical experts take out your blood and its transfer to another person’s body, so what you do before donating might affect the quality of your platelets.

What is platelet donation?

Platelets are blood cells that help stop bleeding. And while a whole-blood donation can be broken into components, one of which is platelets, for patient usage, a unit from apheresis platelet donation can yield approximately six times the number of platelets compared to whole-blood-derived platelet donations.

How long can platelets be stored?

Platelets have a shorter shelf life than whole blood, which can be stored at 4 degrees Celsius for up to 42 days. Platelets can only be stored at room temperature, and for only five days. For this reason, it is important that platelet donors come in regularly so there is always a supply for patients who may need it.

How long does it take to recover from apheresis?

This allows more than enough time for their platelet count to recover. An apheresis platelet donation does take more time in the donor chair – up to two hours compared to the approximately ten minutes it takes to draw whole blood. That is because a special machine must be used.

Why is apheresis used?

That is because a special machine must be used. The apheresis machine is used to draw the blood and then separate it into components. It retains the components needed, which in this case is platelets, and returns the rest to the donor’s body.