how many people are signed up to donate their bodies to transplants

by Zaria Hintz 10 min read

More than 155 million people in the US are signed up as organ donors. Organ donation statistics from 2018 show that an average of 58% of the US over the age of 18 were registered as donors. The top three states with the highest percentage of registered donors were Montana (93%), followed by Alaska (92%), and Washington (89%).

There are currently over 106,000 people on the national transplant waiting list. Like America, the list is diverse – it includes people of every age, ethnicity, and gender. You can learn more about the numbers and see specific statistical breakdowns with Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network
Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network
Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network Policies and Reports. The rules of the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) decide how policy is developed, how organs are allocated, and how transplant data is collected. The public helps by submitting comments about the process. › legislation-policy › optn
National Data.
Mar 10, 2022

Full Answer

How many people donate organs?

106,106 Number of men, women, and children on the national transplant waiting list. 17 people die each day waiting for an organ transplant. Every donor can save 8 lives and enhance over 75 more. YOU can help. 40,000+ transplants were performed in 2021. Every 9 minutes another person is added to the transplant waiting list. Detailed Description

How many people need transplants?

Apr 23, 2021 · A total of 22,729 HCTs were performed in the United States and reported to CIBMTR in 2018. Of these, 4,992 (22%) were unrelated transplants and 4,275 (19%) were related transplants. More than two-thirds (68%) of the unrelated transplants and nearly three-quarters (73%) of related transplants were performed using peripheral blood in 2018.

How many people become post-mortem organ donors?

Feb 28, 2020 · More than 155 million people in the US are signed up as organ donors. (Organ Donor) Organ donation statistics from 2018 show that an average of 58% of the US over the age of 18 were registered as donors. The top three states with the highest percentage of registered donors were Montana (93%), followed by Alaska (92%), and Washington (89%).

How does the number of organ donors and transplants change over time?

Mar 05, 2019 · By signing up as an organ donor, you can save lives. “The fact of the matter is, we need more organ donors,” says Kim Olthoff, MD, Chief of the Division of Transplant Surgery. “If more people designate donation on their driver’s licenses, or more people talk about the decision to be an organ donor with their families and loved ones, or ...

What percentage of registered organ donors donate?

According to Donate Life America, while 95 percent of U.S. adults support organ donation, only 54 percent are actual registered donors.Mar 26, 2019

How many living donors are transplanted each year?

Since June 2006, UNOS has provided a patient safety system for transplant hospitals to report medical problems experienced by living donors for two years after the donation surgery....Data on living donation.YearDeceased Donor TransplantsLiving Donor Transplants201932,3227,397201829,6816,849201728,5886,1823 more rows

How many organ donations happen a year?

6,000 organsLiving donors provide on average only around 6,000 organs per year. In the U.S, the most commonly transplanted tissues are bones, tendons, ligaments, skin, heart valves, blood vessels and corneas. Of around 2 million tissue grafts distributed each year, it is thought that only about 1 million grafts are transplanted.

How many organ donors were there in 2019?

7,397 living2019 was a record-setting year for living donation, with 7,397 living donor organ donations performed across the country — far exceeding the 2004 record of 6,992, and increasing the nationwide rate by 5.8 percent.

What organ has the longest waiting list?

Waiting lists As of 2021, the organ with the most patients waiting for transplants in the U.S. was kidneys, followed by livers. Over 100 thousand patients were in need of a kidney at that time.

How many transplants are performed 2020?

A total of 5,725 living donor transplants were performed in 2020, a decrease of 22.6 percent over the record of 7,397 set in 2019. Living donor transplants since June of 2020 have occurred at rates more similar to pre-pandemic activity.Jan 11, 2021

What is the hardest organ to transplant?

Lungs are the most difficult organ to transplant because they are highly susceptible to infections in the late stages of the donor's life. They can sustain damage during the process of recovering them from the donor or collapse after surgeons begin to ventilate them after transplant.May 23, 2019

Which organ is donated the most?

The kidneyThe kidney is the most commonly transplanted organ. More than 16,000 kidney transplantations were performed in the U.S. last year.

What is the most needed organ?

KidneysKidneys: Kidneys are the most needed and most commonly transplanted organ. Kidneys are responsible for filtering waste and excess water from the blood and balancing the body's fluids.Jul 22, 2021

What percentage of the US population has signed up to be an organ donor?

According to a sample of the U.S. population, 90% of adults support organ donation but only 60% are actually signed up as donors. Source: 2019 National Survey of Organ Donation Attitudes and Practices. You're never too old to save lives as a donor.Mar 10, 2022

Does donating a kidney shorten your life?

Living donation does not change life expectancy, and does not appear to increase the risk of kidney failure. In general, most people with a single normal kidney have few or no problems; however, you should always talk to your transplant team about the risks involved in donation.

How many transplants occurred in 2019?

Organ transplants from living donors also established a new all-time record in 2019. The 7,397 total living donor transplants far exceeded the previous record of 6,992 set in 2004. In total, health care teams across the country performed 39,718 transplants with organs from both deceased and living donors.Jan 9, 2020

How many unrelated transplants were performed in 2018?

More than two-thirds (68%) of the unrelated transplants and nearly three-quarters (73%) of related transplants were performed using peripheral blood in 2018.

How many cord blood units are there in 2020?

This total includes nearly 112,000 units from the National Cord Blood Inventory (NCBI), with over 4,000 NCBI units added in 2020. In 2018, 4,992 unrelated and 4,275 related bone marrow and cord blood transplants were performed in the United States and reported to CIBMTR.

How many organs are transplanted every year?

1. Worldwide, more than 145,000 organs are transplanted every year. (Statista) Organ donation statistics worldwide uncover that most of them are kidney transplants (95,479). Liver transplants are the second most common type, with 34,074 transplants performed a year.

How many organ transplants are there worldwide?

Organ donation statistics worldwide uncover that most of them are kidney transplants (95,479). Liver transplants are the second most common type, with 34,074 transplants performed a year. Finally, there are 8,311 heart transplants, 6,475 lung transplants, and 2,338 pancreas transplants.

What are the factors that influence IVF success?

Facts and statistics of organ donation remark some of the factors that influence the success rate of IVF treatment with donor eggs: 1 quality of the donated eggs 2 IVF laboratory experience 3 the procedure itself 4 medical conditions of the future parents.

How many transplants will be performed in 2020?

About 39,000 organ transplantation surgeries were performed in 2020, with many matching a donor of a different ethnicity than that of the recipient. Note that the same ethnicity isn’t a key factor for matching donors and recipients.

How many people were on the liver transplant waiting list in 2014?

Organ transplant statistics remark that, In 2014, an astounding 15,000 people were on the liver transplant waiting list, yet only 7,200 transplants were performed that year. That is primarily because people on the waiting list couldn’t find a liver transplant.

How many people are waiting for organ transplants in 2021?

More than 107,000 people are waiting for an organ transplant. This number includes men, women, and children of every age and ethnicity as of February 2021. Most of these people are aged 50–64, organ donation statistics remark.

What is the difference between a direct and indirect kidney donation?

The first one is the most common. In the case of a direct living donation, a donor names a specific person who will receive the kidney. In contrast, an indirect living donation implies that a donor hasn’t named a specific person, meaning that their kidney will go to the best match.

How many people are on the transplant waiting list in 2021?

The most important fact to know about organ donation is that many people who need a new kidney or liver or heart never get one. According to, about 107,000 adults and children were on the national transplant waiting list as of February 2021, with a person added to the list every nine minutes. And every day, about 17 people in the ...

What is an altruistic donor?

Altruistic donors provide a way for a recipient who does not have any medically appropriate donors to participate in a paired exchange. This may be the only way that a patient is likely to get a transplant. "You'd be surprised how often people simply feel called to donate an organ," Hollinger says. 4.

How long do kidneys last?

Some people have three or four kidneys. Kidneys from deceased donors last for a median of nine years, and kidneys from living donors last for a median of 15 years (although some last much longer). For that reason, some people with kidney disease need more than one transplant in the course of their lives.

What is exchange in healthcare?

Exchanges can involve two sets of donors and recipients or a group of several donor and recipient pairs, sometimes at multiple hospitals across the country. Sometimes, the whole chain starts with an altruistic donor, someone who wants to donate while living without having any connection to a recipient.

Why are new drugs available?

These medicines aim to stop the immune system from attacking the new organ. The availability of new drugs allows better individualization of care and decreases the risk of side effects as well as helping the transplanted organ to function better and longer. "But the immune system is very smart," Hollinger explains.

Do you need more than one organ at a time?

Some people need more than one new organ at the same time — a heart and lungs, for example, or a kidney and a pancreas. Others need different organs at different times in their lives.

Is it safe to donate a kidney?

This is one of the reasons that donating a kidney is safe for the donor . "Donors undergo an extensive medical workup to make sure that their organ function is adequate for donation — not just at the time of surgery, but for the rest of their life," Hollinger explains.

How many people need organ transplants?

Unsettling organ donation statistics reveal that more than a million people worldwide need a transplant in the hope of leading a normal life, but only 10% receive it. These people expect a second chance at life; they want the freedom to travel, meet friends, and have fun, but they can achieve this only by undergoing an organ transplant.

What are the statistics on organ donation?

Statistics on Organ Donation at a Glance 1 1 donor can save up to 8 lives. 2 Living donors account for almost 50% of all kidney transplants. 3 Approximately 95% of Americans support organ donation. 4 3 in 1000 registered people become post-mortem organ donors. 5 Males under 50 accounted for 65% of all deceased donors in 2018. 6 In 2018, there were around 80 organ transplants in the US every day. 7 There are about 6,000 living donations in the US annually. 8 More than 123,000 Americans are on the national transplant waiting list. 9 1 person is included in the national transplant waiting list every 10 minutes. 10 Between 18–22 people die while waiting for an organ donation in the US every day.

What is organ donation?

(WHO) Organ donation is a gratuitous act of donating the organs of a deceased or a healthy person to be used in transplants. The latest transplant stats show that the number of deceased donors exceeds the number of living donors.

How much does it cost to donate a kidney?

Transplant-related costs in the US vary between $5,000–$20,000, and they include lost pay due to the time required for the procedure, recovery, travel, medical expenses, etc. The high costs are the reason for the a decreasing number of living organ donors, especially in low-income countries. Organ donation stats reveal that being a living donor can lead to losing your life insurance coverage or being charged with higher premiums after donating.

Why is liver transplantation important?

This is needed to evaluate and follow up on the functioning of the new organ, the success of the operation, to establish the rules for home recovery, etc.

How many people are on the transplant waiting list?

More than 123,000 Americans are on the national transplant waiting list. 1 person is included in the national transplant waiting list every 10 minutes. Between 18–22 people die while waiting for an organ donation in the US every day.

What organs can be translated into domino?

They include the heart, liver, pancreas, intestines, two kidneys, and lungs. Tissues that can be translated include corneas, tendons, ligaments, bones, skin, veins, heart valves, etc. 5. “Domino” transplantation helps expand the organ donation pool. Here are some facts and statistics on this procedure.

How many people are waiting for transplants?

Nationally, there are more than 120,000 people awaiting transplantation. If it’s hard to imagine what 120,000 people look like, picture a football stadium, completely filled with people and about 20,000 waiting outside. Every day, in the United States, 18 people a day die waiting for an organ to become available.

How many kidneys can be donated to dialysis?

Two people can be freed from dialysis treatments with the donation of two kidneys. A donated liver can be split so that two people receive the gift. In addition, two lungs can give the gift of life to two people and the pancreas and heart can also be donated. When you add it all up: 1 = 8!

When was the first organ transplant at Penn?

Since the Penn Transplant Institute’s first transplant in 1966 , thanks to the generosity of donor families and living donors, more than 10,000 people have benefited from organ donation at Penn. During Donate Life Month each April, we honor all the donors and their families for their life-saving generosity and compassion.

Is organ donation a rare event?

Organ donation is a very rare and special opportunity. Not many people know that approximately two percent of people who pass away will die in a way that allows for organ donation to be a possibility. That’s why adding the donor designation to your driver’s license is so important.

Which country has the highest organ donation rate?

Spain for example, which has the highest organ donation rate of any country in the world, operates an opt-out system which means that a far greater percentage of its population are eligible to donate their organs. A standard way of measuring the rate of donation in a country is per million people.

How many people refuse to donate blood in the UK?

According to NHS Blood and Transplant, 43% of families of potential deceased donors in the UK refuse to allow donation – and sometimes even overturn the recorded wishes of their loved ones.

How often are transplant games held?

This is where the World Transplant Games, which takes place every two years, can make a difference, as it gives people who have received an organ transplant the opportunity to compete and showcase their health, but also raises awareness of the power of donation.

How old is Mike Gibbons?

The 1,500 athletes from 59 countries who will join the games in the North East of England this year will be celebrating their physically active lives, as 83-year old Mike Gibbons will most likely demonstrate 12 years after his kidney transplant.

Is there a shortage of organ donors?

August 20, 2019 10.18am EDT. It’s well known that there’s a worldwide shortage of organ donors. More than 100,000 organ transplants have taken place around the world every year since 2008 but this is way below what’s needed. In the UK, for example, figures show 6,077 people were on the waiting list for an organ transplant in March 2019.

Do games get media coverage?

The games guarantee positive media coverage of a subject that tends to receive little attention. Indeed, the few studies on the prominence of organ donation in the news have found it receives a low amount of attention by mainstream television.

Is presumed consent a cure all?

But while presumed consent is an important step towards increasing the pool of available organs, it is not a cure all. Indeed, recent small growth in the numbers of posthumous donation has not resulted in more transplants.

What happens if you don't donate to the government?

If they don't, the government will cut off their federal funding. This has increased the number of potential and actual donors by a large amount. But nevertheless, unless the potential donor wished to donate or the family feels they wished to be a donor, their tissue and organs cannot be recovered.

How old do you have to be to donate corneal tissue?

The typical eye bank will accept donations from the age of 2 to 70 and donors younger than 2 and older than 70 are helpful for research tissue but not for corneal transplantation. In general, patients receive corneal tissue from donors approximately the same age or younger than themselves.

What is the corneal transplant?

Patients who need a corneal transplant are those who have a disease, scar, or active infection involving the cornea. The cornea is the clear part of the eye much like a watch crystal.

How many corneal surgeries are done in a year?

These are very difficult to use and are still being investigated. Probably no more than 400 or 500 of these procedures are done each year worldwide. It's used where it's impossible to get the donor cornea to take.

When was the first eye bank established?

The first eye bank was established nearly 90 years ago. This procedure has been done routinely since the 1960s. The first eye bank was in Russia in the 1930s. At present, there are more than 44,000 corneal transplants done every year, making it the second-most common transplant after blood donation.

Why isn't everyone getting lasik surgery?

First of all, not everyone will have Lasik surgery because only about 25 percent of the population needs it. At the present time, less than 1 percent of the population who needs Lasik surgery has had it. There will always be people who have not had eye surgery who can be donors.

What part of the eye is used for oculoplastic surgery?

In addition to the cornea, other parts of the eye including the sclera or white part of the eye are used in some types of oculoplastic surgery and in glaucoma surgery. You can be an eye donor and help two or more people.