how much do you have to wait to donate blood

by Ms. Ernestina Beatty Jr. 4 min read

56 days

How long do you have to wait between blood donations?

You must wait at least eight weeks (56 days) between donations of whole blood and 16 weeks (112 days) between Power Red donations. Whole blood donors can donate up to 6 times a year. Platelet apheresis donors may give every 7 days up to 24 times per year.

What are the requirements to donate blood?

You can donate platelets once in a seven day period and up to 24 times a year. You must wait at least 7 days after donating platelets before donating whole blood. After an automated double red cell collection, you must wait 112 days before donating again.

How long does it take to donate a pint of blood?

The short answer to your question is simply that you do not need to wait until the blood test comes back before going ahead and donating blood. When you donate a unit of blood, the American Red Cross automatically performs a whole bunch of tests on the blood to make sure that the unit is safe and acceptable for use. See a doctor who can help. Find Primary care …

How many times can I donate red blood cells?


How often can you give blood in Ireland?

every 90 daysYou can donate every 90 days. When you volunteer to give blood, you will be asked to register your details with the IBTS and to fill in a health and lifestyle questionaire. All the information you give will be treated in the strictest confidence.Oct 3, 2019

How often can you give blood UK?

At the moment in the UK men can give blood every 12 weeks, and women every 16 weeks. This new research demonstrates that, for some individuals, a shorter interval between donations is possible, without any detrimental effect on their health.

How often can you donate blood in Australia?

every 12 weeksSteps to take action You can make a blood donation every 12 weeks, and you can donate plasma every 2 weeks!

How often can you donate blood Canada?

every 56 daysIf you are otherwise eligible to donate, you can donate whole blood every 56 days for males and every 84 days for females. In between your Canadian Blood Services donations, there should be at least one week between an outpatient phlebotomy and your next donation.

Do you get paid for giving blood UK?

In countries such as the UK, where blood donation is entirely voluntary and unpaid, paying for it might seem distasteful or exploitative. But in nations such as the US, Germany, Austria, and certain provinces of Canada, people do indeed get remunerated for giving blood, and business is booming.Nov 15, 2018

Do you get paid to donate blood UK NHS?

You can help save lives by donating blood As a blood donor you will need to complete a 4 hour fasting appointment. You will be paid up to £100 for donating 600 mls of blood or a proportional amount if less blood has been donated, i.e. £50 for 300 mls.

Do you get paid for blood donation in Australian?

First, the Australian Red Cross Blood Service has a monopoly to collect all blood products in Australia. Second, Australia's donors receive no financial compensation.Sep 2, 2018

How much blood do you donate in Australia?

around 470mlDuring a regular donation, you will give around 470ml of whole blood. This is about 8% of the average adult's blood volume. The body replaces this volume within 24 to 48 hours, and replenishes red blood cells in 10 to 12 weeks.

Do you get paid for donating sperm in Australia?

No, you can't be paid to donate sperm in Australia. In Australia it's illegal to be paid for any human tissue — this includes sperm, eggs or embryos.Feb 11, 2021

Do you get paid for donating sperm in Canada?

How much do sperm donors get paid? In Canada, nothing. (Remember, it's illegal to pay donors for semen.) In the U.S., the industry average is about $100 per donation.Apr 7, 2015

Can I drink coffee before donating blood?

Donors should have a healthy meal and drink fluids within four hours before donating. It is best to avoid coffee and caffeinated beverages before donating.

Is giving blood good for you?

Regular blood donation is linked to lower blood pressure and a lower risk for heart attacks. “It definitely helps to reduce cardiovascular risk factors,” says DeSimone.Jan 24, 2022

How does the blood donation process work?

Donating blood is a simple thing to do, but can make a big difference in the lives of others. The donation process from the time you arrive until t...

What should I do after donating blood?

After you give blood:Take the following precautions:Drink an extra four glasses (eight ounces each) of non-alcoholic liquids.Keep your bandage on a...

Will it hurt when you insert the needle?

Only for a moment. Pinch the fleshy, soft underside of your arm. That pinch is similar to what you will feel when the needle is inserted.

How long does a blood donation take?

The entire process takes about one hour and 15 minutes; the actual donation of a pint of whole blood unit takes eight to 10 minutes. However, the t...

How long will it take to replenish the pint of blood I donate?

The plasma from your donation is replaced within about 24 hours. Red cells need about four to six weeks for complete replacement. That’s why at lea...

Why does the Red Cross ask so many personal questions when I give blood?

The highest priorities of the Red Cross are the safety of the blood supply and our blood donors. Some individuals may be at risk of transferring co...

How often can I donate blood?

You must wait at least eight weeks (56 days) between donations of whole blood and 16 weeks (112 days) between Power Red donations. Platelet apheres...

Who can donate blood?

In most states, donors must be age 17 or older. Some states allow donation by 16-year-olds with a signed parental consent form. Donors must weigh a...

Are guests or kids allowed to come to blood drives or donation centers with a donor?

During this coronavirus outbreak, the Red Cross is not allowing guests including children to enter a blood drive or center to ensure we can maintai...

What is apheresis?

Apheresis is the process by which platelets and other specific blood components (red cells or plasma) are collected from a donor. The word “apheres...

How long after birth can you donate blood?

You must wait 6 weeks after giving birth to donate blood. This includes a miscarriage or abortion. Travel to countries with high malaria risks. Though travel abroad doesn’t automatically make you ineligible, there are some restrictions that you should discuss with your blood donation center.

How old do you have to be to donate blood?

According to the American Red Cross, there are some criteria with regard to who can donate blood. In most states, you must be at least 17 years old to donate platelets or plasma and at least 16 years old to donate whole blood. Younger donors may be eligible in certain states if they’ve a signed parental consent form.

How long does it take for blood to replenish?

The time it takes to replenish blood from a blood donation can vary from person to person. Your age, height, weight, and overall health all play a role. According to the American Red Cross, plasma is generally replenished within 24 hours, while red blood cells return to their normal levels within 4 to 6 weeks.

What to eat before blood donation?

Eat well. Eating foods rich in iron and vitamin C before you donate will help make up for the drop in iron levels that can happen with a blood donation. Vitamin C can help your body absorb plant-based iron from foods such as: beans and lentils. nuts and seeds. leafy greens, like spinach, broccoli, and collards.

How often can you donate red blood cells?

Whole blood contains red cells, white cells, and platelets all suspended in a liquid called plasma. According to the American Red Cross, most people can donate whole blood every 56 days.

How often can you donate platelets?

Platelets are cells that help form blood clots and control bleeding. People can usually donate platelets once every 7 days, up to 24 times a year. Plasma-only donations can typically be done once every 28 days, up to 13 times a year.

How does a sterile needle work?

A new sterile needle will then be inserted into a vein in your arm, and blood will start to flow into a collection pouch. While your blood is being drawn, you can relax. Some blood centers show movies or have a television playing to keep you distracted.

How long does it take to donate blood?

Donation. Refreshments. While the whole process, from the time you get to the facility to the time you leave, can take about an hour, the actual donation itself may take as little as 8-10 minutes.

How long after blood donation can you drink?

There aren’t any lasting side effects, but you may temporarily: Need to hydrate. Drink more non-alcoholic beverages for 24-48 hours after you donate blood.

Why do people donate blood?

There are also potential benefits for people who regularly donate blood: Lower iron levels in blood. This is a plus if your iron levels are too high. Donating blood removes some red blood cells, which carry iron throughout your body. Better cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Can you donate blood to a tattoo?

Tattoos, in most states, aren’t a barrier to giving blood, provided that the tattoo artist followed good safety practices (like using sterile needles and not reusing ink). A few states may require a waiting period between when you get a tattoo and when you donate blood, but in general, it’s not an issue. 3. Donation.

How long do you have to wait to donate blood?

Platelets. You can donate platelets once in a seven day period and up to 24 times a year. You must wait at least 7 days after donating platelets before donating whole blood. After an automated double red cell collection, you must wait 112 days before donating again. In any eight (8) week period, you can make one blood donation ...

Do you have to wear a mask at MSK?

Masks Are Still Required at MSK. Patients and visitors must continue to wear masks while at MSK, including people who are fully vaccinated. MSK is offering COVID-19 vaccines to all patients age 12 and over. To schedule or learn more, read this. About Us /.

What is automated blood donation?

Automated technology allows donors to give twice the amount of their red cells than compared to a whole blood donation. Automation enables us to collect only the most needed component (s) of the donor’s blood. Red blood cells are the most transfused blood product.

What is double red blood cell donation?

When donating double red blood cells we only collect your red blood cells and not your platelets or plasma. This type of donation is done using a process called automation (sometimes referred to as apheresis). Automated technology allows donors to give twice the amount of their red cells than compared to a whole blood donation.


Routine blood test was done at my doctor's office during a check-up. Its a couple of days later and they are doing a blood drive at my work. Is it safe to donate blood? Do I have to wait a certain amount of time?


First of all, thank you for considering donating blood.

Need more info?

Zocdoc Answers is for general informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor (in the United States) 911 immediately. Always seek the advice of your doctor before starting or changing treatment.

How old do you have to be to donate blood?

Blood donors must be at least 16 years old, weigh at least 110 pounds, and not have donated blood within the last 56 days. Sixteen year olds must present a signed parental permission form. People age 76 and older can donate blood if they meet all criteria and present a physician’s letter.

How long after donating blood can you donate plasma?

Yes, you can donate whole blood 28 days after your plasma donation. You can donate plasma 28 days after a whole blood donation. If you have any other question that is not answered here, please feel free to call us at 1-800-933-BLOOD (2566).

How often can you donate platelets?

You can donate platelets up to 24 times each year and whole blood every 56 days. Donor eligibility guidelines are the same for both whole blood and platelets except platelet donors must refrain from aspirin or products containing aspirin for 48 hours prior to donation. Plasma Questions.

How does a centrifuge work?

The blood then literally ‘takes a spin’ in a centrifuge to separate your plasma from other blood components. The plasma is collected in a separate bag and the remainder of your blood is returned to you. This cycle is repeated several times to generate the required volume of plasma.

Can you donate blood to a charity?

Yes, whenever you donate blood, you always have the thanks of grateful patients who receive your products. If you’d like your donation to do a double good, visit the Charitable Organizations page and select the option to donate your points to a charitable organization. You may donate as few as 500 points.
