how often can i donate my eggs

by Kenneth Lesch 4 min read

six times

How to get paid for donating your eggs?

Apr 09, 2019 · Its guidelines recommend egg donors donate no more than six times in their lifetime. If a donor’s eggs result in 25 family units, however, that donor won’t be able to cycle again even if she hasn’t yet completed six cycles (This would be a rare occurrence; in fact, it has yet to happen at Fairfax EggBank).

What are the requirements to become an egg donor?

How Often Can I Donate My Eggs? - Duke Fertility Center trend Egg donors can have one recipient family per treatment cycle. The recipient family may have an average of 1 to 3 children. Limiting the number of donations a woman makes helps to decrease possible risks of donor-conceived children accidentally meeting up with each other.

What are the requirements for donating an egg?

Nov 14, 2016 · Answers from doctors (1) It is not usually recommended to be a donor with more than one program because it limits your availability in situations like this. You should discuss with the clinic for the next cycle how long they would like you to wait before donating again.

What are the qualifications for donating eggs?

Sperm banks also have a limit to the amount of times you can donate, though it varies from place the place. The guidelines stated by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine suggest a donor limitation to 25 live births per population area of 850,000. 5. to donate eggs, you need to undergo a series of psychological and physical screenings.


How long do I have to wait between egg donation cycles?

A. From the day you are chosen by a recipient, to the day of your egg retrieval is approximately 2 1/2 months. The calendar for egg donation cycles also depends on your availability and the timing of your menstrual cycle.

Why can't I donate eggs more than 6 times?

Q: Why the limit to six donations? A: While the American Society of Reproductive Medicine has found no reason to believe that egg donation can have negative long term effects, our goal is to protect donors like you from potential health risks. Egg donors can have one recipient family per treatment cycle.Mar 6, 2017

Are there long term effects of donating eggs?

Egg donors have reported long-term effects including aggressive breast cancer, loss of fertility, and fatal colon cancer, sometimes occurring just a few years after donation. Without any family history of these illnesses, they suspect their egg donation as the cause.Oct 9, 2020

What disqualifies an egg donor?

Potential candidates can be disqualified from being an egg donor for several reasons, including lifestyle habits (e.g. smoking, history of drug use), health concerns (irregular periods, obesity, genetic disorders, etc.), usage of certain types of contraception (e.g. Depo-Provera), and the inability to commit to ...

Is donating your eggs painful?

While there are some risks and discomfort that can occur during the egg donation procedure, the process is generally painless and safe. It helps a lot if you know you're working with a top-tier organization that will make your health and safety a priority throughout the entire process.Feb 19, 2020

Are egg donors biological mothers?

When donor eggs are used, the recipient is the biological mother of the child, but has no genetic relationship. Her partner (or sperm donor) has both a biological and genetic relationship to the child.

Does the baby look like the egg donor?

The Genetics of a Donor Egg Because a donor egg won't share any of its genes with its intended mother, there's a chance the baby will not resemble its mother. However, if her partner's sperm was used, the baby may look like its father because they share the same genetics.Jul 23, 2019

How much my eggs are worth?

Our current egg donation compensation for your time, commitment and services is $8,000 on average for a completed egg donor cycle (i.e. retrieval of eggs). You can earn up to $14,000 depending on your qualifications and the number of eggs you produce.Dec 10, 2020

Frequency of Egg Donation

Many women choose to donate their eggs more than once because they have found the process a highly rewarding experience. Growing Generations has guidelines in place regarding the number of times and how often a woman can donate her eggs to help an individual or couple build or grow a family.

How Many Times Can You Donate Eggs?

Growing Generations allows women to donate their eggs up to six times in their lifetime, a guideline established by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Although there are no known negative medical side effects to giving eggs more than this, our policy protects egg donors from potential health risks.

How Often Can You Donate Eggs?

We require that egg donors have two regular menstrual cycles in between donation cycles. Our team will gather medical records and doctor recommendation forms to make sure there are no medical concerns when you’re going through the process for a repeat time.

Want To Get Started? Have More Research To Do?

Let us do the work for you. Click below to have us contact you to book a free consultation or financial analysis, or to answer any questions you have.

Answers from doctors (1)

It is not usually recommended to be a donor with more than one program because it limits your availability in situations like this. You should discuss with the clinic for the next cycle how long they would like you to wait before donating again.

Related Questions for Egg Donation

As a 40 year old woman is it too late to donate my eggs? Are there any complications involved with egg donation when you are an older individual?

How Many Eggs Do I Donate?

When you first start thinking about being an egg donor, it’s totally normal to have a lot of questions. Egg donation isn’t something that’s talked about a lot, and when it does show up in the media or in pop culture, the details are sometimes pretty sketchy. As a result, there are quite a few myths and mysteries around this topic.

Ovaries, follicles, and eggs: the facts

The most important thing to know is that you don’t lose any more eggs in the egg donation process than you would in a natural cycle. Your ovarian reserve and future fertility are unaffected. We’ve written another post for you with all the scientific info behind this if you want to check it out in detail:

You can even donate more than once

Because donating your eggs doesn’t diminish your ovarian reserve, it’s completely safe to donate more than one time. In fact, you can donate up to six times! There are a couple of reasons that the number of donations is capped at six:

The measure of life is what you have done for others

Helping someone experience the miracle of life by becoming an egg donor is an extraordinary feeling—it’s not just a process you go through­—but an experience knowing you are helping build families.

Give Hope. Make a Difference

When you choose to donate your eggs, you are performing a great act of empathy and compassion. Many egg donors understand the struggles an individual or couple may go through in attempts to start a family, and they want to help.

Benefits of being an Egg Donor

When you choose to donate your eggs, you are performing a great act of empathy and compassion. Couples facing infertility, LGBTQ+ couples, single parents, and others often require the assistance of an egg donor to have a child.

Getting Started

Be very thorough with your answers. Not only will it make your profile stand out, but we need as much genetic information as possible about you and your family in order to determine if you are eligible to donate. This includes information about your parents, both pairs of your grandparents, and any siblings.


Once you have created your own personal account, you will be able to log in at your convenience and fill out the formal egg donor application. Any information you enter will be saved, enabling you to come back and complete the formal application as time permits.
