how often should you donate blood while on testosterone

by Mrs. Abigayle Brekke 6 min read

Depending on your situation there are a few options. If you are “self medicated” your option is maximum every 8 weeks (Free Service). If you have a doctor script for testosterone this will depend on your doctor. If your doctor thinks it necessary he or she may write you a script for therapeutic blood donation as often as every 4 weeks.

Hereditary hemochromatosis donors and donors taking testosterone will be allowed to donate blood more often than every eight weeks, and their blood will be used for transfusion if suitable.

Full Answer

Can I donate blood if I have testosterone?

Current Canadian guidelines recommend regular laboratory monitoring and discontinuing TRT or reducing the dose if the hematocrit exceeds 54% (hemoglobin ≥180 g/L). This threshold has been interpreted by some physicians and patients to indicate the need for phlebotomy or blood donation while on TRT.

How often can I donate blood?

Jun 06, 2016 · Secondly, giving blood stimulates the production of new red blood cells. Again, younger cells promote lower blood viscosity due to their pliability and reduced tendency to clump. Make Blood Donation a Key Part of Your Testosterone Treatment. For many men, doing testosterone replacement stimulates bone marrow to generate more red blood cells.

How often can I Donate my testosterone?

Hereditary hemochromatosis donors and donors taking testosterone will be allowed to donate blood more often than every eight weeks, and their blood will be used for transfusion if suitable. All donations from these individuals qualify to earn rewards points .

How often can a doctor write a script for blood donation?

Feb 21, 2022 · High hematocrit can be lowered by blood donation or therapeutic phlebotomies (ordered by your doctor if you are not allowed to donate blood at a blood bank due to exclusion criteria). Just be careful: Do not donate blood more frequently than every 2 months since this can deplete your iron stores and make you tired.

Do you have to give blood while on testosterone?

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has deemed that blood collected from people receiving testosterone replacement therapy is safe and fit to be given to patients who need red blood cells.Jan 5, 2016

How often should bodybuilders donate blood?

Give every 8 weeks to make sure you do your part to keep the supply plentiful! Different blood types help different people.Jul 18, 2018

Can I donate blood while on steroids?

Illegal Drug Use. You may not donate blood if you have used illegal intravenous drugs or if you take anabolic steroids intravenously (unless you have a doctor's prescription) in the past 3 months.

Is it good to donate blood while on steroids?

Illicit Drugs or Anabolic Steroids: Individuals who have used illicit drugs or anabolic steroids should not donate blood due to the risk of transmitting latent blood-borne diseases such as HIV that may not be immediately detected.Feb 18, 2015

What is the hematocrit of a man?

For men, hematocrit should be between 45 to 52%. If hematocrit rises above this level due to overproduction of red blood cells, blood flow will be restricted. Another factor that can affect the flow of blood is how old your red blood cells are. Younger cells are both more pliable and less “sticky” than older cells.

What is blood viscosity?

Blood viscosity is a measure of how easy or difficult it is for blood to flow through your body. To illustrate the point, think of blood with low viscosity as being like red wine, and think of blood with high viscosity as being more like ketchup.

Does testosterone increase hematocrit?

For many men, doing testosterone replacement stimulates bone marrow to generate more red blood cells. If not properly managed, this can increase hematocrit. This is why at Renew Man™ we monitor hematocrit at regular intervals during testosterone treatment, and recommend blood donation if appropriate. This approach enables men to enjoy the benefits of testosterone replacement, while simultaneously protecting them from the detrimental effects of high blood viscosity.

Is blood viscosity a risk factor for heart attacks?

Medical research has proven that blood viscosity is a key risk marker for heart attacks and strokes. It has actually been shown to be a much more reliable predictor of heart disease than serum cholesterol levels. By giving blood regularly, you can lower your systolic blood viscosity by 20%, and reduce your risk of heart attack by up to 88%.

What is the normal range of testosterone?

The whole point of TRT is to increase your testosterone levels. A normal testosterone range is anywhere from 350 to 1070 ng/dL. Low testosterone can cause low mood, sex drive, fatigue and other symptoms.

What happens if you don't have enough red blood cells?

Without enough red blood cells (a condition known as anemia), your body suffers from oxygen and nutrient deprivation. On the flip side, too many red blood cells cause high hematocrit that can turn your blood into a thick slurry that can seriously affect your circulation.

What is pre treatment testing?

Pre-treatment testing provides doctors with baseline values to diagnose hypogonadism (low testosterone) and asses overall health. Baseline tests are also conducted during TRT as well, ensuring that doctors can adjust TRT dose and catch side effects before they become an issue.

Why is ferritin low?

Ferritin is a protein that is responsible for storing iron and releasing it when your body needs to produce red blood cells. If you suffer from an iron deficiency, ferritin levels are likely to be low. Ferritin levels also fall when you give blood (a common method of lowering hematocrit).

What is the hematocrit of the blood?

Hematocrit refers to the proportion or percentage of red blood cells present in your total blood volume. Your red blood cells are responsible for transporting oxygen and nutrients throughout your body. Without enough red blood cells (a condition known as anemia), your body suffers from oxygen and nutrient deprivation.

How to lower hematocrit?

High hematocrit can be lowered by blood donation or therapeutic phlebotomies (ordered by your doctor if you are not allowed to donate blood at a blood bank due to exclusion criteria). Just be careful: Do not donate blood more frequently than every 2 months since this can deplete your iron stores and make you tired.

How much GFR is healthy?

A healthy GFR is anywhere from 90 to 120 mL/min/1.73 m2. Senior citizens will often have lower GFR levels, due to the fact that kidney function decreases with age.

Why is it important to get blood work done?

This is why it is so important even If you feel great and look amazing on the outside there may be things going on on the inside you aren’t aware of that could be detrimental to your health.

How to keep blood from thickening?

Below are natural things you can do to keep things like thick blood at bay. 1 Drink LOTS of water! I’m at a min of a gal per day. While I’m on cycle I try my hardest to get no less than 1.5 gal per day. Do this and you’ll be half way there. 2 Take Omega-3 supplements. The dose usu­ally recommended to prevent stroke and coronary disease is 1,000 mg daily of DHA and EPA. 3 B vitamins. Numerous studies have shown that regular intake of folic acid and other B vitamins can reduce the risk for ischemic stroke by about one-fifth. Low levels of these vitamins can lead to abnormally high levels of homocysteine, which damage blood vessels. If you have elevated levels of homocysteine, use a formula desig­nated on the label as a homocysteine formula that includes folic acid and vitamins B-6 and B-12. 4 Vitamin E. Vitamin E is a natural blood thinner. Dose: 1,200 interna­tional units (IU) to 2,000 IU daily of a vitamin E supplement. Look for a brand that says “mixed vitamin E” or lists all eight tocopherols and tocotri­enols on the label. 5 Coated Aspirin. While this will not “fix” thick blood issues, it is a blood thinner and reduce blood thickness, however this will not change your hemoglobin number results. Daily does approx. 300mg

Why is my blood thick?

The obvious reasons for thick blood being an issue is blood clotting and heart attack risk. This isn’t “normal” per say but it is a very common side effect of using things like AAS and being on TRT. This is why it is so important to get blood work done and monitor yourself. These are things you will NOT feel.

What vitamins are good for stroke?

B vitamins. Numerous studies have shown that regular intake of folic acid and other B vitamins can reduce the risk for ischemic stroke by about one-fifth. Low levels of these vitamins can lead to abnormally high levels of homocysteine, which damage blood vessels.

How many IU of vitamin E is in a day?

Dose: 1,200 interna­tional units (IU) to 2,000 IU daily of a vitamin E supplement. Look for a brand that says “mixed vitamin E” or lists all eight tocopherols and tocotri­enols on the label. Coated Aspirin.

What is the normal range of hemoglobin?

Normal ranges of hemoglobin will range from. MEN: 13.5 to 17.5 grams per deciliter (g/dl) WOMEN: 12.1 to 15.5 grams per deciliter (g/dl) High ranges will be is the ranges of hemoglobin will range. It’s not uncommon to have high ranges from 18 to 26. THIS IS HIGH BUT NOT UNCOMMON.

How does the things we put into our bodies affect us?

We can get a different car, a different place to live, different electronics , yet so many people are pre occupied with maintaining those less important tasks while ignoring the biggest gift they have every been given, The most complex machine in the world, their own human body.