RELATED: How Eating Organic Can Protect Your Sperm Health Among white donors, they also require their donors to be taller than 5'10". For other ethnicities, including Hispanic and Asian, the height requirement is less stringent because there are fewer applicants.
Having a sexually transmitted disease will disqualify you from sperm donor programs. At FCC, we test potential donors for HIV, chlamydia, gonorrhea, hepatitis, syphilis, and more before they are allowed to donate. You have a genetic condition or other medical concerns.
The height requirements are all about supply and demand. If you can get a significant percentage of the populace wanting shorter children, then you would have a demand for the sperm of shorter men. Sperm banks guarantee lack of disease in both the donor and his family history.
The law gives protected status to sperm donors, so that they cannot be held legally or financially responsible for any child conceived as a result of their donation.
While Seattle Sperm Donor does not disqualify men who use marijuana from joining our program, it's important to understand that regular marijuana use can damage sperm health. This can affect whether you are selected as a sperm donor as well as your future plans for starting a family of your own.
Most sperm banks prefer ages 18 to 35. Height- Most sperm bank clients prefer to have taller children and some are willing to pay more for a donor that is 6′ tall in order to increase the chances of having a tall child. The average height requirements for sperm banks vary from 5'8” or even taller.
MYTH: Sperm from tall, attractive men is the most desirable. Brown said that donors who have light eyes, brown hair and are above 6 feet tend to sell a little faster and better — with height consistently being an important factor in donor selection. But that's not the perfect donor for everyone.Jan 18, 2019
California Cryobank (CCB) reimburses your time and expenses with compensation of up to $1,500/month. Additionally, our sperm donors also receive periodic incentives such as movie tickets or gift certificates for extra time and effort expended by participants.