how to donate at a sperm bank

by Dr. Grace Emmerich MD 8 min read

  1. Age. Most sperm banks require donors to be between the ages of 18 and 39. ...
  2. Physical exam. The exam will include taking samples of your blood and urine to test for infectious diseases, such as HIV. ...
  3. Semen testing. ...
  4. Genetic testing. ...
  5. Family medical history. ...
  6. Psychological evaluation. ...
  7. Personal and sexual history.
Jul 28, 2020

How do they collect sperm at a sperm bank?

Sperm Donor Screening Process: Once you pass the first application round, you’ll meet with our sperm bank near you for donor screening. You will provide 3-4 semen samples over 3 weeks, complete an on-site interview, physical, and additional screening.

How much money can I get for donating sperm?

Feb 18, 2016 · “A sperm bank spends anywhere from $3,000 to $5,000 qualifying a donor,” Brown says. “So the cost to maintain a donor catalogue is pretty high.” Will …

How much does it cost to donate sperm?

Earn up to $1400 a month as a sperm donor. Donate Sperm in Atlanta, Athens, Marietta, Augusta & Charlotte. Apply online today!

How much do sperm banks pay?

Sperm banks have a vital part to play in the fertility process for many individuals and couples who are struggling to conceive. But there is still some taboo around the idea of donating and collecting sperm. Men who donate worry about what the process will involve and how it will make them feel.


Why do people donate sperm?

Sperm donation is done to help an individual or a couple conceive a baby. You might choose to make a sperm donation to help those who are unable to conceive — such as a woman who doesn't have a male partner or a couple experiencing male infertility. If you donate semen to a sperm bank, you'll likely be paid for each donation ...

What is a blood sample analyzed for?

The samples will be analyzed for sperm quantity, quality and movement. Genetic testing. A blood sample will be analyzed to see if you're a carrier of any genetic conditions. Ask individual sperm banks which tests they perform, as some banks conduct more-extensive testing than others. Family medical history.

Can sperm be frozen?

Sperm samples from some men are more susceptible to damage during the freezing process than are others. Damage caused by the freezing process can also differ among samples from the same donor. If your sperm meet the quality standards, you'll be selected as a donor.

Can a man donate sperm?

A man who makes a sperm donation can be known or anonymous to the recipient. Sperm donations made to a known recipient are called directed donations. Before you can donate sperm, you must be screened for medical conditions and other risk factors. It's also important to understand the possible emotional, psychological and legal issues ...

How to Donate Sperm with Fairfax Cryobank

As you prepare to apply for our sperm donation program, you will likely have plenty of questions, ranging from how much do sperm donors get paid, to how flexible is the schedule, and what sort of time commitment am I making? For potential sperm donors who wonder how you become a Fairfax Cryobank sperm donor, we outlined 3 simple steps below.

Step 1

Fill out our initial application questionnaire to see if you meet our sperm donor requirements.

Step 2

Once you pass the first application round, you’ll meet with our sperm bank near you for donor screening. You will provide 3-4 semen samples over 3 weeks, complete an on-site interview, physical, and additional screening.

Step 3

After you are accepted into the sperm donor program, you’ll visit 1-2 times a week for donation appointments.

How long does it take to donate sperm?

After you’re cleared—which can take a couple months—it’s almost time to donate. But first, you have to abstain from sex or masturbating for 2 to 3 days to keep your sperm count high. Ejaculation depletes your sperm, so you need some time to build the quantity back up for best results, says Brown.

Is it easy to donate sperm?

Donating sperm seems easy: Walk into a clinic, ejaculate into a cup, make a quick buck. But it isn’t that simple. The entire donation process is more complicated and time-consuming than you’d expect. “There are major responsibilities that come with being a sperm donor,” says Grace Centola, Ph.D., the laboratory director and tissue bank director ...

What is a sperm bank?

Sperm banks are facilities where sperm is donated, analysed and stored. Sperm is stored by a special solution and carefully frozen in liquid nitrogen to keep it intact and viable for use in the future. Sperm can be tested and used almost immediately or stored for long periods of time before use. Sperm banks may collect donations from men who simply ...

Why do men donate sperm?

Men may choose to donate sperm for altruistic reasons, to help families who have fertility problems or to store their own sperm for later use. Men who have a low sperm count or are about to undergo medical procedures that could impact their fertility may choose to store their healthy sperm for the future in case of fertility problems.

Can you be anonymous in the UK?

In the UK and Australia, things work a little differently. The laws in these countries means that donors cannot be anonymous, although any children born as a result of a sperm donation won’t be able to contact them until after their 18th birthday.

Is sperm bank regulated?

The truth is that sperm banks around the world are tightly regulated and controlled, with rigorous quality procedures in place. The best way to break down taboos around sperm banks is to learn more about how they operate and how sperm is collected. We have brought together everything you need to know about sperm banks, below.

What is sperm donation?

Sperm donation involves voluntarily giving your sperm to a sperm bank or a CyroBank in exchange of money or free of cost. The female equivalent of this would be egg donation. If you want to make money fast or if you need to make money urgently, donating your sperm could be a legitimate option to consider.

What is a sperm bank?

A sperm bank is a facility where sperm collection, freezing and storage takes place. The sperm bank is also called as a cryo-bank, and this process is known as cryo-banking. You can either donate sperm for others to use or hire them to store your sperm for your own future use.

How old do you have to be to donate sperm?

You need to be between 18-39 years old to donate sperm. The age limit might differ with sperm banks. Your height should be at least 5’7 for getting qualified to donate sperm. Most sperm banks demand this requirement. If chosen, then you must be ready to undergo regular screening and donation for months.

Is it legal to donate sperm?

Yes, sperm donation is completely legal. To answer the second part, no, it is not looked down upon. If you read why people donate sperm, you will understand the it helps people and many couples who want to have kids but can’t. Not only can you earn money donating sperm, it is also a noble thing to do!

How long is a TSBC blood test quarantined?

In accordance with federal and state regulations, all TSBC program donors’ samples are quarantined for 6 months. You will be required to return to our offices for a final blood test 6 months after your last collection appointment. Program donors receive a $500 bonus payment after the exit blood testing.

How to do a STD test?

In addition to producing one sample a week, other steps during this phase include the following: 1 You will have lab appointments for STD testing and screening for genetic diseases. 2 You will complete a detailed personal and family health history form which will be reviewed with you by a genetic counselor. [Read more about the importance of family health history] 3 You will write a personal narrative and provide a baby photo. 4 You will have multiple interviews with our Healthworkers. 5 You will have a medical examination.
