how to donate bone marrow for money

by Shannon Shields 7 min read

How much does it cost to donate bone marrow?

Jun 15, 2012 · Whole Blood Donation: $25-$50; Bone Marrow/PBSC Donation: $250; White Blood Cells (Apheresis): $100; Mobilized White Blood Cells (Apheresis) Collection: $200 after the first set of injections; $350 for each white blood cell donation thereafter. Specialized Blood: $50

What are the criteria for donating bone marrow?

Sep 24, 2019 · Where to Donate Bone Marrow for Money Fred Hutch . Fred Hutch is located in Seattle, Washington. It’s the only location in America that pays a set price for marrow donations. For non-mobilized donors, you receive $300. For mobilized donors, you receieve $800. You receive your compensation by check.

What is the average life expectancy after bone marrow transplant?

If you are between the ages of 18-40, committed to donating to any patient in need, and meet the health guidelines, there are two ways to join. Join in-person at a donor registry drive in your community. Be The One to Save a Life ®. Find a donor registry drive. Or join online today:

What is the procedure for donating bone marrow?

Sep 30, 2017 · How to Donate Bone Marrow for Money. Locate a scientific research group accepting bone marrow in exchange for financial compensation. Contact major medical centers or search the U.S. National...


What are the requirements to be a bone marrow donor?

How old do you have to be to donate bone marrow? A person must be at least 18 to donate because donation is a medical procedure and the person must be able to give legal informed consent. Also, because it's a voluntary procedure a guardian or parent can't sign a release or give consent for someone under age 18.

What are the side effects of being a bone marrow donor?

The risks of this type of stem cell donation are minimal. Before the donation, you'll get injections of a medicine that increases the number of stem cells in your blood. This medicine can cause side effects, such as bone pain, muscle aches, headache, fatigue, nausea and vomiting.May 30, 2020

How much is bone marrow worth per gram?

Bone Marrow: $23,700 (per gram my homie) Bone marrow is used for transplants and there is a large demand for it.Sep 3, 2021

What disqualifies you from donating marrow?

Chronic neck, back, hip, or spine pain Common back problems such as sprains, strains and aches may not interfere with a bone marrow donation. However, you are not able to join if you have on-going, chronic, significant pain areas of the neck, back, hip, or spine that: Interferes with your daily activities AND.

How painful is donating bone marrow?

Some donors said the experience was more painful than they expected; others said it was less painful. Some donors describe the pain as similar to achy hip bones or falling on their buttocks. Others say it feels more like a strained muscle in the back. The ache may last a few days to several weeks.

Is be the match Real?

​ Be The Match is operated by the National Marrow Donor Program® (NMDP), a nonprofit organization that matches patients with donors, educates health care professionals and conducts research through its research program, CIBMTR® (Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research®), so more lives can be saved ...

How much is a human finger worth?

Why is a thumb worth more than a finger?Body part lostCompensationFoot$82,000Eye$64,000Thumb$35,000First finger$18,4008 more rows•Jun 11, 2002

Can I sell my pee for money?

The Payout. The going rate appears to be about $20 per ounce — and possibly jail time. Whether it's a tiny condo in a bad part of town or a bag of someone else's urine, if there's enough demand for something, it will become valuable.Oct 28, 2014

Can you sell your bone marrow?

Bone marrow As a rule, it's illegal to sell or purchase organs within the US, a rule came about to prevent wealthy from purchasing organs from their limited supply. A federal court ruled, however, that paying for bone marrow donations is allowed in nine states covered by the ninth circuit court.Jan 31, 2014

Can you donate bone marrow if you have a tattoo?

Tattoos & piercings shouldn't be an issue. If you're called to be a donor, you will be carefully evaluated for possible signs/symptoms of infection. If you are identified as a match for someone and you got a piercing or a tattoo within the last four months, you'd need to let our team know.

How many times can you be a bone marrow donor?

Q: How many times can I donate? A: Because your marrow and blood stem cells completely regenerate, you can technically donate several times in your life. It is rare to come up as a match for several people. You may never get called as a potential match or you might get called once or twice in your lifetime.

What can I donate to make money?

You'll get some fast cash, and, in some cases, your assets are renewable.Donate Plasma. One of the easiest ways to make some cash regularly from your body is to donate plasma. ... Sell Your Hair. There is actually a market for human hair. ... Donate Bone Marrow. ... Donate Sperm. ... Donate Eggs. ... Paid Testing. ... Join a Focus group.Mar 7, 2022

What Is Donated Bone Marrow Used For?

There are many reasons why somebody might need a bone marrow transplant.

What Are The Requirements For Donating Bone Marrow?

Not everyone is able to donate their bone marrow, as there are some guidelines that need to be kept in mind.

What Should You Bring with You to the Donation Center?

There isn’t really anything you need to take with, especially if you’re doing the surgical procedure.

Bone Marrow Donation Process

Before you donate, you’ll go through an information session in which the potential risks and side effects will be detailed. You will also be told about the entire process. Usually, the meeting is about 1 1/2 hours. During this period, you’re able to ask any questions or raise any concerns before moving on with the process.

Are There Side Effects & Risks?

There are risks associated with PBSC, but less than 1% of donors experience any serious complications.

Bone Marrow Donation Recovery

Generally, for donations through both PBSC and surgery, you’re able to return to your daily tasks, such as work, school, etc. within a few days. But you might have a bit of discomfort.

How Often Can I Donate Bone Marrow?

Since your bone marrow and stem cells are able to regenerate completely, you’re able to donate various times throughout your lifetime. It takes 4-6 weeks for your bone marrow to fully return, and only a couple of days for the stem cells.

Join Be The Match Registry

The first step to being someone's cure is to join Be The Match Registry ®. If you are between the ages of 18-44, committed to donating to any patient in need, and meet the health guidelines, there are two ways to join.

Possible match for a patient in need of a bone marrow transplant

When you join Be The Match Registry, your tissue type is added to the registry. It’s not a marrow donation; you don't actually donate until you are a match for a patient. Learn more about what it means to be a possible match for a patient.

Donation process

If you are chosen as the best match for a patient, the patient’s doctor will request that you donate either bone marrow or peripheral blood stem cells (PBSC). Find out more about the donation process.

After you donate

After bone marrow or PBSC donation, most donors are back to their normal routine in a few days. Learn more about the recovery process and the guidelines for contacting your recipient after donation.

Donor safety and support

At Be The Match our goal is to find a cure for patients and protect the safety of both patients and donors. This includes promoting donor advocacy and offering support and education throughout the entire donation process. Find out more about donor safety and support.

Other ways to be the cure

There are many other ways you can be the cure for patients with blood cancers.


Check out FAQs about donation or call us at 1 (800) MARROW2 for more information about bone marrow donation.

What is Bone Marrow?

Bone Marrow is a soft fatty substance that’s found in the cavities of some bones, including the hip and thigh bones.

Where Can You Get Paid for Donating Bone Marrow?

Here’s the deal, donors never pay to donate marrow and are never paid to give it either.

Donation FAQs

Donating is something that a lot of people have questions about. And that’s to be expected.

What Can You Donate for Cash?

While marrow donation may not pay, there are plenty of other things you can donate for money, including:

Other (Legal & Easier) Ways to Earn Cash

Also, there are plenty of other things you can do to make cash, other than donating stuff.

Final Thoughts

Donating bone marrow can save people’s lives so it’s something that everyone should consider.

General Donations

Donations to the Leukemia/Bone Marrow Transplant Program can be made through the VGH/UBC Hospital Foundation.

Organizing Fundraising Events

If you are interested in organizing an event to benefit the Leukemia/Bone Marrow Transplant Program, please click here to send us an email so we can provide assistance.

Bruce Denniston Bone Marrow Society

Many organizations raise money for research into an eventual cure. The Bruce Denniston Society raises money for patients who need help NOW. Since 1998, the Society has provided supplementary funding to the Canadian Unrelated Bone Marrow Donor Registry (UBMDR).


If you are planning to donate stem cells, you have agreed to allow doctors to draw bone marrow stem cells from either your blood or bone marrow for transplantation.

Why it's done

Every year, thousands of people in the U.S. are diagnosed with life-threatening diseases, such as leukemia or lymphoma, for which a stem cell transplant is the best or the only treatment. Donated blood stem cells are needed for these transplants.


Bone marrow stem cells are collected from the posterior section of the pelvic bone under general anesthesia. The most serious risk associated with donating bone marrow involves the use and effects of anesthesia during surgery. After the surgery, you might feel tired or weak and have trouble walking for a few days.

How you prepare

If you want to donate stem cells, you can talk to your doctor or contact the National Marrow Donor Program, a federally funded nonprofit organization that keeps a database of volunteers who are willing to donate.

What you can expect

Collecting stem cells from bone marrow is a type of surgery and is done in the operating room. You'll be given an anesthetic for the procedure. Needles will be inserted through the skin and into the bone to draw the marrow out of the bone. This process usually takes one to two hours.


Recovery times vary depending on the individual and type of donation. But most blood stem cell donors are able to return to their usual activities within a few days to a week after donation.

How many times can you donate bone marrow?

Q: How many times can I donate? A: Because your marrow and blood stem cells completely regenerate, you can technically donate several times in your life. It is rare to come up as a match for several people. You may never get called as a potential match or you might get called once or twice in your lifetime.

How much do you get for donating bone marrow?

Whole Blood Donation: $25-$50. Bone Marrow /PBSC Donation: $250. White Blood Cells (Apheresis): $100.

How much bone marrow does a person have?

In adult humans, bone marrow is primarily located in the ribs, vertebrae, sternum, and bones of the pelvis. Bone marrow comprises approximately 5% of total body mass in healthy adult humans, such that a man weighing 73 kg (161 lbs) will have around 3.65 kg (8 lbs) of bone marrow.

Will I die if I donate bone marrow?

Harvesting of the bone marrow doesn’t normally cause major problems. About 2.4 percent of donors have a serious complication from anesthesia or damage to bone, nerve, or muscle, according to Be The Match. You’ ll only lose a small amount of bone marrow, so it won’t weaken your own immune system.

What disqualifies you from being a bone marrow donor?

If you have serious kidney problems such as polycystic kidney disease and are over 40 years old, or chronic glomerulonephritis (any age), you will not be able to donate. If you have had a kidney removed due to disease, you may not be able to donate.

Do you regrow bone marrow?

Marrow is taken through a needle placed into the donor’s pelvic (hip) bone while the patient is under anesthesia. The procedure is performed in a hospital operating room and takes 1 to 2 hours. Donors typically give about 2 to 3 percent of their marrow, which grows back within a few weeks.

Do bone marrow donors get paid?

Donors never pay for donating, and are never paid to donate. All medical costs for the donation procedure are covered by the National Marrow Donor Program® (NMDP), which operates the Be The Match Registry®, or by the patient’s medical insurance, as are travel expenses and other non-medical costs.



  • If you are planning to donate stem cells, you have agreed to allow doctors to draw bone marrow stem cells from either your blood or bone marrow for transplantation. There are two broad types of stem cells: embryonic and bone marrow stem cells. Embryonic stem cells are studied in therapeutic cloning and other types of research. Bone marrow stem cells are formed and matur…
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Why It's Done

  • Every year, thousands of people in the U.S. are diagnosed with life-threatening diseases, such as leukemia or lymphoma, for which a stem cell transplant is the best or the only treatment. Donated blood stem cells are needed for these transplants. You might be considering donating blood or bone marrow because someone in your family needs a stem cell transplant and doctors think yo…
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  • Bone marrow donation
    Bone marrow stem cells are collected from the posterior section of the pelvic bone under general anesthesia. The most serious risk associated with donating bone marrow involves the use and effects of anesthesia during surgery. After the surgery, you might feel tired or weak and have tro…
  • Peripheral blood stem cell donation
    The risks of this type of stem cell donation are minimal. Before the donation, you'll get injections of a medicine that increases the number of stem cells in your blood. This medicine can cause side effects, such as bone pain, muscle aches, headache, fatigue, nausea and vomiting. These usuall…
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How You Prepare

  • If you want to donate stem cells, you can talk to your doctor or contact the National Marrow Donor Program, a federally funded nonprofit organization that keeps a database of volunteers who are willing to donate. If you decide to donate, the process and possible risks of donating will be explained to you. You will then be asked to sign a consent form. You can choose to sign or not. …
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What You Can Expect

  • Bone marrow donation
    Collecting stem cells from bone marrow is a type of surgery and is done in the operating room. You'll be given an anesthetic for the procedure. Needles will be inserted through the skin and into the bone to draw the marrow out of the bone. This process usually takes one to two hours. Afte…
  • Peripheral blood stem cell donation
    If blood stem cells are going to be collected directly from your blood, you'll be given injections of a medication to stimulate the production of blood stem cells so that more of them are circulating in your bloodstream. The medication is usually started several days before you're going to donate. …
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  • Recovery times vary depending on the individual and type of donation. But most blood stem cell donors are able to return to their usual activities within a few days to a week after donation.
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Clinical Trials

  • Explore Mayo Clinic studiesof tests and procedures to help prevent, detect, treat or manage conditions.
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