If you would like to donate durable medical equipment (DME), such as wheelchairs, shower chairs, or other assistive devices, please call our Back in …
Oct 08, 2020 · Option 1: Donate Your Used Medical Equipment to a Charitable Organization Donating your gently used medical equipment is a great option. With a donation, you won’t directly get paid for your device, but you will get a receipt that can be used for tax deductions.
The Maryland Department of Aging is currently accepting donations of Durable Medical. Equipment. Donated equipment will be sanitized and refurbished to later be provided to adults and. children who need equipment. For more information on how you can donate, please visit the Maryland Department of Aging DME Program or call 240- 230-8000.
The Durable Medical Equipment Aid Society promotes the re-use of durable medical equipment and ensures a growing inventory and continuous flow of gently-used donated mobility and bath care durable medical equipment. If you or anyone you know has any durable medical equipment, as well as medical and incontinent supplies available to donate ...
If you are interested in donating to DME from Ability 1st Utah’s equipment loan bank, please contact the equipment manager: Kathy Tucker, 801-850-5568
They collect, clean, repair, and box donated wheelchairs and equipment . A dedicated group of professionals – therapists, rehab specialists, volunteers – travel from around the world to help custom fit each wheelchair to the recipient.
Christmas Charities Year Round provides basic living needs year-round, as well as Christmas gifts, all at no costs. They accept donations of wheelchairs, rollators, walkers, electric scooters, knee scooters, shower chairs, and bedside commodes.
Disability Action Center helps people find manual wheelchairs, power chairs/scooters, bath benches/seats, commodes, lift recliners, tablets or laptop computers, and smartphones/iPods, ramps, support bars, transfer boards, canes, crutches, and walkers. Disability Action Center NW welcomes donations of equipment in clean, working condition and does not need repair of any kind.
Auburn Hills accepts donation of equipment such as walkers, crutches, wheelchairs and bath stools and more. Because the storage space is limited, they ask that you call prior to bringing in any donations.
Family Network of Wyoming is an amazing organization dedicated to nourishment for a stronger community. They manage a lending closet where items such as Crutches, walkers, canes, Wheelchairs, Bathroom aids, Shower/bathtub seats, Incontinent suppliers, and more are accepted and donated. They can also accept equipment that requires minor repairs.
Kanabec County Community Health offers Medical equipment including wheelchairs, walkers, commodes and other durable medical equipment. Equipment is available free of charge for a period of up to six (6) months for Kanabec County residents. They accept equipment donations as well. Equipment must be in good general condition with no mechanical issues.
Medshare is a US humanitarian aid organization that sources surplus essential medical equipment and supplies to medical facilities. Medical collections go to Medical Mission Team, and Worldwide Healing Hands to help the quality of care for women and children in Uganda, Hatti, Chad, and Nepal. They partner with the Ministry of Health in Ethiopia with a maternal and child health program, and disaster relief. People with surplus medical goods must fill out the form on the website. You can receive a tax deduction receipt from this organization.
This Canadian nonprofit says take a suitcase with you and save a life. Suitcases full of medical supplies are sent with travelers to village clinics in remote areas worldwide. The supplies they send are typically gauze, bandages, masks, gloves, antiseptics, IV kits, and birthing kits. There is a process, where the donated supplies and donated suitcases are packed in Toronto and delivered, that must be followed.
Yad Sarah is a medical equipment lending organization in Israel that helps the chronically ill, infirm, and terminally ill to live at home. In addition, anyone who needs anything from cribs for newborns to hospital beds can come and borrow the equipment. They charge no fees to use their medical equipment, with people only having to leave a small deposit. There are over 100 branches across the country. This service is available for tourists too. Medical donations are accepted ONLY at any branch in Israel .
Project C.U.R.E .’s Cargo program delivers semi-trailer-sized cargo containers carrying medical donations to under-resourced hospitals, clinics and community health centers in developing countries. They also send C.U.R.E. Kits that are suitcase-sized, pre-packed kits of basic medical supplies that can be easily transported and checked as luggage on your next trip to a community in need abroad. There are six large distribution centers across the US where they receive and ship the medical equipment from. You can receive a tax deduction receipt from this organization.
The agency provides durable medical equipment to patients as it becomes available – waitlist can be up to 12 weeks, so if you are wanting to donate, this is an organization that needs it.
Assistive Technology Programs are implemented to provide access to assistive technology equipment for individuals with disabilities, and also for the elderly, who can’t afford to pay high prices, or even to pay at all.
The Salvation Army will accept donations of all types of objects, clothing and equipment, including some home medical equipment, just so long as it is in good condition. To donate your gently used home medical equipment you will need to follow this link to their website – https://satruck.org/.