What to donate to Lions In Sight: Eyeglasses. Please discard all eyeglass cases before sending or donating. Sunglasses. Prescription and non-prescription. Broken eyeglass parts. LIS recycles them as scrap. Clip on sunglasses with metal parts. Please discard clip ons that are all plastic. Hearing aids. Printer and toner cartridges. Cell phones
Donate your glasses through Goodwill. Does Goodwill accept used prescription eyeglasses as donations? Some locations do! As a service for local nonprofits, select Goodwill stores accept eyewear donations and pass them on to the right places. To find out if your local Goodwill accepts eyeglasses, contact a nearby donation center. Leave your used glasses with LensCrafters, …
Dec 15, 2021 · You can donate eyeglasses to various organizations across the country by dropping them off in donation boxes. To make sure your donation counts, here are a few tips: Do not donate glasses that get worn, damaged, or damaged beyond repair as the organizations will not accept them.
Jan 03, 2020 · Goodwill — Goodwill partners with other nonprofits to provide low-income people with used eyeglasses. Find your local Goodwill here. Walmart and Sam’s Club— Walmart Vision Centers partners with the Lions Club to collect eyewear. Look for the blue and white Lions Club donation box, or ask your local Walmart if it accepts donations.
Where to donate old glassesDonate your glasses at LensCrafters or Pearle Vision. ... Look for a Lions Club dropbox. ... Take your old glasses to Goodwill. ... Donate eyeglasses by mail. ... Drop off your glasses at Walmart and Sam's Club vision centers.
5 ways to recycle your spectaclesTake your glasses to your optician. Most opticians have a glasses recycling box for the donation of used spectacles. ... Drop your glasses at a charity shop. ... Reuse your glasses. ... Sell your glasses. ... Gift your glasses to family or friends.Sep 10, 2021
Unwanted glasses can be recycled via many opticians, including Boots, Specsavers and Vision Express. They can also be recycled at Marie Curie charity shops.Nov 10, 2021
Your glasses can be left at opticians throughout the UK and they will be recycled to raise money for their work in the developing world. You can donate them at many branches of Vision Express, Specsavers and Boots Opticians as well as many independant opticians.
Being able to see clearly reduces headaches and eye strain. It also improves mood and betters one’s overall quality of life. Improved vision can have a dramatic effect on someone’s life. If you have pairs of glasses you no longer need, donating them to a charity can help someone else.
Lions Club ensures that glasses are in good repair and gives them to people in need entirely for free. Their website is easy to use, so you can quickly find a glasses drop-off point near you. New Eyes: This nonprofit organization specializes in taking used glasses and distributing them to those in need.
VSP Global Eyewear Donations: VSP is a large vision insurance provider, but a charitable branch of the company collects used glasses and distributes them around the world. VSP also helps eye doctors from several countries, including the U.S., find eyewear for their patients who need financial help.
If you remember the cost of your glasses, this could be a tax deduction, as Goodwill is a nonprofit that offers tax benefits for donations.
Most cities do not let you recycle your prescription glasses. Simply throwing them away can feel wasteful. Fortunately, there are numerous charitable organizations, both locally and internationally, that will accept used glasses in good condition and give them to someone in need.
As someone who wears glasses, you know how expensive they can be. Even when prescription lenses are covered by your vision insurance, finding frames that fit and are affordable can take time and effort.
This charitable organization has been helping improve vision around the world since 1932. Through New Eyes, people in the United States are able to get new glasses. The organization also collects and distributes gently used eyewear for those who are in need overseas.
OneSight. OneSight has helped more than nine million people in 46 different countries by hand-delivering glasses to clinics for those in need. This independent nonprofit only donates new glasses — but you can donate your used glasses, too, and they will send them to other nonprofits such as Lions Club International.
OneSight is partnered with these vision care centers, as well as Target Optical and ILORI. When any of these companies receive a donation of eyeglasses, OneSight then delivers them to organizations that accept and distribute used glasses across the world.
The Lions Club International. Lions Clubs International is behind one of the largest eyeglass donation efforts around the world. Donations benefit community centers, school and church programs, as well as developing countries.
Eyes of Hope. VSP Global, a vision insurer, helps more than two million people around the world receive eye care and eyeglasses at no cost through Eyes of Hope. Eyes of Hope accepts new and gently used eyewear. You can learn more about the donation process on their website.
Old glasses may not be functional for you, but they could be functional for someone else. Instead of throwing away your old glasses, consider making your peace with them by donating them to a good cause. Donating your old eyeglasses and readers could be as simple as dropping them off during a trip for groceries, or even to your local library.
Eyes of Hope. Eyes of Hope is a charitable scheme of VSP Global, a vision care insurance company that operates in the United States and other countries. Eyes of Hope collects new and gently used eyewear and distributes it to those who need it globally.
It accepts glasses that are gently used and does not accept any that: 1 are missing one or both arms, nose pads, or lenses 2 have loose lenses 3 have cracked, scratched, or peeling lenses 4 have nonfunctional or broken hinges 5 have sharp points 6 are damaged beyond simple repair
ReSpectacle. ReSpectacle is a nonprofit charitable organization that distributes quality used eyeglasses to people in the U.S. who qualify for free glasses. It accepts glasses that are gently used and does not accept any that: are missing one or both arms, nose pads, or lenses. have loose lenses.
Spring is almost here, and with spring comes spring cleaning. Learn how you can find a new home for the old prescription eyeglasses, reading glasses, and sunglasses taking up space in your drawers.
Lions Club International’s Recycle for Sight Program — The Lions Club donates about 30 million pairs of glasses each year to developing countries, and it’s easy to find their collection boxes in libraries, community centers and other neighborhood locations.
New Eyes — This is a great mail-in option if you don’t have any drop-off locations near you. This not-for-profit organization accepts prescription eyeglasses, reading glasses and sunglasses for global distribution through aid organizations and medical missions.
If you’d like to use your eyeglasses donation as a tax deduction, remember these tips:
Glasses might be easier to produce and construct due to technology but this ease doesn’t affect the price. Studies have shown that the price of eyeglasses have continued to rise due to production costs.
As I earlier said, there are certain places to donate eyeglasses but there are a few who stand out for different reasons. These ones include:
Donating your eyeglasses will always be profitable than keeping them in a case locked up in an area of your house. You can see that the benefits are tremendous to you and society at large.
Princess Chiagoziem is a financial expert who has in-depth knowledge in reviewing financial products like loans, brokerages, mortgages, and a lot more. She aims at giving workable advice that will help her readers lead a better financial life. Princess is a bachelor's degree holder who is ever ready to give you answers to any financial questions.
How to clean the lenses 1 Wash your hands to make sure they are clean and germ-free. 2 Run warm water over the glasses to get rid of dusty particles and other things that might scratch and damage the lenses. 3 Wipe the glasses with a microfiber cloth. 4 Spray the glasses with a cleaning solution (make sure the solution is safe for lenses). If you don’t have a cleaning solution specific for eyewear, you can also use dish soap. Gently rub the solution or dish soap over the lenses. 5 Leave the glasses to dry.
Run warm water over the glasses to get rid of dusty particles and other things that might scratch and damage the lenses. Wipe the glasses with a microfiber cloth. Spray the glasses with a cleaning solution (make sure the solution is safe for lenses). If you don’t have a cleaning solution specific for eyewear, you can also use dish soap.
Lions Club International (LCI) is a well-known organization responsible for collecting eyeglass donations. It also has many recycling centers spread throughout the world, with seven based out of the United States. If you are interested in donating your glasses to LCI, make sure to contact them to learn about their requirements for shipping or sending the glasses.
How to clean the lenses. The glasses’ lenses are essential for seeing more clearly. It takes around 20 seconds to clean the lenses, and here is how to do it right. Wash your hands to make sure they are clean and germ-free.
Respectacle uses the power of the internet to spread awareness about donating old glasses to those in need. It is a charity organization that accepts all glasses, including reading glasses, sunglasses, full-frame glasses, bifocals, and others.
Goodwill accepts eyewear donations and pairs them with low-income families who need them. They also collaborate with other organizations, so make sure to contact them about the items you want to donate. Nonprofit and charitable organizations might not accept some glasses due to wear and tear or damage.
Poor eyesight will not only negatively affect a child’s vision; it can affect his or her overall health, education, and socialization. It has been proven that over 80% of what a child learns is from visual stimulation. Adults with poor vision will also have a hard time keeping jobs and caring for their families.
Kristen McDonnell is a knitter who loves to share her designs on her Studio Knit YouTube channel. Recently, she was inspired to ditch the yarn when she realized that a couple of pairs of old specs were a blank slate just waiting for her creative touch.
The Lions Club is a service organization with more than one million members around the world. One of their missions, Lions Recycle for Sight, helps those in need get the eyecare and eyewear that they desperately need but either can’t afford or don’t have access to. The Lions Club accepts donations of prescription eyeglasses, sunglasses, ...