how to donate to little adoption shop, chris barden

by Prof. Axel Gleason III 6 min read

Donations to the Little Adoption Shop can be dropped off at The Little Adoption Shop, or you can donate through any of our following accounts listed on this link:账号 You can read more about Barden and his mission in this China Daily article.

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Meet Cili, one of more than 750 rescue dogs currently in our care. You can see her profile here

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MOVING DAY: Earlier this year, we moved all of the dogs at our Shelter Three to Shelter One

Our rescued dogs are available for adoption in Beijing and Shanghai; US; and other countries, depending on transport availability. We are currently sheltering more than 740 dogs.

How to Donate to an Adoption Agency

The “how” is easy: to donate to Abrazo, you can either send or drop off a tax-deductible donation of any amount, or donate via our website using a credit card, or make an in-kind donation.

Not Just Monetary Contributions are Needed

If you’re considering making a material donation, do contact the nonprofit in advance to find out if it’s a gift that program can truly put to good use.

But why would adoption agencies need donations, anyway?

It’s easy to assume that adoption agencies are rolling in big money, especially when you hear what the average adoption costs, nowadays.
