how to donate to your guilds stronghood in neverwinter

by Jesus Herzog V 9 min read

From the coffer window, you simply choose the resource you want to donate to, which displays all the items in your inventory that can go into that resource. As you donate items, you are rewarded with Guild Marks in proportion to the value of the item you donated.Jul 1, 2015

How do you donate to stronghold in Neverwinter?

Go on the Stronghold map, in the guild hall, on the left towards the back, is a platform with a mimic. Just go up to the mimic and see what it needs. Some items may be maxed out. Items that have amounts shown in Green are not really needed for the current build target.Nov 5, 2015

How do you get to guild stronghold in Neverwinter?

The primary benefit to Neverwinter guilds is that players gain access to an entirely new area: the guild Stronghold. To reach your Stronghold after joining a guild, head to any fast travel/world map location and you'll be able to select it from the destination list.Jan 16, 2016

Where is the Guild Hall in Neverwinter?

Tower DistrictMerchant Guild Hall is a point of interest located at Merchant Square in Tower District.

How do strongholds work in Neverwinter?

Every Stronghold starts with a rank 1 Guild Hall. Upgrading the Guild Hall increases the Coffer capacity, unlocks more plots to build on, and increases the maximum rank to which other structures can be upgraded. The Great Hall is the building at the heart of your Stronghold.

How do I donate to a guild in Neverwinter?

From the coffer window, you simply choose the resource you want to donate to, which displays all the items in your inventory that can go into that resource. As you donate items, you are rewarded with Guild Marks in proportion to the value of the item you donated.Jul 1, 2015

Is there player housing in Neverwinter?

6:028:07Neverwinter - Player Housing Coming Soon? - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipEither in the strongholds map. Itself or players will be able to use their astral diamonds to createMoreEither in the strongholds map. Itself or players will be able to use their astral diamonds to create housing.

How many guilds can you join in Neverwinter?

13Now coming to Neverwinter is a much-requested feature: guild alliances. This feature will allow several guilds (up to 13) to group together in an “alliance” -- a sort of “mega-guild”. By grouping together, guilds in an alliance will be able to do things that they would have had trouble doing on their own.Jun 6, 2016

How do I leave stronghold in Lost Ark?

The “manual” exit is at the North side of the Isle. Whenever you next go to your Stronghold, you go appear all the way back at the North Side. I don't like having to walk/ride back to where I was standing. Best way is to play the Song of Escape.Feb 25, 2022

What does Guild Hall N do?

Guild Hall#N#Every Stronghold starts with a rank 1 Guild Hall. Upgrading the Guild Hall increases the Coffer capacity, unlocks more plots to build on, and increases the maximum rank to which other structures can be upgraded.

What are the enemies in Guild Hall?

Upon upgrading the Guild Hall to rank 5 the Orcs are replaced by Foreign Mercenaries, at Guild Hall rank 9 the enemies are Barbarians of the Uthgardt Tribe, at Rank 13 the enemies are the Undead Horde, and Thayans at Rank 17. At any Guild Hall rank there are Beasts in Maiden's Lane and Ancient Lake, Devils in Devil's Hideaway, Drakes in Drake Hills, and Spiders in Fae Canopy and Misty Hills.

What is the Stronghold Coffer?

The Stronghold Coffer holds all the resources guild members have donated. Every Stronghold structure built or upgraded uses resources in the Coffer. Upgrading the Guild Hall, or building and upgrading a Warehouse, increases the maximum capacity of the Coffer.

How do production structures work?

Production structures automatically generate resources over time. Each structure has a maximum capacity and must be tended by a character to transfer the resources to the coffer. The structure can then continue to generate resources. The resources are required for the construction of many structures (for example, higher ranks of the Marketplace and the Guild Hall require Stone). Each structure has a corresponding Support structure that increases the rate of production.

Heroic Shard of Power

Donating [ Heroic Shard of Power] gives 10 Guild Marks for every shard donated.

Adventurer's Shard of Power

Donating [ Adventurer's Shard of Power] gives 10 Guild Marks for every shard donated.

Dungeoneer's Shard of Power

Donating [ Dungeoneer's Shard of Power] gives 10 Guild Marks for every shard donated.

Conqueror's Shard of Power

Donating [ Conqueror's Shard of Power] gives 10 Guild Marks for every shard donated.


Tending a Lumberyard will add the Wood in the Lumberyard to the Coffer. Vouchers may also be donated to add to the Coffer. Donating Wood Vouchers gives 1 Guild Mark for every 10 value donated.


Tending a Quarry will add the Stone in the Quarry to the Coffer. Vouchers may also be donated to add to the Coffer. Donating Stone Vouchers gives 1 Guild Mark for every 10 value donated.


Tending a Mine will add the Metal in the Mine to the Coffer. Vouchers may also be donated to add to the Coffer. Donating Metal Vouchers gives 1 Guild Mark for every 10 value donated.

What are guilds in Neverwinter?

Guilds. Guilds are an incredibly important part of Neverwinter, and finding a good one will be Vital towards your success in completing Neverwinter. Guilds offer a community that can help you with advice and help you with content, they can provide additional boons that can greatly increase your stats or xp gain or mount speed.

What is a stronghold map?

This is a large map consisting of you guilds strongholds, its structures, and various enemies and heroics you can complete. If your guild is in an alliance, you can also see the list of alliance strongholds that you can also join. The only real difference between stronghold maps are vendors and structures depending on what your guild has chosen to build. Otherwise, the map is the same for every guild. The stronghold containers several NPC's that will give you quests, as well as events that can be done like Marauders, DragonFlight, and Heroics.

Why are soul puppets so annoying?

This dragon is more annoying than anything else for one primary reason: Soul Puppets. Whenever anyone fighting him dies, a ghost will spawn with a red circle around it. The ghost will latch on to the nearest player and start moving towards them. You want to pull these soul puppets away from the dragon and stay out of their red circle. If you die on this dragon, you want to immediately run back into the fight again, as once you do your soul puppet will disappear. This dragon only really becomes a problem if too many people start dying and too many soul puppets are created, as well as if people keep the soul puppets directly next to the dragon so that melee people can't really attack. Pull the puppets away and get back in quickly if you die, and you're fine.

Why is Blue Dragon so hard?

This dragon is mostly hard just because it's so annoying. It doesn't have many attacks, but one that it does instantly kills everyone around it, wiping the group who then have to respawn and charge back in to continue fighting. This is why you will largely see Blue Dragon's health go down in chunks before stopping when everyone gets killed, and then resuming. There's not much else to this dragon other than getting past being instantly murdered.

What is DF in alliances?

Dragonflight (Commonly referred to as DF) is one of the main events an alliance can run. Finding an guild that's in an alliance that runs them frequently is important towards obtaining several achievements you'll be looking for, including the larger one of killing one thousand dragons. Typically an alliance will have set days and times for when a Dragonflight happens, such as Monday, Wednesday, Friday or something similar. When choosing a guild to join, make sure you find one that regularly does this event, or getting a few achievements will become significantly more difficult. While you will need to fully complete at least one Dragonflight for an achievement,



  • When a player character first arrives at the stronghold, the Steward greets them. He introduces the non-player characters who help run the stronghold, such as the Cleric and Builder. The Steward also hints that the stronghold has an interesting past and promises to reveal more over time. Different quests are presented from time to time as the Stronghold is improved, revealing …
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  • The Stronghold Coffer holds all the resources guild members have donated. Every Stronghold structure built or upgraded uses resources in the Coffer. Upgrading the Guild Hall, or building and upgrading a Warehouse, increases the maximum capacity of the Coffer. Donating items to the Coffer adds resources to the Coffer, as well as giving Guild Marks. To donate an item to the Coff…
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  • Guild Hall Every Stronghold starts with a rank 1 Guild Hall. Upgrading the Guild Hall increases the Coffercapacity, unlocks more plots to build on, and increases the maximum rank to which other structures can be upgraded. Great Hall The Great Hall is the building at the heart of your Stronghold. Inside is a large meeting area with 4 tables and 40 sittable chairs. You can donate D…
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  • Stronghold Boonsare separated into 4 categories: Offense, Defense, Utility, and PvP, and you may only have one boon from each category active a time. To be able to activate Stronghold boons, Boon Structures must be built. Higher ranks of the corresponding structures give larger benefits from the boons. Any member of the Stronghold's guild may activate any boon that has been unlo…
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Points of Interest

Heroic encounters

  • Completing Heroic Encounters in the Stronghold rewards [Influence] to donate to the Coffer. Major and Epic encounters can also reward Resonance Stones, or Epic equipment (including Companion only equipment). The first encounter completed each day gives 150 Influence, the second gives 120, third gives 75, fourth gives 35, and fifth gives 20. The first Epic encounter co…
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  • At Guild Hallrank 1 the primary enemy in the Stronghold consists of Orcs of the Many-Arrows tribe. Upon upgrading the Guild Hall to rank 5 the Orcs are replaced by Foreign Mercenaries, at Guild Hall rank 9 the enemies are Barbarians of the Uthgardt Tribe, at Rank 13 the enemies are the Undead Horde, and Thayans at Rank 17. At any Guild Hall rank there are Beasts in Maiden's Lan…
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