how to set donate page ulx

by Marcus Satterfield 8 min read

How to add a user to a group in ULX?

Mar 14, 2022 · Create two directories inside your addons folders: ulx and ulib. Please make sure the folder names are in all lowercase letters. Extract the file to the ulx directory Extract the file to the ulib directory. ulx and ulib should now both contain some files, each with their own addon.txt, lua, etc.

How to add addons to ULX and ulib?

Jul 31, 2018 · Whether you’re wondering how to set up a donation page for an individual or for yourself, here are the most important questions your story should answer: Who is benefiting from your fundraiser? Describe the recipient as honestly and completely as you can. Explain why this person, family, or organization is so deserving of financial help.

How do I access the files in ULX?

Nov 30, 2013 · In your Server's garrysmod\addons\ulx\data\ulx there is a file called downloads. If you do not already possess it, rightclick, click new, and click "Create New Text Document". Rename it downloads, and paste in the following code:

What's in the ULX folder?

User Management Commands. ulx adduser - Add the specified CONNECTED player to the specified group. The group MUST exist for this command to succeed. Use operator, admin, superadmin, or see ulx addgroup. You can only specify one group.

How to make a donation page look good?

Add photos and videos to brighten your donation page. Visual content can help tell your story in a powerful way. Adding photos and videos will spruce up your donation page and entice people to find out more about your cause. You’ll want to make sure your main photo is high quality, since pixelated images may cause your fundraiser to look suspicious.

How to encourage people to share your cause?

Another way to encourage people to share your cause is to create a fundraiser hashtag. A hashtag makes it easy for people to find your social media posts and interact with them. Of course, you can also share your fundraiser via email, text message, and phone calls.

Why is sharing important for a fundraiser?

Sharing is perhaps one of the most important aspects of running a fundraiser. Sharing your donation page far and wide helps raise awareness for your cause and encourages your network of friends and family to support you. Using social media to promote your fundraiser is one of the easiest and most effective methods to get ...

What is an update on a fundraiser?

An update can be as simple as a photograph with a line of text, or a few paragraphs explaining any recent developments with your fundraiser or financial goals. You can also use updates to shower special donors with recognition and thanks.

How long should a fundraiser description be?

Your fundraiser description length should be no fewer than 400 words, and it should cover the who, what, when, why, and how of your situation.

Why is it important to thank donors?

Thanking your donors is also key to building a passionate community that remains engaged and dedicated to your cause. Sometimes it can even inspire repeat donations and help with donor retention.

How to promote a fundraiser?

Using social media to promote your fundraiser is one of the easiest and most effective methods to get the word out about your cause. You can use Facebook, Twitter, and even Instagram to spread awareness in a low-pressure way. Another way to encourage people to share your cause is to create a fundraiser hashtag.


ulx cexec <players> {command} - Run a command on console of target (s). (say: !cexec)

User Management

ulx addgroup <group> [<inherits from>] - Create a new group with optional inheritance.


ulx asay {message} - Send a message to currently connected admins. (say: @)

How to use ULX Playsound?

English: To use ULX playsound, you can either go into your Server, or dev console, if you have the proper permissions, and type in "ulx playsound <path>" path being your "music<soundfilename>"(Note you must include file extensions ex. "ulx playsound musicgone.wav") Español:

How to make a new folder in Steam?

To begin, open your Steam CMD server, and go to your garrysmod directory. In the seconf to top tab, you will see a button marked "New Folder". Click the "New Folder" button. Now you will have a folder called "New Folder".

How does ULib work?

ULib supports immunity by being able to specify what various users and groups are allowed to target. This is often used to make it so lower admins cannot target higher admins. EG, by default admins can’t target superadmins, but superadmins can still target admins.

What is Ulysses control list?

User access is driven by ULib’s Ulysses Control List (UCL). This list contains users and groups which in turn contains lists of allowed and denied accesses. The allow and deny lists contain access strings like “ulx slap” or “ulx phygunplayer” to show what a user and/or group does and does not have access to. If a user has “ulx slap” in their user allow list or in the allow list of one of the groups they belong to, they have access to slap. If a user has “ulx slap” in their user deny list they are DENIED the command, even if they have the command in one of their group’s allow lists. In this way, deny takes precedence over allow.

What is an access tag?

Access tags specify what a user is allowed to pass as arguments to a command. For example, you can make it so that admins are only allowed to slay users with “killme” somewhere in their name, or you can give everyone access to the “ulx teleport” command, but only allow them to teleport themselves.

Do UCL groups have inheritance?

Groups have inheritance. You can specify what group they inherit from in the addgroup command. If a user is in a group that has inheritance, UCL will check all groups connected in the inheritance chain. Note that groups do not support deny lists for the sake of simplicity. If you feel that a group needs to be denied something, you should split your groups up instead.


  1. ulx armor <players> <armor: 0<=x<=255> - Sets the armor for target(s). (say: !armor)
  2. ulx blind <players> [<amount: 0<=x<=255, default 255>] - Blinds target(s). (say: !blind) (opposite: ulx unblind)
  3. ulx cloak [<players, defaults to self>] [<amount: 0<=x<=255, default 255>] - Cloaks target(s). (say: !cloak) (opposite: ulx uncloak)
  1. ulx armor <players> <armor: 0<=x<=255> - Sets the armor for target(s). (say: !armor)
  2. ulx blind <players> [<amount: 0<=x<=255, default 255>] - Blinds target(s). (say: !blind) (opposite: ulx unblind)
  3. ulx cloak [<players, defaults to self>] [<amount: 0<=x<=255, default 255>] - Cloaks target(s). (say: !cloak) (opposite: ulx uncloak)
  4. ulx freeze <players> - Freezes target(s). (say: !freeze) (opposite: ulx unfreeze)


  1. ulx cexec <players> {command} - Run a command on console of target(s). (say: !cexec)
  2. ulx ent <classname> [{<flag> : <value> |}] - Spawn an ent, separate flag and value with ‘:’, flag:value pairs with ‘|’.
  3. ulx exec <file> - Execute a file from the cfg directory on the server.
  4. ulx luarun {command} - Executes lua in server console. (Use ‘=’ for output)
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User Management

  1. ulx addgroup <group> [<inherits from>] - Create a new group with optional inheritance.
  2. ulx adduser <player> <group> - Add a user to specified group.
  3. ulx adduserid <SteamID, IP, or UniqueID> <group> - Add a user by ID to specified group.
  4. ulx groupallow <group> <command> [<access tag>] - Add to a group’s access.
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  1. ulx ban <player> [<minutes, 0 for perma: 0<=x, default 0>] [{reason}] - Bans target. (say: !ban)
  2. ulx banid <steamid> [<minutes, 0 for perma: 0<=x, default 0>] [{reason}] - Bans steamid.
  3. ulx debuginfo - Dump some debug information.
  4. ulx help - Shows this help.
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  1. ulx asay {message} - Send a message to currently connected admins. (say: @)
  2. ulx csay {message} - Send a message to everyone in the middle of their screen. (say: @@@)
  3. ulx gag <players> - Gag target(s), disables microphone. (say: !gag) (opposite: ulx ungag)
  4. ulx gimp <players> - Gimps target(s) so they are unable to chat normally. (say: !gimp) (opposite: ulx ungimp)
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  1. ulx stopvote - Stops a vote in progress. (say: !stopvote)
  2. ulx veto - Veto a successful votemap. (say: !veto)
  3. ulx vote <title> {options} - Starts a public vote. (say: !vote)
  4. ulx voteban <player> [<minutes: 0<=x, default 1440>] [{reason}] - Starts a public ban vote against target. (say: !voteban)
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  1. ulx bring <players> - Brings target(s) to you. (say: !bring)
  2. ulx goto <player> - Goto target. (say: !goto)
  3. ulx return [<player, defaults to self>] - Returns target to last position before a teleport. (say: !return)
  4. ulx send <player> <player> - Goto target. (say: !send)
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  1. ulx motd - Show the message of the day. (say: !motd)
  2. xgui <show, hide, toggle> - Opens and/or closes XGUI. (say: !xgui, !menu) (alias: ulx menu)
  3. xgui fban <player> - Opens the add ban window, freezes the specified player, and fills out the Name/SteamID automatically. (say: !fban)
  4. xgui xban <player> - Opens the add ban window and fills out Name/SteamID automatically if …
  1. ulx motd - Show the message of the day. (say: !motd)
  2. xgui <show, hide, toggle> - Opens and/or closes XGUI. (say: !xgui, !menu) (alias: ulx menu)
  3. xgui fban <player> - Opens the add ban window, freezes the specified player, and fills out the Name/SteamID automatically. (say: !fban)
  4. xgui xban <player> - Opens the add ban window and fills out Name/SteamID automatically if a player was specified. (say: !xban)