is it safe to donate blood when pregnant

by Oleta Little 3 min read

Pregnant women are not eligible to donate blood. The body needs the blood and its iron to support the fetus. Donating blood during pregnancy may increase the risk of complications such as anemia and compromise fetal health. The Red Cross require a woman to wait at least 6 weeks after giving birth before donating blood.Jun 30, 2020

What conditions disqualify you from donating blood?

Women may not donate blood during pregnancy or in the six weeks following pregnancy.

What to eat before donating blood and what to avoid?

Nov 11, 2021 · You aren't eligible to donate blood during pregnancy because it could be unsafe for you and your baby, according to the American Red Cross. The group also recommends waiting at least six weeks after giving birth before donating.

What to do before donating blood?

Apr 07, 2022 · Are you willing to donate your blood when you are pregnant? Then, you are at the right place. Read this post to know is it safe to give blood while pregnant

What are the reasons why a person cannot donate blood?

Jan 31, 2019 · Till date no specific reason exists on why a pregnant woman should go on to donate blood. Anaemia does pose to be a major issue when you are pregnant. If you donate blood this would make the condition a lot worse. It is not only that you are advised on not to donate blood till you are breastfeeding your little one.


How long after giving birth can you donate blood?

The Red Cross require a woman to wait at least 6 weeks after giving birth before donating blood. However, other health authorities recommend a longer wait, after the baby has been weaned from breastfeeding.

How long after breastfeeding can you donate blood?

warn against donating blood during breastfeeding. They recommend waiting 9 months after the pregnancy ends or 3 months after the baby is mostly weaned from breastfeeding.

What is cord blood donation?

Cord blood donation. After giving birth, a woman can donate the blood that remains in the umbilical cord and the placenta. This blood supply is special because it contains stem cells, which can play a role in lifesaving treatments. Stem cells from a cord blood donation may help in treating: leukemia. lymphoma.

Why do pregnant women need iron?

Pregnant women require extra iron to help the fetus develop correctly, and giving blood may result in iron-deficiency anemia, which can be problematic. Anemia frequently occurs during pregnancy, and iron-deficiency anemia is the most common type. A 2015 review reports that as many as 52%.

What do attendants do?

They also measure basic vital signs, such as pulse, blood pressure, and temperature, and perform a test to check hemoglobin levels.

Can a woman develop leukocyte antibodies while pregnant?

It is important to note that these antibodies do not affect the woman, but they can harm recipients of her blood. Not all women who have been pregnant develop human leukocyte antibodies. But a blood center may test the blood of a female donor.

Can iron deficiency cause premature birth?

The British pregnancy charity Tommy’s notes that, although the chances are low, untreated iron-deficiency anemia may lead to: prematur e birth. low birth weight. placental abruption — the placenta coming away from the wall of the uterus, which can be dangerous.

How long after delivery can you donate blood?

This nine-month waiting period is sufficient to replenish the iron content in your blood. In the US, mothers are allowed to donate blood six weeks after delivery.

How long after birth can you give blood?

The Australian Red Cross has a waiting period of nine months after childbirth before you will be allowed to give blood. If you are continuing to breastfeed after this period, the blood bank may ask you to wait till your baby is off breast milk before you donate blood.

Can you give blood while pregnant?

The only reason you may be allowed to give blood while pregnant is if your doctor thinks you might need blood transfusion during delivery. So, in that case, you’ll be donating blood to your future self!

Does the Red Cross donate blood?

The Red Cross discourages pregnant women from donating blood. You may feel this is unfair. But it is not some form of discrimination. Your body produces some extra blood during pregnancy. But you need this blood to sustain your baby’s life in the womb.

Should pregnant women donate blood?

There is no clear reason as to why a pregnant woman should not donate blood. But anemia is a big concern during pregnancy. And donating blood can make the condition worse ( 1 ). Subscribe. Not just that. You are also not advised to donate blood till you are breastfeeding your baby.

Do women donate blood?

Women make up a big part amongst the universal blood-donating population. Nothing can beat the peace one attains upon helping another human being. Despite how selfless and compassionate you are, you will be discouraged from the gracious act of donating blood once you are pregnant.

Can you donate blood before you are pregnant?

If you have donated blood before you came to know of your pregnancy, that should be in very early stage. In the earlier stage of pregnancy, your body is still preparing itself for the same, and you should also feel good and be in a good general health. In such a case you are considered eligible to donate blood.

Can you give blood while pregnant?

The sole reason you may be permitted to give blood during pregnancy is if your doctor believes you might require a blood transfusion during delivery in case you are tagged under a high-risk pregnancy. This happens mainly if the mother develops severe anemia or if she experiences or possesses any chance of excessive bleeding at some point in the course of pregnancy. If there are chances of hemorrhage, to handle the complications that may come up when receiving blood from some other source, the doctor may ask you to store some blood for yourself in case you necessitate it. And then, in that event, you’ll be donating blood to your future self!

Can pregnant women donate blood?

The American Red Cross advises pregnant women not to donate blood since it is considered unsafe.

Can you donate blood to yourself?

And then, in that event, you’ll be donating blood to your future self!

Can you donate cord blood during pregnancy?

The mothers like you who are willing to donate cord blood are like the answers to their prayers. This is somewhat more than blood donation which can give you more fulfillment and helps to dilute down the disappointment of not giving blood for an entire pregnancy period.

What Can Happen If You Donate Blood Before You Know You Are Pregnant?

If you are a regular donor, it might happen that you may have donated blood when you are totally unaware about your pregnancy. This may happen only during the initial phase of your pregnancy, and it will not raise any issues if you donate blood at this stage.

What Should You Do If You Happened to Donate Blood Before a Confirmed Pregnancy?

If you happened to donate blood before your pregnancy was confirmed, you must let your doctor know about the donation right away. Remember you can donate blood only when your health condition is normal, you shouldn’t worry much.
