People with certain medical conditions cannot donate blood either for a set period or permanently. If you are suffering from tuberculosis, HIV or AIDS, Ebola, or Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD, a degenerative brain disorder that leads to dementia and death), you cannot donate blood.
Full Answer
You must be in good health at the time you donate. You cannot donate if you have a cold, flu, sore throat, cold sore, stomach bug or any other infection. If you have recently had a tattoo or body piercing you cannot donate for 6 months from the date of the procedure.
Who cannot donate blood?Having a fever (above 99.5°F) or an acute infection at the time of donation, or feeling unwell, having a cold, flu, or trouble breathing.Pregnancy.High blood pressure reading (top number above 180, or bottom number above 100)More items...•
Medical Conditions Affecting DonationMedical ConditionsEligibilityHematuriaDefer until evaluated by MDHemophiliaPermanent deferralHenoch-Schonlein PurpuraDefer until disease inactive. Permanent deferral if renal failure presentHepatitis ADefer for 120 days after diagnosis133 more rows
You can donate as long as you feel well when you come to donate, and your blood pressure is below 180 systolic (first number) and below 100 diastolic (second number) at the time of donation. Medications for high blood pressure do not disqualify you from donating.
Donating blood isn't a pain-free experience. You may experience pain when the needle is inserted into your arm. You shouldn't feel any pain while the blood is being drawn, but you may experience an uncomfortable sensation at the site where the needle is inserted into your arm.
A common misconception is that being a diabetic means you can't donate blood, but that's not necessarily true. If you are healthy and your diabetes is under control you may be able to become a blood donor. You should check with your doctor before you make an appointment to donate blood.
For women who have been pregnant, their platelet donations are tested for Human Leukocyte Antigens (HLA) antibodies. The presence of antibodies to Human Leukocyte Antigens (HLA) in the blood can cause an adverse reaction in patients receiving blood including lung injury and poor response to platelet transfusions.
If you are selected to make a donation, your blood will be tested for certain infections before use, including HIV, Viral Hepatitis B and C, HTLVI, Syphilis and Chagas Disease. You will be notified in the event of a positive result for any of these tests.
If you are currently taking medication you are eligible to donate as long as your blood pressure meets these requirements. Your body temperature must be between 96.4 and 100.0 degrees F. Your pulse rate must be no less than 50 beats per minute and no more than 100 beats per minute.
Age should be between 18 and 65. Blood pressure should be within normal limits for the age group. Pulse and temperature should be normal. Haemoglobin should be not less than 12.5 grams.
Thyroid disease Patients with thyroid disease may not donate if the condition is under investigation or if malignancy is suspected. Anyone on maintenance therapy with levothyroxine must be stabilised for at least three months before donation. An over- or an underactive thyroid increases the risk of heart disease.
Depending on what, if any, health condition you have, if you have been fully investigated, been established on your final statins treatment and feel well on the day of donation, it may be possible to give blood.
Red blood cell, plasma, and platelets all the components of blood are vital for a lifeline. But, are you aware that only one in thirty people can donate blood.
If you get a tattoo done from such places you have to wait for 12 months before donating blood, else you might spread infection (2). Always discuss your situation with a healthcare professional. Also, if gone for certain cosmetic treatments which require piecing with needles you got to wait at least for 4 months.
A Pregnant Female: To donate blood, expecting females should wait for at least 6 months after giving birth to the baby (2) She needs to be as healthy as possible while giving birth. Consult a healthcare physician if any multivitamin is required to make you eligible to donate blood post child birth.
In some, despite getting the treatment, they need to be re-treated. If wanting to donate blood, you should wait for 12 months after getting fully treated.
Someone in Relationship With A Drug User: If a person has had sex with someone taking drugs he needs to wait for a year before giving blood. Also, he should abstain himself from that partner for that time duration. Donating blood under these conditions can put the life of recipient and sometimes even the donor at risk.
Such as, if a person is on antibiotics, he has to wait until he feels healthy.
Donating blood under these conditions can put the life of recipient and sometimes even the donor at risk. Go for the required tests and consult a healthcare professional before going ahead with blood donation even if you are a regular donor.
It only takes 20 minutes to help someone in urgent need, but not everyone is actually eligible to be a blood donor. Red blood cells, plasma, and platelets are the lifeline for medical treatments needed by patients all across the country, and keeping up the supply is an ongoing struggle.
If you’ve recently had a tattoo, piercing, semi-permanent make-up –any treatment that pierces the skin -- you will need to wait at least four months before being eligible to donate. The primary reason is to prevent transferring the hepatitis virus.
4. You don’t weigh enough. Donors need to weigh at least 110 pounds and be in generally good health. Donors under the age of 18 also have to meet specific weight and height requirements.
Most healthy individuals will have no problem donating blood, and can do it as often as once every eight weeks. However, there are a select few who are not able to donate their blood, and the reasons why may surprise you.
Body Size. In order to donate blood you must have at least 3400 mL of blood volume. Blood volume is determined by body weight and height, and individuals with low blood volumes may not tolerate losing so much blood. This means that generally, males must be at least 4’10” tall and weigh at least 111 pounds.
Most people with a history of cancer are eligible to donate if it has been more than 12 months since their cancer was successfully treated. Skin cancers where the cancer has been completely removed do not need a 12 month waiting period. However, individuals who have had blood cancers, such as leukemia and lymphoma, are not eligible to ever donate blood.
Individuals who have travelled to areas that are considered “malaria-risk” countries are asked to wait a year after returning from the trip before donating blood. If they lived in a malaria-risk country for more than five years, they are asked to wait three years after returning to the U.S. before donating blood.
Due to concerns about hepatitis, in Georgia, Idaho, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania, Utah, Wyoming, and the District of Columbia donors are asked to wait a year after getting a tattoo and a year after getting a piercing from a “questionable source” before donating blood.
Those who have a health condition where their blood doesn't clot normally, or are on anticoagulant medications such as Coumadin (warfarin), should not donate blood as they may have excessive bleeding where the needle was placed. However, according to the ARC they are not automatically disqualified from donating blood.
According to the general blood donation criteria, donors must: be at least 16 years of age. weigh at least 110 pounds (lb) not have mild illnesses, such as a cold or the flu. not have unmedicated diabetes, anemia, or hypertension (high blood pressure)
Donating blood is a great way of saving people’s lives. The criteria for donating blood allow most of the population to donate regularly. Local blood banks have information on how many blood donors they need and how the process of donating works.
It helps fight infection and encourages blood to clot. AB plasma is a universal donor plasma because it is compatible with all blood types. Plasma donors can undergo apheresis to take out the plasma from whole blood.
aspirin. no waiting period for whole blood, but 2 days from last dose before donating platelets by aphere sis.
DRCA allows blood bank workers to take two units of power red, the equivalent of two donations, in one sitting. if female, be at least 19 years old, be a minimum of 5 feet 5 inches tall, and weigh at least 150 lb. People can donate power red every 112 days. They cannot donate more than three times a year.
People must weigh at least 110 lb to be eligible to donate blood. People who weigh less than this may not be able to tolerate the removal of the required amount of blood.
People can donate power red by apheresis. This process takes out the necessary component from whole blood, sending the rest of the unneeded blood back into the donor’s body.
Please call 1-800-RED CROSS ( 1-800-733-2767) to be removed from the blood donation call list.
These eligibility criteria apply to all U.S. blood collection organizations. Only an estimated 38 percent of the U.S. population is eligible to donate blood at any given time.
If an individual was previously deferred from donating blood due to MSM, that person will need to call the Donor and Client Support Center at 1-866-236-3276 to confirm eligibility before coming to donate. Additional eligibility questions may also be answered through the Donor and Client Support Center.
During the pre-donation health history screening, the Red Cross uses a questionnaire that is developed by the blood industry’s professional organization, A ABB, and approved by the FDA to assess an individual’s health history. Health history questions are based on past and current behavior risks (for example: travel, ...
The Red Cross will no longer ask donors to answer both male and female questions when attempting to donate. There is no deferral associated with being transgender, and eligibility will be based upon the criteria associated with the gender the donor has reported. See additional blood donation eligibility criteria.
There is no deferral for a woman who has had sex with another woman, and the individual may be eligible to donate blood. The Red Cross encourages individuals to learn more about blood donation eligibility. Transgender Donors. The FDA revised guidance states, “In the context of the donor history questionnaire, FDA recommends ...
The American Red Cross believes blood donation eligibility should not be determined by methods that are based upon sexual orientation. We are committed to working with partners toward achieving this goal. We understand that there is a difference between biological sex and gender.