what are the qualifications to donate eggs

by Johathan Mraz MD 6 min read

Potential Egg Donors must meet the following egg donation qualifications to be considered for our program:

  • Must live in the United States as well as be a citizen of the United States
  • Must be willing and able to travel to California for up to 7 days (travel expenses provided by their intended parents at no cost to our donors)
  • Must be between the ages of 18-30
  • Must have a valid driver’s license

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Your handy egg donor checklist
  • Donors should be between 21-35 years of age. ...
  • Donors should not be underweight or overweight, with a healthy BMI.
  • Egg donors should have a healthy reproductive organ with both ovaries and healthy ovarian reserve.
  • Healthy hormone levels with regular menstrual cycles are standard.

Full Answer

What to know before donating your eggs?

Unfortunately, no. Most women need a BMI under 28 in order to donate eggs. Being at a healthy weight is one of the factors that intended parents will screen for when selecting egg donors. While a woman’s BMI is just one aspect of her overall health, it is an important consideration during fertility treatments.

What are the requirements for donating an egg?

Feb 11, 2021 · Personal qualifications. Between 21-28 years of age. BMI under 28 ( BMI calculator) Willing to be under consideration for 6 months. Willing and able to respond to communication within 24 hours from ConceiveAbilities ® and medical staff.

What are the requirements to be considered for egg donation?

Oct 18, 2016 · Egg donors are required to be women of proportionate weight and heigh. This is because overweight may affect egg quality and therefore higher doses of drugs to induce ovulation may be required. Egg donors should be women of normal weight, with a BMI under 28.

Can you make money donating eggs?

AdSearch Egg Donor Criteria. Get The Best Result with ZapMeta Info on Egg Donor Criteria. Find More Egg Donor Criteria. ZapMeta offers the Overview from 6 Engines


What disqualifies a woman from donating eggs?

Potential candidates can be disqualified from being an egg donor for several reasons, including lifestyle habits (e.g. smoking, history of drug use), health concerns (irregular periods, obesity, genetic disorders, etc.), usage of certain types of contraception (e.g. Depo-Provera), and the inability to commit to ...

Is it painful to be an egg donor?

While there are some risks and discomfort that can occur during the egg donation procedure, the process is generally painless and safe. It helps a lot if you know you're working with a top-tier organization that will make your health and safety a priority throughout the entire process.Feb 19, 2020

What are the disadvantages of egg donation?

The cons of egg donationIt can be stressful. The whole process does take some time and patience. ... It may cause irreversible physical changes. ... It may cause personal pregnancy. ... It's usually an anonymous process. ... It takes a lot of time and effort.

How much do I get for selling my eggs?

In a recent opinion published by American Society for Reproductive Medicine – which dissuades agencies from compensating donors more than $10,000 – the society found that 88% of donors compensated up to $5,000 for their eggs answered in a self-report questionnaire that “being able to help someone” was their biggest ...Nov 7, 2021

Can you still have kids after donating eggs?

No. The procedure itself doesn't have any impact on your future ability to have children. Women are born with about 2 million eggs. Each month, a group of eggs begin the maturation process, but the body selects only one egg each cycle to ovulate, while the rest are absorbed by the body.

Will a donor egg have my DNA?

Scientists have discovered that women who use donor eggs still pass their own DNA to their child. Research shows in principle the baby will have some DNA from the woman using donor eggs even though the egg is from another woman. Egg donors have to be fit, healthy and young.Dec 21, 2015

Will my baby look like me if I use a donor egg?

Because a donor egg won't share any of its genes with its intended mother, there's a chance the baby will not resemble its mother. However, if her partner's sperm was used, the baby may look like its father because they share the same genetics.Jul 23, 2019

Why you shouldn't sell your eggs?

Egg donation can be fatal. OHSS, or Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome, is where too many hormones during the egg retrieval process can make a patient sick with abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bloating, or even death.Sep 27, 2017

Calling all future-makers

You have big plans. School, travel, saving for the future. You may be wondering: what are the criteria for egg donation? The same focus and determination you use to make what you want happen in your own life are what we need in an egg donor. We are looking for women who are healthy, open and ready to commit to helping create a family.

Requirements to donate eggs

Our requirements make sure you and everyone else involved is as secure as possible.

What disqualifies you from being an egg donor?

The requirements to being an egg donor so that you'll qualify for egg donation are put in place by ASRM (the American Society for Reproductive Medicine). Plus, you may find that different clinics have slightly different criteria from each other.

Prepare mentally

Egg donation is a big commitment, and one that you should feel amazing about doing! But egg donation is also a serious responsibility. You need to be mentally ready for all that is going to be asked of you.

Prepare physically

The actual egg donation process is relatively short (a few weeks), but keeping up with exercise and eating right from when you apply to when you are matched is a great way to help your body prepare for what's ahead.

Prepare emotionally

Be ready to share one of the greatest adventures ever with your agency and with your intended parents. During the application process you will be asked many personal questions about yourself and your family, and you should be ready to answer all of them as honestly as possible.

3 things to know about egg donation

Before applying to become an egg donor, it's important to have an understanding of what will be expected of you.

Age requirements

All potential egg donors should have attained the age of legal majority (18 years old), preferably within the 21-34 age group. The goal is to make sure she is capable of making mature decisions and provide true informed consent.

What are egg donors screened for?

All women willing to donate their eggs, both unknown and known, should be psychologically, genetically and medically pre-screened in accordance with the guidelines of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM).

What to know about donating eggs

Informing donors that donating their gametes does not give them any legal right or duty to rear the donor-conceived children is a key step at the very beginning of the process.


Graduate in Nursery by the Escuela Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud of Seville. University Expert in Assisted Reproduction for Nursery by the King Juan Carlos University (URJC) of Madrid. Over 8 years' experience as a nurse team coordinator and nurse specialized in Assisted Reproduction. More information about Rocío Fuentes Dorado
