what can you donate to purple heart

by Valentin Roberts 3 min read

How to Donate to the Purple Heart

  1. Keep in mind. Keep in mind that all donations to the Purple Heart groups are tax-deductible. ...
  2. To donate cash. To donate cash, simply visit the MOPH's website and follow the posted instructions. All that is required is a credit and/or debit card.
  3. Donating a car. Donating a car may be a bit more tedious. ...

You can donate gently worn clothing, textiles, shoes, luggage, household goods, yard tools, and more. When you donate items, make sure they are in good enough condition that someone else would be happy to use them.Dec 10, 2018

Full Answer

What does Purple Heart accept as donations?

Military Order of the Purple Heart. By making your monthly donation to the MOPH Legacy Program you help us provide much needed programs to Combat Wounded Veterans and their families across the globe. The MOPH provides opportunities for continued education and employment, as well as offering programs that affect the mental health and overall well being …

Is Purple Heart accepting donations?

Clothing donations are converted to dollars raised to help the nation’s veterans. The Purple Heart is a Congressionally-chartered charity composed of military men and women who received the Purple Heart Medal for wounds suffered in combat.

What does Purple Heart do with donations?

Books, CDs & Videos. Hardback, paperback and children’s books, CDs, DVDs, Blue Ray movies, electronics, books and record albums. Small Furniture. Solid wood furniture weighing less than 50 pounds such as end tables, coffee tables, lamps, nightstands, wooden chairs, rocking chairs, stools, and plant stands.

What kind of donations does Purple Heart take?

Donate THERE ARE 4 MILLION DISABLED VETERANS IN AMERICA They need assistance and with your help, we can provide it. Purple Heart Homes assists Service Connected Disabled Veterans in renovating their current home, so they can live with the dignity and independence they deserve. Together, we can improve Veterans’ lives one home at a time.


Does Purple Heart take DVDs?

Hardback, paperback and children's books, CDs, DVDs, Blue Ray movies, electronics, books and record albums.

What happens to items donated to Purple Heart?

Purple Heart Donations After you donate clothing and housewares through GreenDrop, we then sell those items to raise usable funds that support Purple Heart's mission to support veterans and their families throughout the nation.

What does a Purple Heart support?

Purple Heart Service Foundation. The mission of the Purple Heart Service Foundation is to holistically enhance the quality of life of all veterans and their families, providing them with direct service and fostering an environment of comradery and goodwill among combat wounded veterans.

Is Purple Heart a good charity?

Exceptionally Poor. This charity's score is 29.06, earning it a 0-Star rating. Charity Navigator believes donors can "Give with Confidence" to charities with 3- and 4-Star ratings.

Who benefits from Purple Heart donations?

Membership for the Purple Heart is restricted to those who were wounded in combat specifically, but the charity supports all veterans and their families through a variety of programs across the country.Dec 10, 2018

How rare is the Purple Heart?

The result was that the War Department announced that, as of 5 September 1942, the Purple Heart was now exclusively an award for those wounded or killed in action. About 270 Purple Hearts for achievement or service—and not for wounds—were awarded prior to this change in policy, which makes them exceedingly rare.

Do Purple Heart recipients get 100 disability?

Additionally, Purple Heart recipients are eligible for 100 percent of their benefits for up to thirty-six months. This has been in effect since August 2018. Some states offer tuition waivers for state colleges and universities for servicemembers who have been awarded a Purple Heart.May 27, 2020

Do Purple Heart recipients pay taxes?

This special pay is considered an entitlement (tax-free) paid in addition to “any retired pay” the veteran is already entitled to. In order to qualify as a Purple Heart recipient, veterans must apply via their branch of the military meet the following conditions: Be entitled to and/or receiving military retired pay.

Is Purple Heart higher than Medal of Honor?

The highest ranking military medals are awarded for valor and heroism, honoring those who serve in combat and perform above and beyond the call of duty....Related ArticlesMedal of Honor BenefitsDistinguished Service CrossNational Medal of Honor DayPurple Heart BenefitsHow to Replace Lost Military MedalsSilver Star

How much does the CEO of Purple Heart make?

$215,000The Foundation's highest-paid employee, CEO Steve Ruckman, did not respond to repeated requests for comment and emailed questions from Military Times. His compensation has increased over the years, from about $150,000 in 2010 to nearly $215,000 as of 2017, according to the tax filings.Jul 3, 2018

How much of Red Cross donations go to the cause?

The Red Cross is proud that an average of 90 cents of every dollar we spend is invested in delivering care and comfort to those in need. Each year, the generous support of donors like you enables our disaster workforce— 90% volunteers—to help millions of people in the U.S.

What happened to the Military Order of the Purple Heart?

The Military Order of the Purple Heart of the U.S.A., or MOPH, a Virginia-based nonprofit, announced this month that it will no longer be able to provide such assistance to those in need through its National Service Program.Apr 26, 2018


Whether you’re moving, reorganizing the house, have kids that grew out of their clothes or you’re just spring cleaning…have you ever considered donating those items to the Purple Heart Foundation? We’ll take them!

Frequently Asked Questions

All men’s, women’s, children and infant clothing including outerwear, underwear, shoes and boots, jackets, ties, shirts, dresses, blouses, sweaters, pants, hats, gloves, handbags, purses, raincoats and overcoats, swimsuits, sandals, shorts, sleepwear, jeans, T-shirts and formal wear.


Enjoying your freedom? Thank a veteran! Donate to the Purple Heart Foundation to provide direct support to our nation’s heroes.


Plan a fundraiser for your event, in honor of a loved one, in celebration of your birthday and more! Learn about how you can help us raise money for veterans with your friends and family.


Check out our new list of programs and services that directly support veterans and their families. Learn about each service, apply for assistance or donate to help others.

What is the Purple Heart?

The Purple Heart is a decoration awarded to those who served in the armed forces who as a result, were injured or died during combat. There are two main groups that represent these veterans, the Military Order of the Purple Heart (MOPH) and its Ladies Auxiliary. The MOPH works to assist and protect the rights of veterans and their families.

How to donate cash to MOPH?

To donate cash, simply visit the MOPH's website and follow the posted instructions. All that is required is a credit and/or debit card. If you wish to donate a memorial gift in honor of someone, this can also be done online.

What is the MOPH?

The MOPH works to assist and protect the rights of veterans and their families. The Ladies Auxiliary is composed of women who are related to the Purple Heart recipients. Both groups accept donations.

Where is Sianne Statile?

Currently residing in Fredericksburg, Va., Sianne Statile officially began writing in 2010 and is currently writing articles for various websites. Her expertise includes parenting, relationships and arts and crafts among other topics. Statile is also working towards obtaining an associate degree in business at a local community college.

Is Purple Heart donation tax deductible?

Keep in mind that all donations to the Purple Heart groups are tax-deductible. The MOPH and the Ladies Auxillary make it easy to donate by providing pickup services for household items and clothing as well as a towing service, if you wish to donate a car.

What is the Purple Heart?

military. A Purple Heart is a solemn distinction and means a service member has greatly sacrificed themselves, or paid the ultimate price, while in the line of duty.

Who was the first Purple Heart recipient?

The first service member to receive the modern-day Purple Heart was Army Gen. Douglas MacArthur for his service in the Pacific theater (specifically in the Philippines) during World War II. 5. Famous Purple Heart Recipients.

What is the oldest award for Purple Heart?

In honor of Purple Heart Day, here are eight facts about the history of the Purple Heart Medal and its recipients: 1. The Purple Heart is the Oldest Military Award Still Presented to American Service Members. The Purple Heart’s first predecessor, the Fidelity Medallion, was created in 1780 by the Continental Congress, ...

When was the Purple Heart created?

The Purple Heart’s first predecessor, the Fidelity Medallion, was created in 1780 by the Continental Congress, but was only awarded to three soldiers that year. Two years later, in 1782, President George Washington created the Badge of Military Merit. Because the Fidelity Medallion was never again bestowed, it is generally thought ...

Who holds the record for the most Purple Hearts?

Curry T. Haynes currently holds the record for the largest number of Purple Hearts bestowed upon a single service member. Haynes, who served in the Army during the Vietnam War, was awarded his first Purple Heart after an ambush in the jungle, where he was shot in the arm.

Who was the first soldier to receive the Purple Heart?

During the Revolutionary War, Continental Army soldiers William Brown and Elijah Churchill were the first soldiers to receive the Badge of Military Merit, the predecessor to the Purple Heart. Brown was most likely bestowed the honor for his service during the Siege of Yorktown, while Churchill was recognized for his gallantry at a battle near Fort St. George on Long Island.

Who was the chief nurse at Hickam Field?

Fox, who was serving as the chief nurse at Hickam Field, Hawaii, remained calm throughout the attack on Pearl Harbor and her hospital, and successfully directed hospital staff to tend to the wounded as they came in from harbor.
