what should we donate for war in coc

by Judd Howell 5 min read

Like the normal Clan Castle, participants can donate a maximum of 5-8 troops per War Base (dependent on Clan level), disregarding housing space (e.g. one could donate 1 Dragon, 2 Wizards and 2 Archers to fill up the space in a War Base with a level 5 Clan Castle), and the capacity of a player's Clan Castle in the War Base is equal to the housing capacity of the player's Clan Castle in the normal village.

Thanks in advance! 20 spaces the best choice is a dragon.In 25 the best choice is or Pekka or a dragon and a balloon. On 30 the best choice is or the lava,but even better is a dragon with some balloons. On 35,The best way is a lava hound and a balloon.

Full Answer

Is it okay to donate troops for Clan Wars?

During the preparation day it’s extremely important to build and donate defensive troops to all your clan mates. In order to do so, you will have to tap individual bases on the map and donate troops directly. You can’t request troops for your war base – you need an active team in order to succeed! Second Clan War day: Battle Day

What is the best donating clan in Clash of clans?

Mar 09, 2022 · Like the normal Clan Castle, participants can donate a maximum of 6-9 troops per War Base (dependent on Clan level), disregarding housing space (e.g. one could donate 1 Dragon, 2 Wizards and 2 Archers to fill up the space in a War Base with a level 5 Clan Castle), and the capacity of a player's Clan Castle in the War Base is equal to the housing capacity of the …

How to participate in a clan war?

THESE ARE OUR WAR RULES! If you don’t like them… find another clan. Only Co-Leaders to donate to defensive war clan castles. A combination of wizards, barbs, arch is usually best – BE SPECIFIC with your request (see other request for an idea of how to do this) You must have an ELITE war base.

How to build and donate defensive troops to your clan mates?

The best donating clan in Clash Of Clans Currently are Invictus Family and The 200 Club.They donate max troops like wiz,loons,baby draag,lava,archers,valk,witch.I personally assist Invictus Family. Invictus Kings (now they don’t donate),Beasts,Nobles,Fire,lords Invictus KINGS- #8GQVGYJY, Level 12 Clan Invictus LORDS- #8OLV8PCO, Level 11 Clan


What should I donate for war clan castle?

[GUIDE] Clan Castle Donations for CWLBaby Dragon (10)Valkyrie and 2 archers (10)2 Balloons.Dec 2, 2019

What troops are best for war CC?

18:5522:38Best Clan Castle Troops for Every Town Hall Level in Clash of Clans!YouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipAnd your first recommended clan castle combination is one lava hound two headhunters. And threeMoreAnd your first recommended clan castle combination is one lava hound two headhunters. And three archers or goblins i have explained why the lava hound is so useful in the town hall 10 and 11 sections.

Should I donate troops in Clash of Clans?

Originally Answered: How do I donate troops in Clash of Clans and why would I want to? You dont have to. Unless you want to seek the trust and friendship of your clanmates. On a serious note, donating troops not only gives you exp points but is also a source of some valuable gems.

Who can donate in clan war?

The best troops do donate right now in clan wars , based on the experience of 210 wars won are:Dragon ( especially the new level)Valkyrye ( on 15 or 10 spaces town halls)Balloons ( if they land on some wizards when dying they are in trouble )More items...

What is the best COC troop?

Dragons are one of the strongest troops, with high HP and high DPS. They also deal small area splash damage (although this splash damage component is very powerful on defense versus a large number of weak troops like Archers). 10 Dragons will usually destroy a full TH7 village in about a minute and a half.

Are Pekkas good for defense?

[raid] Pekka, the perfect defense for any attack strategy.

Does donating increase clan XP?

You just receive XP for donating troops.Dec 9, 2014

Do you get XP for donating war troops?

Gain XP for Donating Troops in Wars & War Leagues You will now gain XP when you donate Troops during Wars and War Leagues, but not during Friendly Wars. The amount of XP earned is based on the donated Troops at the start of the Battle Day.Sep 25, 2021

Can Super troops be donated?

Super Troops can be requested and donated just as regular troops. However, to receive the specific Super Troop you have requested someone in your clan must have the Super Troop active as Super Troops can't be donated with Gems. You can donate Super Troops as reinforcements to Clanmates.

Why is player not eligible for war?

When you try to join a war but receive the message "not eligible," this indicates one or several of the below scenarios: You are already participating in another Clan's Clan War or Clan War Leagues. You or your Clan have received a War cooldown as a punitive action.

How is war weight calculated COC?

Your war weight in clan wars is determined by your defensive strength and your offensive strength. Every building, except for decorations, gold mines, elixir collectors, storages, and other buildings that do not affect your battle performance, affect your war weight in some way.

What is the highest clan level in COC 2021?

Clans can be upgraded beyond level 10, however currently no new perks are unlocked.

How to initiate a friendly war?

To initiate a Friendly War, a leader or co-leader must go to the clan profile of the clan they wish to challenge, where they may issue a challenge to that clan. Clans may choose to opt out of Friendly Wars and thus deny the opportunity to be challenged by other clans.

How to opt out of clan war?

If you wish to not participate in a Clan War you can opt-out. You can do this by visiting your Player Profile and clicking the "Clan Wars" button and it will ask you if you prefer to be in the war or not. Click "I'm Out" if you would like to be left out, click "I'm In" if you would like to be in the war.

How long does the Friendly War last?

However, the results of the Friendly War can still be seen in the War Log, and replays from the Friendly War will last for 24 hours after the war ends.

How many stars does a clan get?

Only the best attack against each enemy counts, so clan strategy is key! If two players attack the same enemy base and one person gets one star and the other gets two, the clan only receives two stars (not three). This is to prevent everyone from attacking the easiest enemy bases.

What happens if both clans score the same amount of stars?

In the case that both clans score the same amount of stars, the winning clan is the clan that has dealt the higher amount of total destruction. Should both clans deal the same amount of stars and total destruction, the war will be considered a draw.

What is a rounded box?

In the center of the box is the result. On either side of the result, the names of both players involved in the battle are displayed; the player belonging to your clan will be on the left-hand side and the player belonging to the enemy clan will be on the right-hand side .

How long is the battle period in a sandbox?

The length of the preparation period and battle period is also decided by the challenger, and both can last for any of the following durations: 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours, 6 hours, 8 hours, 12 hours, 16 hours, 20 hours and 1 day.

How many replays does the enemy know about the clan castle?

There are some circumstances in Clan War that require variations in order to have the best Troops in the War Castle: Lack of surprise – your enemy will know after 2-3 replays what’s inside your Clan Castle without having to make a first attack. Your enemy is better prepared for the attack in general (we don’t want that!)

What is a classic that works like a charm with the Dragon?

A classic that works like a charm with the Dragon that will be the focus but the additional Archers can create trouble as well with a lot of distraction. No attacker likes to see those troops coming out of the Clan Castle. Can also be used with a Baby Dragon and more Archers. 9.

Can you have only one troop in a clan castle?

NEVER only have one single kind of troops in your Clan Castle! This will make it a lot easier to take them out, especially when the attacker is prepared. Prevent having many low-hitpoint troops like Archers, Minions etc. – most attackers carry a Poison Spell and wipe them out easily.

How many builder days do you need to finish a potion?

You need 5216 builder days to finish everything, so each of these is about .043% of all build time. Thus, each medal is worth a maximum .0014% of all build time. Now, it might seem that this means builder potions are less than half as good a deal as research potions.

What is a training potion?

Training potion: Versatile. Most obviously useful for rapid-fire queen/goblin loot sniping, but also any kind of raiding. Easily nets more than 2.5 million of gold or elixir if done properly, so much better than flat bonuses. Much cheaper to donate units quickly than using gems, even if you have the gold pass.

What level is the last time potions were useful?

The last time potions would be useful is for TH8, dragon level 3, when the hammer would be worth 10 medals of resources and 100 medals of time, for a value of 110. Because its list price is higher than its “value” that is why potions would be better.

Which is better, Hammers of Fighting or Spells?

A very, very marginal improvement for your base compared with the other options. Hammers of fighting & spells: These are very often the best, because they save you both the resource and time cost of the upgrade. However, because their value goes up each level, they are not good purchases very early on.

Do you use all your research upgrades in every attack?

However, you don’t use all of your research upgrades in every attack, whereas you do use every building and hero you upgrade in every defense. So, maxing out your defenses will not take as long as maxing out all of your research, which means you’ll finish your account sooner if you boost research.

Is flat bonus good?

These flat bonuses are only good if you hate to grind and don’t mind waiting longer for everything in the game. If you insist on wasting your medals on flat bonuses, do it “the” “right” way. “The” “right” way: Wait until you are only 2.5 million away from what you need for an expensive thing before you buy the bonus.

Is a builder potion better than a hero hammer?

If we look only at build time and ignore resource costs, this means that it is easily possible for builder potions to be a better value than hero hammers. For instance, if you are upgrading all four heroes at once, each builder potion reduces hero upgrade time by 1.5 days, at a rate of 0.05 days per medal.
