what to do after you donate blood

by Branson Kemmer DDS 3 min read

What to Do After Donating Blood?

  • Keep yourself hydrated and drink more fluids for the next couple of days.
  • Do not engage in strenuous physical activity and avoid heavy lifting for at least five hours.
  • Lie down with your feet elevated when you feel lightheaded.
  • Do not remove the bandage on your arm for 4-5 hours.

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What to eat before donating blood and what to avoid?

DOs AND DON’Ts AFTER DONATING BLOOD DO DO NOT • Rest in the blood donation centre for at least 20 minutes • Keep pressure bandage/plaster on your arm for at least 30 minutes after donating • Drink plenty of fluids • Eat a salty snack at the …

What conditions disqualify you from donating blood?

After donating a sample of your blood will be sent to our state-of-the-art testing facility. Your blood type will be determined and multiple tests will be performed to ensure your blood is safe for transfusion. Tests performed include: Red blood cell antibody screen; Hepatitis B; Hepatitis C; HIV 1/2; HTLV I/II; Syphilis; Cholesterol; West Nile Virus

Can you work out after giving blood?

Wear a shirt with sleeves that you can roll up above your elbows. Let us know if you have a preferred arm or particular vein that has been used successfully in the past to draw blood. Relax, listen to music, talk to other donors or read while you donate. After Your Donation.

What are the reasons why a person cannot donate blood?

What to do after donating blood? keep the pressure dressing on your arm for about 30 minutes after you have given blood, and the plaster on for 6 hours. rest for a short time after giving blood. eat and drink – you will be encouraged to have at least …


What should you do after donating blood?

After your blood donation:Drink extra fluids.Avoid strenuous physical activity or heavy lifting for about five hours.If you feel lightheaded, lie down with your feet up until the feeling passes.Keep your bandage on and dry for the next five hours.More items...•Mar 4, 2021

How long does it take your body to recover from giving blood?

Your body will replace the blood volume (plasma) within 48 hours. It will take four to eight weeks for your body to completely replace the red blood cells you donated. The average adult has eight to 12 pints of blood.

What are the side effects of giving blood?

The side effects of donating blood include nausea and dizziness and fainting in some cases. You may develop a raised bump or experience continued bleeding and bruising at the needle site too. Some people might experience pain and physical weakness after donating blood.

Is donating blood good for your body?

A healthier heart and vascular system Regular blood donation is linked to lower blood pressure and a lower risk for heart attacks. “It definitely helps to reduce cardiovascular risk factors,” says DeSimone.Jan 24, 2022

Is it normal to be tired the day after giving blood?

Slight fatigue is normal after a blood donation, and some people experience this more than others. Anyone who feels tired after donating blood should rest until they feel better. Drinking plenty of water and restoring vitamin and mineral levels may help reduce fatigue.

Do you burn calories donating blood?

Burning calories. No, blood donation won't become a weight loss fad any time soon. However, researchers at the University of California, San Diego have found that you can lose up to 650 calories per pint of blood donated. That's not a bad deal for kicking back and doing a good deed.

Why do you throw up after giving blood?

People may feel fatigued or experience some dizziness, lightheadedness, or nausea after donating blood. This is because of the temporary lowering of blood pressure.Jun 15, 2020

Can you get a headache after giving blood?

If you become ill with 2 or more of the following symptoms in the next 14 days, please call us as soon as possible: Flu-like symptoms (headache, eye pain, muscle and/or joint aches or weakness, rash, swollen glands) Bleeding or easy bruising (unrelated to your blood donation)

What to eat after blood donation?

If you plan on donating blood, it is best to eat foods with plenty of iron, like spinach and red meat, which your body will use to produce new blood after the donation.

How to know if you are pushing yourself too hard after donating?

We encourage people to take it easy for a day or so after donating to make sure that they can recover. Nausea, dizziness, and pain can all be signs that a person is pushing themselves too hard after donating.

Can you smoke after blood donation?

Don’t: Smoke. People who smoke after donating blood can experience increased dizziness. Falling can lead to serious injuries, so it is best to avoid smoking for several hours after the donation to avoid that issue.

Can you drink alcohol after donating blood?

It can be very easy to feel the effects of alcohol after donating because there is less blood to dilute the alcohol in your system. Donating blood increases the risk of dehydration, which doesn’t mix well with alcohol.

What to do after donating blood?

Foods rich in vitamin C, such as strawberries, can help your body absorb iron after donating blood. When you donate blood, you literally give a gift that saves lives. Whether you do it out of a sense of moral duty or for the warm glow you get when you help others, never neglect your body's need to refuel. The right food and proper hydration can ...

How to donate blood safely?

Blood donation is very safe, but you'll want to make sure you don't do something that's going to compromise your health and safety. The Red Cross recommends that you: 1 Avoid alcohol for 24 hours. 2 Skip the heavy lifting and vigorous exercise during that time period. 3 Don't put yourself in positions (like climbing ladders) where fainting might lead to injury.

What to eat after blood work?

A meal of roasted beef with potatoes and broccoli provides the right combination of nutrients your body needs after giving blood. Skin-on potatoes and beef supply iron while the vitamin C in broccoli helps increase your iron absorption, Yeung says.

What to expect after blood donation?

Immediately after your donation, expect to be offered a snack. In fact, if you're a frequent blood donor, you might wonder why donation centers dole out cookies, chips, crackers and such. It's nice to treat yourself for doing good, but there's more to it than that.

What to eat to get iron?

If you don't eat animal protein, you can still bump up your iron intake through non-heme, plant-based sources, such as: Leafy greens. Beans. Legumes. Tofu. Nuts. Raisins. Pairing iron-rich foods with vitamin C helps your body absorb iron. That's especially important if you rely on plant proteins, Yeung says.

How long after blood donation can you drink?

There aren’t any lasting side effects, but you may temporarily: Need to hydrate. Drink more non-alcoholic beverages for 24-48 hours after you donate blood.

How long does it take to donate blood?

Donation. Refreshments. While the whole process, from the time you get to the facility to the time you leave, can take about an hour, the actual donation itself may take as little as 8-10 minutes.

Why do people donate blood?

There are also potential benefits for people who regularly donate blood: Lower iron levels in blood. This is a plus if your iron levels are too high. Donating blood removes some red blood cells, which carry iron throughout your body. Better cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Can you donate blood to a tattoo?

Tattoos, in most states, aren’t a barrier to giving blood, provided that the tattoo artist followed good safety practices (like using sterile needles and not reusing ink). A few states may require a waiting period between when you get a tattoo and when you donate blood, but in general, it’s not an issue. 3. Donation.

What to do after blood donation?

What to do after donating blood 1 Snack and relax: Take a few minutes after your donation to have a snack. It’s important to give your body a second to adjust and restore your energy before you go about your day. Keep eating those iron-rich foods throughout the day to give your body back the iron you’ve lost during donation. 2 Drink more fluids: Replenishing your body of all the lost fluids is a top priority after donating blood. Try to drink at least four more glasses of water throughout the day and avoid alcoholic beverages. 3 Avoid intense exercise: Skip the weightlifting for today to avoid potentially fainting. Give your body a little time to recover and take a walk instead if you still feel the need to exercise. 4 Keep your bandage on: For the next few hours after donation, keep your bandage on to avoid any unwanted infections. Be sure to clean the area with soap and water. 5 Tell your loved ones!: You deserve to brag a little bit about the good deed you did. Encourage your family and friends to donate blood if they can! The more people that chip in, the more lives that can be saved.

How to recover from donating blood?

Try to drink at least four more glasses of water throughout the day and avoid alcoholic beverages. Avoid intense exercise: Skip the weightlifting for today to avoid potentially fainting.

How to get blood sugar stable before donation?

Start your day out right with a breakfast that incorporates those iron-rich foods (can’t go wrong with eggs!). Try to eat 2-3 hours before your donation to keep your blood sugar stable.
