what to do prior to donate blood

by Demetrius Oberbrunner 4 min read

Before your blood donation:
  1. Get plenty of sleep the night before you plan to donate.
  2. Eat a healthy meal before your donation. ...
  3. Drink plenty of water before the donation.
  4. Check to see if any medications you are taking or recently took would prevent you from donating. ...
  5. Wear a shirt with sleeves that can be rolled up.
Mar 4, 2021

How important is it to eat before donating blood?

Jan 17, 2018 · The Best Foods to Eat Before Donating Blood. Alcohol. Alcoholic beverages lead to dehydration. Try to avoid drinking alcohol 24 hours before giving blood. If you do drink alcohol, make sure to ... Fatty foods. Iron blockers. Aspirin.

What to eat after donating blood?

Donors must have proof of age to ensure they meet the minimum age requirements and present a primary form of ID or two secondary forms of ID. Drink Extra Liquids Drink an extra 16 oz. of water before your appointment. Come Prepared Bring your favorite music or a friend to relax and enjoy the donation experience. Make an Appointment

What you should eat before giving blood?

Dec 07, 2021 · Eighty percent of your blood is made up of water, so drinking plenty of fluids prior to your appointment is one of the most sensible things you can do, and it may make the actual donation time shorter. Wear a short-sleeved shirt or a shirt with sleeves that can be rolled up.

What should you not eat the day before a blood test?

Since your body is made mostly of water, it’s important to stay hydrated before (and after) giving blood. A loss of fluids can lead to a drop in your blood pressure, which explains why some may feel dizziness. Be sure to drink at least two cups before you donate. You’ll also feel better if you have something in your stomach, which also stabilizes your blood pressure.


What is the best thing to do before giving blood?

Preparing to give bloodEat. Eating regularly before donating will help to keep your blood sugar levels stable. ... Drink. Almost half of the blood that you donate is made up of water. ... Exercise. ... Wear. ... Distract. ... Know. ... Sleep.

What should you not do before giving blood?

Five Things NOT To Do Before Giving BloodDon't eat immediately before donating. ... Don't give blood if you feel sick. ... Don't worry about drinking coffee, tea or any other caffeinated beverages before donating. ... Don't smoke or drink alcoholic beverages before donating. ... Don't stay up too late the night before.Dec 7, 2021

What should you eat before giving blood?

Eat iron-rich foods: What is the best thing to eat before giving blood? Iron-rich foods such as chicken, red meat, fish, spinach, broccoli, beans, iron-certified cereals, and lentils are essential for helping your body replace the red blood cells you lose during donation.Jan 12, 2021

Can you drink caffeine before donating blood?

Donors should have a healthy meal and drink fluids within four hours before donating. It is best to avoid coffee and caffeinated beverages before donating.

How much water should you drink before giving blood?

16 oz.Drink an extra 16 oz. of water (or other nonalcoholic drink) before your appointment.

Can I eat eggs before donating blood?

If you don't have enough iron stored away prior to giving blood, you could become anemic, which can make you feel tired and weak. Iron-rich foods include red meat, eggs, poultry, fish and leafy green vegetables.

What should you not eat after giving blood?

Avoid fatty foods – burgers, ice cream, fries and even 'good fat' foods like avocados. Your sample will be tested for infectious diseases (HIV and hepatitis C). High fat foods affects test results for a couple of hours after the intake. In this case, your blood will be discarded.May 14, 2019

Can I drink alcohol the day before donating blood?

You cannot donate with any alcohol in your system, so skip Happy Hour this time. Eat fatty foods. Fatty foods can inhibit the tests we do on your blood after donating. Take aspirin (if you're donating platelets).

What to do after blood donation?

What to do after donating blood 1 Snack and relax: Take a few minutes after your donation to have a snack. It’s important to give your body a second to adjust and restore your energy before you go about your day. Keep eating those iron-rich foods throughout the day to give your body back the iron you’ve lost during donation. 2 Drink more fluids: Replenishing your body of all the lost fluids is a top priority after donating blood. Try to drink at least four more glasses of water throughout the day and avoid alcoholic beverages. 3 Avoid intense exercise: Skip the weightlifting for today to avoid potentially fainting. Give your body a little time to recover and take a walk instead if you still feel the need to exercise. 4 Keep your bandage on: For the next few hours after donation, keep your bandage on to avoid any unwanted infections. Be sure to clean the area with soap and water. 5 Tell your loved ones!: You deserve to brag a little bit about the good deed you did. Encourage your family and friends to donate blood if they can! The more people that chip in, the more lives that can be saved.

How to recover from donating blood?

Try to drink at least four more glasses of water throughout the day and avoid alcoholic beverages. Avoid intense exercise: Skip the weightlifting for today to avoid potentially fainting.

How to get blood sugar stable before donation?

Start your day out right with a breakfast that incorporates those iron-rich foods (can’t go wrong with eggs!). Try to eat 2-3 hours before your donation to keep your blood sugar stable.

What is a blood donation?

A blood donation is usually a whole pint of blood, which is quite a bit more than what would be drawn for your labs. Eating food prior to your donation will allow your body to replace the blood that was drawn much quicker and can help prevent pesky post-donation reactions from occurring.

What to check before leaving your house?

Let’s review! Before your leave your house, your self-check list is: 1 Did you eat a healthy well-balance diet with good sources of iron? 2 Did you drink plenty of water? 3 Do you have your Identification: Driver’s license or picture ID?

How long does it take for iron levels to return to normal after blood donation?

If you’re a frequent blood donor, you may want to talk to your doctor about iron supplements. It can take months. for your iron levels to return to normal after giving blood.

What is the best way to absorb iron?

Vitamin C. Although heme iron will raise your iron levels more effectively, vitamin C can help your body better absorb plant-based iron, or nonheme iron. Many fruits are a good source of vitamin C. Fruits high in this vitamin include: cantaloupe. citrus fruits and juices.

What foods can you eat to get iron?

Certain foods and beverages can affect your body’s ability to absorb iron. You don’t have to avoid these foods completely, but avoid eating them at the same time you consume iron-rich foods or iron supplements. Foods that reduce iron absorption include: 1 coffee and tea 2 high-calcium foods like milk, cheese, and yogurt 3 red wine 4 chocolate

What is the role of hemoglobin in the body?

Hemoglobin is responsible for carrying oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body. Eating a well-balanced diet with plenty of iron-rich foods can help you store extra iron. If you don’t have enough iron stored away to make up for the iron you lose when donating blood, you can develop iron deficiency anemia.

How much heme iron is absorbed?

Heme iron is more easily absorbed, so it boosts your iron levels more effectively. Your body absorbs up to 30 percent of heme iron and only 2 to 10 percent of nonheme iron. Before you donate blood, consider increasing your intake of iron-rich foods.

Can you eat ice cream on blood donation day?

If your donation can’t be tested for infectious diseases, then it can’t be used for transfusion. So, skip the doughnuts on donation day.

What foods contain heme iron?

Foods rich in heme iron include: Meats, like beef, lamb, ham, pork, veal, and dried beef. Poultry, such as chicken and turkey. Fish and shellfish, like tuna, shrimp, clams, haddock, and mackerel. Organs, such as liver. Eggs.

Why Give Blood

You don't need a special reason to give blood. You just need your own reason.

What to Expect at Your Donation

Registration — You will sign in, show an ID, and be asked to read some required information.

How to Get Ready

Donors must have proof of age to ensure they meet the minimum age requirements and present a primary form of ID or two secondary forms of ID.

How to get rid of red blood cells?

Eat foods that are rich with: 1 Iron. The removal of red blood cells also depletes iron stores from your body and can take about eight weeks to replace. If you don’t have enough iron stored away prior to giving blood, you could become anemic, which can make you feel tired and weak. Iron-rich foods include red meat, eggs, poultry, fish and leafy green vegetables. 2 Vitamin C. In contrast, vitamin C helps your body absorb more iron which will help your body replenish itself and avoid iron deficiency. Reach for citrus fruits, pineapple, mango or brussel sprouts. 3 Low fat foods. Fatty foods increase the amount of lipids in your blood. A blood sample high in lipids cannot be tested for infections that could cause harm to the recipient.

How many lives can you save with one pint of blood?

Donating blood is an extremely rewarding experience that has the opportunity to save up to three lives with just one donation of one pint of blood. People often feel dizzy or weak after giving blood. Don’t let this prevent you from making a difference.

What foods help with iron deficiency?

Reach for citrus fruits, pineapple, mango or brussel sprouts. Low fat foods. Fatty foods increase the amount of lipids in your blood.

How long does it take for blood pressure to go down?

Eat foods that are rich with: Iron. The removal of red blood cells also depletes iron stores from your body and can take about eight weeks to replace.

Why is it important to eat something?

It’s important to eat something, as your body needs to regain energy to rebuild lost cells. You should also avoid too much caffeine, as it can lead to dehydration and exhaustion. Continue to stay hydrated and avoid alcohol for at least 24 hours. – Tiffany Chang, MD, Medical Director of HealthLab, Pathology.

How long after blood donation can you drink?

There aren’t any lasting side effects, but you may temporarily: Need to hydrate. Drink more non-alcoholic beverages for 24-48 hours after you donate blood.

How long does it take to donate blood?

Donation. Refreshments. While the whole process, from the time you get to the facility to the time you leave, can take about an hour, the actual donation itself may take as little as 8-10 minutes.

Why do people donate blood?

There are also potential benefits for people who regularly donate blood: Lower iron levels in blood. This is a plus if your iron levels are too high. Donating blood removes some red blood cells, which carry iron throughout your body. Better cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Can you donate blood to a tattoo?

Tattoos, in most states, aren’t a barrier to giving blood, provided that the tattoo artist followed good safety practices (like using sterile needles and not reusing ink). A few states may require a waiting period between when you get a tattoo and when you donate blood, but in general, it’s not an issue. 3. Donation.

How to donate blood?

Do not do any of the following: 1 Rush through the cookies and juice provided after your donation. Either gulping them down or skipping them altogether may result in fainting or injury. 2 Donate blood if you are feeling ill or not in perfect health. 3 Donate if you have an empty stomach. Don’t eat right before donating either as this can lead to an upset stomach. 4 Consume caffeine before donating. Caffeinated drinks can act as diuretics, causing the body to get rid of water. You need to be well-hydrated before donating. 5 Smoke right before or after your donation. The nicotine could make you too light-headed. Wait an hour or more after donating. Better yet, don’t smoke at all! 6 Exercise any time in the 24 hours after your donation. 7 Donate if you have an infection for which you are currently taking antibiotics. 8 Donate if you are at high risk for hepatitis or HIV. 9 Consume fatty foods within a day before donating. A blood screening may declare your blood unfit and your donation will be wasted. 10 Donate if you’ve had a body piercing or tattoo done within the last 12 months. 11 Donate if you’re under 17 or weigh less than 110 pounds. 12 Consider driving yourself home after donation. You could faint or fall asleep while driving despite the juice and cookies. Consider having a friend do the driving—one who doesn’t donate on the same day.

What to do after donating to a charity?

If you suffer any flu or cold symptoms, reschedule. Be sure to rest and have a snack right after your donation. These are usually provided at the donation center to help ensure you don’t become lightheaded or faint afterwards. Rest for the remainder of the day so your body can recuperate.

Why is it important to donate blood?

Donating blood is all about saving lives and helping people regain their health. The more often you donate, the more others can benefit from your generous gift. It’s a great habit to get into, but it’s also important to donate right!

What to do if you have an infection?

Donate if you have an infection for which you are currently taking antibiotics. Donate if you are at high risk for hepatitis or HIV. Consume fatty foods within a day before donating. A blood screening may declare your blood unfit and your donation will be wasted.

How to prepare for blood donation?

Hydrate yourself. To prepare your body for the loss of blood, you need to drink plenty of water or fruit juice the night and morning before you donate. The leading cause of faintness and dizziness when you give blood is a drop in blood pressure or blood sugar.

How often can you donate blood?

You can only donate blood every 56 days if you are male, and 84 if you are female (to ensure iron levels are high enough after menstrual cycles). If you have donated blood more recently than that, then you are not eligible again, until that period is over.

How much weight do you need to donate blood?

Certain prescribed medications, such as antibiotics, can make you ineligible to donate blood. You must weigh at least 110 pounds or 50 kg.

How to get iron out of blood?

Having good levels of vitamin C will also help to increase iron absorption. Try to consume citrus fruit, juices, or vitamin C supplements. Hydrate yourself. To prepare your body for the loss of blood, you need to drink plenty of water or fruit juice the night and morning before you donate.

Who is Shari Forschen?

This article was medically reviewed by Shari Forschen, NP, MA. Shari Forschen is a Registered Nurse at Sanford Health in North Dakota . She received her Family Nurse Practitioner Master's from the University of North Dakota and has been a nurse since 2003. This article has been viewed 1,000,590 times.
