When should I start giving my baby toys

by Alivia Labadie 10 min read
When you have a baby, you quickly learn that they need lots of things to keep them entertained. From newborns up to toddlers, there are endless options for toys. But as your baby grows, so do the demands on your time and resources. How can you decide when it's time to start donating your baby's old toys?

When your baby is old enough to understand

When your baby is old enough to understand, you can start donating their toys. Toys are a great way to keep your baby entertained and engaged. When donated to charity, the toys can provide joy and happiness to other children.

When should I start donating my baby toys?

There's no one specific answer to this question - it really depends on your child's age, the toys they're currently using and what you think will be helpful for them. However, generally speaking, toy donations can begin as early as six months old, and continue through toddlerhood. Here are a few things to keep in mind when deciding when to start giving away your children's toys:

-It's important to consider what your child is currently using and enjoying. If they're playing with a toy that you've already given them, it may not be as fun for them if you start donating those types of toys away.

-Donate Toys That Are Age Appropriate. Toys that are too mature for your baby may disappoint or frustrate them, while toys that are too young may not hold their interest long enough for them to learn how to play effectively with them on their own. As your child grows older, you can gradually phase out some of the more juvenile toys and replace them with more challenging ones.

-Consider What You Can realistically Give Away. Anything that is in good condition - no tears, missing pieces or tags - is usually

When your baby outgrows their toys, it's time to get rid of them! If you're not sure when your baby outgrows their toys, look at the age ranges listed below. Age ranges are not set in stone, and can change as your baby grows and learns new things.

0-6 Months: Toys that are mostly flat and light, like fabrics, foam blocks and rattles.

6-12 Months: Toys that are mostly round and firm, like blocks, balls, shape sorters and key rings.

1-3 Years: Toys that are mostly small, colorful pieces with a few larger elements.

How much should you donate

When you are ready to give away your baby's toys, there are some things you should know. In order to ensure that donated toys reach those who need them most, follow these guidelines:

- First, determine what age group the toy is appropriate for. Some toys are best given to toddlers while others are better for older infants or preschoolers. The age of the child will help you decide which toy to donate.

- Second, think about the type of toy. Some toys are designed for one specific activity or game such as a car or doll. Other toys can be used in many ways such as blocks or playdoh. Evaluate which type of toy your baby is using and then decide if it is worth donating.

- Third, think about the condition of the toy. If it has been played with often, is in good condition, and has no broken pieces, it may be worth donating. However, if the toy has been damaged beyond repair or is old and broken, it may not be worth giving away.

- Finally, think about how much space you have for storage and whether you would like to receive donations regularly or just once in a while. If you would


When it comes to donating your baby’s toys, there isn’t really a “correct” answer. On one hand, you want to make sure that the toys are in good condition and will be safe for other children to play with; on the other hand, you don’t want to over- donate and end up taking away from needy children. Ultimately, it is best to consult with your pediatrician or local charity about what age your child should start donating their toys and how often they should do so.