where can i donate a used wheelchair in san francisco area

by Abraham Beier Jr. 5 min read

Your local United Spinal Chapter or SCI support group are other places to check for donating used wheelchairs and DME. Some, like San Francisco Bay Area’s NorCal SCI, maintain a durable equipment closet of donated equipment that is matched with those who need it. Resources

Full Answer

Where can I donate medical equipment in San Francisco?

Dec 12, 2019 · Give medical equipment and medical supplies to Home CARES, a Bay Area organization that supports seniors and those with disabilities (homecares.org). Home CARES accepts San Francisco weekly donations on Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. only. Take the equipment to VIDA on weekdays, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (vidausa.org).

Where can I donate wheelchairs in Pasadena?

Donate. Donate to Wheelchair World. Wheelchair World is committed to helping wheelchair users and their families enjoy holidays and travel. However, we need support to keep doing this. We are a registered charity (registered with the UK government’s Charity Commission – feel free to look us up!). We are 100% run by volunteers.

How can I donate a wheelchair?

Manual wheelchairs, all types and sizes. Aluminum walkers, crutches, and canes. Wheelchair footrests. Other wheelchair parts and trays. Wheelchair seat cushions. New crutch and armpit pads, hand grips, and foot tips. To donate equipment, enter your zip code below and contact your local Chair Corps volunteer to arrange a pick-up or drop-off.

Where can I get a manual wheelchair in California?

ReCares (Formally Home CARES) has three San Francisco Bay Area sites that collect and redistribute donations of clean, gently used medical equipment and unused home health care supplies each week. These are provided free of charge to those in need who visit our sites http://www.homecares.org. Wheelers Accessible Van Rentals

Where can I donate used items in the Bay Area?

Goodwill. Goodwill is the obvious first choice when it comes to donating clothes, furniture and random kitchen items. There are 12 locations in the city of San Francisco alone, and more scattered around the East Bay and the South Bay.Jan 18, 2019

Where can I donate a hospital bed in San Francisco?

Call the San Francisco Free Clinic (sffc.org) to arrange a donation. They accept medical supplies and medical services donations, with prior arrangement only.Dec 12, 2019

Where can I donate a commode chair?

Homeless shelters, hospitals and nursing homes usually accept bedside commodes, so check with those specific organizations first. Goodwill Industries and the Salvation Army also accept bedside commode donations and are located in many communities.Dec 12, 2019

Where can I donate binders in San Francisco?

Scroungers' Center for Re-Usable Art Parts (SCRAP), in San Francisco, is a wonderful place. You can go there to get really inexpensive office supplies (hanging folders, paper, envelopes, pens, etc), arts/crafts supplies, and a huge variety of other things. You can even get binders and hanging folders for free.

How much does a bedside commode cost?

Best Bedside Commodes RatingsBatteryForbes Health RatingsPriceDrive Medical Deluxe Steel Drop Arm Bedside Commode with Padded Seat and Arms4.5$119Vive Folding Commode4.5$99.99Avantia Portable Steel 3-in-1 Commode Chair4.0$69.95Drive Medical Aluminum Shower Chair and Commode with Casters4.0$121.216 more rows•Feb 9, 2022

What do you do with NHS crutches?

Patients should be able to return the countless pairs of perfectly good crutches sitting unused in the corner of living rooms across the country and know they will be put to good use helping others, either in the NHS or elsewhere through charity donations.Oct 17, 2018

How do I return equipment to the NHS?

Just call the number on the barcode label on your equipment and your local customer service team will be happy to help. We will either arrange to collect it from you, or tell you where you can drop it off. If your label is faded, or missing, click through to your local service centre contact page or send us an email.

Where can I donate craft supplies in the Bay Area?

SCRAP is a Creative Reuse center and Arts Education Nonprofit founded in 1976 in San Francisco, California. We breathe new life into old arts and crafts supplies and reduce waste by diverting over 200 tons of materials heading to landfill every year. Visit our donate section for info.

Where can I donate pillows in San Francisco?

Save From a Landfill. If your pillows cannot be reused or donated, you can drop them off with USAgain, who accepts household textiles regardless of their condition. Simply make sure your pillows are clean and dry and in a tied plastic bag. Find your closest drop box here.

How do I get rid of books?

10 Ways to Recycle Your Old BooksDonate to your local library. Bring your gently used books to your local library. ... Donate to a local charity. ... Make some gift tags. ... Recycle your unusable books. ... Sell them or give them away online. ... Make a “Free Books” box.Jul 10, 2017

What can you do with a used wheelchair in Ontario?

Here are contacts for organizations accepting medical devices and mobility aids:ALS Ontario: 1-866-611-8545.Canadian Red Cross: 1-855-255-9156.MS Society, Ontario: 1-800-268-7582.Toronto Rehab Foundation: 416-597-3040.United Way Toronto: 416-777-2001.Aug 17, 2012

Where can I donate blankets in San Francisco?

Organizer Tip: Where to Donate Your Old LinensSAN FRANCISCO ANIMAL CARE & CONTROL. https://www.sfanimalcare.org/contact/MUTTVILLE. https://muttville.org/contact_us.WONDER DOG RESCUE. http://www.wonderdogrescue.org/about.FAMILY DOG RESCUE. http://www.wearefamilydog.com/contact/SPCA-SAN FRANCISCO. ... Help Me Organize.Aug 30, 2018

Where can I donate wheelchairs and walkers in NYC?

Places like The American Red Cross, Goodwill, and the Salvation Army are always available to take certain medical equipment like wheelchairs and walkers. For people that have a hard time affording new or slightly used wheelchairs, these organizations are a great place to get them at little to no cost.May 11, 2020

What can you do with old walkers?

In most cases, they will be refurbished and donated, and pick-up can be arranged. For other nationwide options, try your local Goodwill or Salvation Army location. They will gladly accept wheelchairs, walkers, and scooters, as will local churches, community centers, rehab facilities, and shelters.

Does goodwill take couches California?

We do not accept large furniture. Couches, sofas, futons. Cribs, strollers, car seats, safety gates, etc. (Reason? Government safety recalls.)

Do Rspca accept duvets?

We also need sheets, towels, blankets and duvets to use as animal bedding and in caring for the animals. Please bring your unwanted bedding and towels along so that we can put them to good use.

Where can I donate pillows in San Francisco?

Save From a Landfill. If your pillows cannot be reused or donated, you can drop them off with USAgain, who accepts household textiles regardless of their condition. Simply make sure your pillows are clean and dry and in a tied plastic bag. Find your closest drop box here.

Where can I donate stuffed animals in my area?

Here's Where to Donate Toys to Kids Who Need Them MostCharities. There are so many charities that will accept gently used toys and distribute them throughout their networks. ... Buy Nothing Groups. ... Hospitals. ... Children's Homes and Shelters. ... Daycare Centers. ... Police and Fire Departments. ... Churches. ... Recycling Programs.Oct 13, 2020

Do NYC libraries accept book donations?

New York City libraries will consider accepting most types of books and textbooks from donors, assuming the items are in good condition and the library staff thinks the donated books are appropriate for the library's circulating collection.

Who will pick up books for donation in NYC?

Reuse | Re-Read: NYC Book Donation CentersNew York Public Library. ... The Strand Bookstore will buy your books and may even pick-up and pack your books in large collections! ... Books Through Bars donations are dropped off at Freebird Books, 123 Columbia Street, Brooklyn, NY. ... Housing Works Bookstore Café guidelines here.More items...•Jun 20, 2016


Manual wheelchairs, all types and sizes Aluminum walkers, crutches, and canes Wheelchair footrests Other wheelchair parts and trays Wheelchair seat cushions New crutch and armpit pads, hand grips, and foot tips


Volunteers, known as "Chair Corps", collect used, but restorable, wheelchairs across the United States.

Find a Drop off Location

Enter your ZIP code or Address to find a Chair Corps volunteer near you.

When was Rio Mobility founded?

Rio Mobility was founded in 2002 with the mission of developing unique products that increase the mobility and health options of wheelchair users. SCI Special Fund - The Fund was started by Rog Severson, a Southern California real estate developer who suffered a spinal cord injury in 1986.

What is recares San Francisco?

ReCares (Formally Home CARES) has three San Francisco Bay Area sites that collect and redistribute donations of clean, gently used medical equipment and unused home health care supplies each week . These are provided free of charge to those in need who visit our sites#N#http://www.homecares.org

What is the ability people foundation?

The Able People Foundation's private ads help people to sell or donate their used assistive products for free. Through their Giving Program, they identify and give the products to people with no insurance or funding that are desperately in need through an application process, and collaborate with other organizations and businesses to identify low income elderly, and individuals living with physical limitations in need of basic products not covered by their health insurance. They also will purchase the products and distribute in larger quantities.

What is DME in Los Angeles?

The Durable Medical Equipment Aid Society provides DME on a loan basis to those individuals living in Los Angeles County who lack the financial resources or insurance coverage to access in-home DME for their rehabilitation or recovery from illness or injury. There is a small administrative fee, which varies depending on the type of equipment loaned. The administrative fee covers delivery of equipment. Availability of DME varies, but we have wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, canes, transfer benches, shower chairs, portable commodes, in-home hospital beds, etc. We accept donations of such items that are in clean and serviceable condition.

What is the AT Reuse Program?

The AT Reuse Program is intended to support increased reassignment of used devices to new individuals who can benefit from the devices. Under the AT Reuse Capacity Building Grant, CALIF reassigns assistive technology devices including durable medical equipment, communication devices, vision products, hearing products, mobility products or other assistive devices.

What is Dayle McIntosh Center?

The Dayle McIntosh Center's reuse program serves consumers of all ages and disabilities that live in Orange County. We are part of both State and County reuse collaborative which bring together equipment vendors, non-profit agencies and specialists to find appropriate equipment for consumers. We take donations of used AT/DME and then repair, adjust and sanitize items in preparation for reuse. Inventory can change constantly but some items include; wheelchairs, walkers, canes, crutches, shower chairs, commode chairs, Hoyer lifts and many other items. The goal is to help consumers get equipment when their natural supports fall short.

What is PC Community Clubhouse?

The PC Community Clubhouse provides a variety of services to its members including: repairing and refurbishing personal computers, teaching members to build a computer from scratch, teaching members to install hardware and software, teaching members to format hard drives, and teaching members to prepare computers for donations to others.

Does Riverside Community Access Center accept wheelchairs?

Riverside Community Access Center has an equipment reuse program that will take donation of wheelchairs, ramps, rollators/walkers, hearing aids, hospital beds, suction safety grips. They also have senior low vision program that will accept donations of visual aids.

What is ewaste recycling?

Ewaste is a non-profit that accepts donations of household electronics and computer for recycling. They also give away refurbished computers to schools, non-profit organizations and economically and/or physically disadvantaged individuals. Our electronics and computer re cycling efforts support our training program, where volunteers learn to reclaim, refurbish, and restore computers for home, school, and office applications.

What is community thrift?

Community Thrift is an independent and non-discriminatory non-profit establishment — when you donate with us you can pick your favorite charity and get a tax receipt! We accept donations on behalf of our charity partners, sell the items in our store, and then disburse the proceeds.

Is Community Thrift Store a non profit?

Community Thrift Store is a non-profit organization with a small staff dedicated to providing our neighbors with a sustainable way to repurpose their unneeded items while supporting their favorite Bay Area charities. Be sure to check our lists of acceptable and unacceptable items. Here are some tips that can help us make the most of your donation: