where can i donate old encyclopedias?

by Miss Marilyne Metz 4 min read

Donate your old encyclopedias to a local school or library. This option depends on the age of the books and whether or not schools and libraries accept older sets of encyclopedias. Even if the school or library cannot use the books, they can sell them at school or library fundraisers.

Goodwill, Salvation Army, etc., receive donations of tons of old encyclopedias, dictionaries and reference books but send them to recycling centers or dumps as they cannot use or sell them. You can check online for old book collectors, on EBay, Craigs List and other retail sites for possibilities.Dec 11, 2021

Full Answer

Where can I donate old nursing books?

Mar 24, 2020 · Most public libraries accept donations of books from the public on the condition that they are free to do as they see best with them. They may keep the encyclopedias or sell them to someone and use the proceeds to buy needed books. State libraries may accept donations of encyclopedias as well. There are other organizations that accept donations, such as Books For …

Where to donate old or unwanted books?

Jun 24, 2020 · Goodwill, Salvation Army, etc., receive donations of tons of old encyclopedias but send them to recycling centers or dumps as they cannot use or sell them. EBay has Mee sets for $25-$50.00. You can check online for old book collectors, on EBay, Craigs List and other retail sites for possibilities.

Where can I donate some books?

Dec 12, 2019 · Donate the encyclopedia set to Goodwill or The Salvation Army. They take donations of all kinds, including books and even encyclopedia sets. Donations can be given directly at a nearby store, usually during specific hours and in the back of the store, or can be given by contacting your nearest Salvation Army or Goodwill and having them pick up the …

Can you put encyclopedias in Recycle Bin?

May 12, 2011 · The true value is the ones that are 100+ years old. In some cases you can list them in your area and try to sell them this way. A lot of times you can earn around $50 for the set. Advertisement. Normally people are no longer taking donations of old encyclopedias and a lot of times people need to recycle them.


What's the best thing to do with old encyclopedias?

Recycling encyclopedias Call your local library and ask if you may donate your set to be sold. Put it up for giveaway on freecycle.org. If they're really old -- say, more than 100 years -- call a rare bookseller and ask if they're worth anything. Find out if a local recycler takes them.May 5, 2008

Is there a market for old encyclopedias?

Most old dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc., have very little value-a few dollars at most. You can check online for old book collectors, on Craigslist and other retail sites for possibilities.

Is an old set of encyclopedias worth anything?

Many people have old books they think are valuable and would like to sell. Most old dictionaries, references etc., have very little value, a few dollars at most. Encyclopedias dated after 1923 are essentially worthless but crafters may be interested for the old pictures.

How do you get rid of old encyclopedias?

There are plenty of other places that would love to take the encyclopedias off your hands. Try boxing up your encyclopedias and dropping them off at a local used bookstore. If you're looking for a more purposeful use for your old encyclopedias, try local schools and libraries.Mar 25, 2015

Where can I donate encyclopedias near me?

Does Goodwill accept encyclopedias? Donate the encyclopedia set to Goodwill or The Salvation Army. They take donations of all kinds, including books and even encyclopedia sets.Dec 11, 2021

Should I throw away encyclopedias?

Fortunately, several options exist for disposing of the entire set without throwing them in the trash. Donate your old encyclopedias to a local school or library. This option depends on the age of the books and whether or not schools and libraries accept older sets of encyclopedias.

Can I sell my encyclopedias?

List your Britannica encyclopedias on local online classified sites such as Craigslist. Include your phone number for faster response times or request an anonymous e-mail address for replies. List your encyclopedias on online auction sites such as eBay.

Are encyclopedias still made?

The World Book Encyclopedia is the only general A-Z print research source still published today. Whether you are looking up information to understand a subject or checking a fact for a homework assignment, answers are here!

Question: Donating Old Encyclopedias?

We have several sets of old encyclopedias and we want to donate them. Who can we contact?

Question: Value of Old Encyclopedias?

Do old sets of encyclopedias have any value? Can they be donated anywhere or do they have to be recycled?

Question: Donating Encyclopedias?

Where can I donate my full set of World Book Encyclopedia brought in 1984?
