where is the best place to donate used books

by Blake Mosciski 10 min read

Best Places to Donate Used Books
  1. Your Local Library. ...
  2. Your Neighborhood Little Free Library. ...
  3. A School or Community Book Drive or Fundraiser. ...
  4. Freecycle. ...
  5. Reputable Charities. ...
  6. Local Faith-Based Organizations. ...
  7. Your Neighborhood Thrift Store. ...
  8. Local Museums & Other Cultural Organizations.

Where to donate large amount of used books?

Mar 31, 2022 · 14 Best Place To Donate Books Update 03/2022. As long as you don’t need to read the books on your shelves, they should be moved. As soon as you finish a book, it can be used by a non-profit group. Donated books can be sold by some charities in order to raise money. Others can be used in projects or given to people who need them.

What organizations accept used book donations?

Where to donate books you no longer need?

Where to donate your old books?


Where can I get rid of old books near me?

Where to Donate booksLibraries. Libraries usually accept donations and sell those books in a Friends of the Library fundraiser. ... Local thrift stores. Goodwill accepts a lot more than clothes. ... Prisons. Prisons desperately need used books. ... Schools. Schools may also want your used books.Jul 14, 2018

How do I get rid of books in NYC?

You can also donate old books to the Brooklyn Public Library at its central library in Grand Army Plaza. NYC Books Through Bars mails books directly to incarcerated individuals who make requests for them.Jan 15, 2020

Can I donate books to my local library?

Your local library can provide acceptable donation guidelines. Most public libraries in the United States accept gift books with the proviso that the library is free to decide whether to keep the book in the library's collection, put it in a book sale to raise funds for the library, or discard it.Mar 23, 2022

Do NYC libraries accept book donations?

New York City libraries will consider accepting most types of books and textbooks from donors, assuming the items are in good condition and the library staff thinks the donated books are appropriate for the library's circulating collection.

Should you throw away books?

Books with moldy pages cannot be recycled, but must be tossed in the trash before they can spread their mold to other books. If a book cannot be reused or given new life in some other way, it's perfectly okay to recycle it.Feb 2, 2019

Does NYC library accept book donations?

If your books match our needs, we accept donations through the mail or in person at our office in Midtown. Please email a list of your materials, their condition and quantity to [email protected].

How do I throw out a hardcover book in NYC?

Outdated and no longer needed hardcover books must have the interior pages removed from the binding. The interior pages may then be placed in regular paper recycling. The hardcover bindings should be placed in the trash.

How do I get rid of books?

10 Ways to Recycle Your Old BooksDonate to your local library. Bring your gently used books to your local library. ... Donate to a local charity. ... Make some gift tags. ... Recycle your unusable books. ... Sell them or give them away online. ... Make a “Free Books” box.Jul 10, 2017

How can I donate my household items in NYC?

Charities That Will Accept Your Household Items in NYChttps://www.outofthecloset.org/https://www.bigreuse.org/www.habitatnyc.org/restore.https://www.littleessentials.org/donate-items.https://www.housingworks.org/donate/re-fashionnyc.Mar 5, 2021

What to do with old hardcover books?

While you can throw your hardcover books in the trash, we recommend that you donate your books. They can be dropped off at your local thrift or used book store for others to enjoy! You can also remove the cover and binding to recycle the inside pages of the hardcover book.

How do I get rid of books when I move?

The easiest way to get rid of the books you've decided not to move is to donate them. After all, books are valuable and they can continue to bring joy to other people long after they've stopped serving you any good. Remember that one man's trash is another man's treasure.Jan 15, 2019

What to do with old books you can't sell?

If there's no way you can sell or give away your books, contact your local council or recycling centre and ask if they can do anything to help recycle your books. Don't throw them in your recycling bin; they need a specialist recycler to look at them to judge whether they're recyclable.Oct 20, 2021

What organizations donate used books?

However, some literacy organizations, such as Book Aid International , encourage supporters to indirectly donate used books. They organize community book drives or yard sales and contribute the financial proceeds.

How to find out if a library takes donations?

To find out whether your library or library system takes donations, visit its website and look for details on its donation policy. Don’t assume your library takes used books — some major library organizations, like the Chicago Public Library system, do not accept unsolicited physical donations.

What is a little free library?

Little Free Library is a network of small drop boxes erected by regular people across the country where others are free to grab or donate their old books. It’s an excellent way to recycle an old read of your own and pick up a new one while you’re at it.

Why are books important to Freecycle?

Because they’re cheap and plentiful, books are perennial objects of interest to Freecycle network members. If you live in an area with an active Freecycle community, you shouldn’t have any trouble finding multiple people to take old books off your hands.

Why do schools sponsor book drives?

School groups and community organizations routinely sponsor book drives to raise funds, collect books for deserving recipients, or both. If you’re already involved with school-based organizations that could use books (or use books to raise funds), your donations will probably have the highest impact there.

What are some examples of nonprofit organizations?

Otherwise, look for nonprofit organizations in your area that collect and distribute books. One example is the Children’s Book Bank, a Portland, Oregon-based group that organizes book drives to supply reading material to lower-income families.

Is the standard deduction better than itemizing?

Following the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act ’s expansion of the standard deduction, the vast majority of American taxpayers are better off taking the standard deduction than itemizing their deductions, eliminating any direct financial benefit from used-goods donations.
