where to donate athletic trophies

by Kelley Marquardt Sr. 3 min read

Well-known charities like the Salvation Army and Goodwill may take your gently used trophies, but call your local branch first because not all of them have the same rules. Some nonprofits or schools also may be interested old trophies to reuse for their own activities (for instance at a sports day for kids.)Jan 11, 2012

Where can one order customized sports trophies?

Nationwid Trophy Recycling Program- Recycle your old trophies in the Trophy Recycling Program from Total Awards & Promotions in Madison, WI. Donate your gently used trophies, awards, plaques, and medals and they'll recycle, reuse, and re-gift to non-profit organizations.

Where can I get donations for sports teams?

Jun 14, 2016 · Sports Medal Recycling, a Massachusetts-based organization, contributes the proceeds from recycling donated medals to fundraising for charity runs. The medals are removed from their ribbons and sorted for scrap recycling, while …

Where can you donate old trophies?

Instead of throwing away your trophies in the landfill, we will recycle your trophies and donate rebuilt trophies to non-profits. Fees run from $10 to $50 per lot, with truckloads by the quote. Select the options by the number of trophies you need to recycle, after you purchase recycling, you will get a sales order number, place that number on the outside of your boxes before sending.

Does anyone recycle trophies?

Jan 31, 2017 · Subject: Where to donate sports trophies? I doubt even he wants anyone's USED trophies (w/ their name / accolade on them). OP, either trash them or recycle them. Actually there are orgs that collect them. Many times the personalization is on a removable plate so a new paste can be ordered and stuck on.


Is there a market for old sports trophies?

The older the trophy the higher monetary value it has. If you only have a few trophies to recycle, you can bring them to a local thrift store (Goodwill takes trophies) or surplus store (some surplus stores actually pay you for old trophies).

What do I do with unwanted race medals?

Recycle them. Sports Medal Recycling accepts donations of unwanted medals from athletes and event organizers and even recycles the cardboard boxes and plastic packing materials they're shipped in. It uses money it gets from the recycling to donate to or participate in charity rides around the country.Mar 8, 2018

Does Special Olympics repurpose old trophies?

Special Olympics athletes receive new, specially designed medals or ribbons as competition awards. We do not accept donated trophies.

What can I do with extra event t-shirts?

What To Do With Those Leftover Medals & T-ShirtsThe 10% rule. ... Avoid printing the race date on medals/T-shirts. ... Print T-shirts at the very last minute. ... Turn T-shirts into bags. ... Donate T-shirts to charity. ... Recycle or donate race medals. ... Turn medals into ornaments. ... Put on a Leftovers/Lucky Dip Run.Nov 22, 2021

Where can I donate old race shirts?

Donate Your T-shirts as Prizes for Sports Activities Your race T-shirts and medals can be a prize for sports activities for special needs kids, or for activities at a community center or senior center. Check with schools and centers to see if they would be welcomed.Nov 22, 2021

Are used trophies worth anything?

Some old trophies still have great value today. It might be the case that the longer the time of the trophy, the more value the trophy would have.

How do I remove a name plate from a trophy?

The base labels are usually made of a think piece of pliant metal adhered onto base plate. To remove it, just insert the tip of an X-Acto knife and gently pry up one corner. Once you get it going, it's pretty easy to just peel right off.

What do you do with old marble trophy bases?

Old trophies can be recycled by using the tops (the people, balls, etc) as a coat rack in a child's room by attaching the tops to a piece of wood as the hangers. The marble can be reused in the garden to separate flower beds, if you lay then on their side it gives a sawtooth effect much like bricks on their sides.

Does anyone buy old trophies?

You may be able to sell old trophies at pawn shops, but don't expect to get an awful lot for them. It is also possible to give them to schools or c...

Are old trophies worth anything?

If the trophies are considered collectibles or antiques or are made of real gold or silver, they will be very valuable. Otherwise, trophies that ar...

Does The Salvation Army accept old trophies?

The Salvation Army, along with other non-profit thrift stores, may accept old trophies as donations but you don’t get any money for them.

Does anyone recycle old trophies?

You can send old trophies to a recycling plant where it will be either melted or broken down before being used for manufacturing.

What is a sports medal recycler?

Sports Medal Recycling is a group of athletes who aim to recycle unwanted and extra medals that do not get used during sports events, competitions, or road races. They welcome individuals, groups, race directors, and event organizers to send the medals they no longer require.

Where are total awards and promotions located?

Placed in Madison, Wisconsin, Total Awards and Promotions Inc encourage the community to recycle their old trophies, plaques, and awards for supporting non-profit organizations that are in need in today’s economy. They have been recycling for over 30 years now.

What is the purpose of decluttering?

The aim of decluttering is not to give away all of your awards, but keep only those medals and trophies that are special to you, and to make room for them for display, and not just stash them away in the corner of your storage room, inbox. Choose what is not essential to you, as out of a big bunch, only a few holds a great deal of meaning for us, ...

What is Medals4Mettle.org?

( https://www.medals4mettle.org/) is not only a charity for endurance athletes for the race of life. They have achieved a remarkable 12 years of widespread adoption and recognition with minimal funding and hundreds of volunteers.

What is the "clutter" of a child?

The “clutter” consists of awards you received as a child, for sports, academics, or as an adult for a job well done or your hobbies. These awards include trophies, medals, ribbons, plaques, and lots more. Some people don’t wish to dump their medals and trophies in the trash chute, which seems fair, you worked hard for them, ...

What is a sports medal recycling program?

Sports Medal Recycling, a Massachusetts-based organization , contributes the proceeds from recycling donated medals to fundraising for charity runs.

What is medal recycling?

The medals are removed from their ribbons and sorted for scrap recycling, while the ribbons are sent to cloth/textile recycling. Sports Medal Recycling even makes sure that all the packing materials you use to send them the goods are recycled as well, from bubble wrap to cardboard boxes.

Can old trophies be reused?

Dear Z.: Old trophies and medals are often made from recyclable materials, but they also hold value in their current form, and many can be reused. A number of companies have programs dedicated specifically to the art of refurbishing trophies.

repurpose trophies in a medals and trophies collage

thrifted frame (or you could use a large taxidermy display case HERE or a large shadow box frame HERE. The shadow box already has the fabric attached to the back and eliminates you having to staple it to the back)

more creative ideas for old trophies

My daughter wanted her medals displayed a different way and you can read more about it HERE.

What is an occupaws dog?

Occupaws, a Wisconsin organization, trains working dogs that will help enhance mobility for Wisconsin’s visually impaired adults and children. Youare invited to adopt a duck this summer and enter into a duck race to benefit Occupaws, on Saturday, August 28th at Fins Bar & Grill, in Newville, WI.

Can you return trophies without a code?

Select the options by the number of trophies you need to recycle, after you purchase recycling, you will get a sales order number, place that number on the outside of your boxes before sending. Boxes without the code may be returned. You then must pay to ship your trophies to us or drop them off at our location.

Is the Trophy Recycling Program open?

Yes! The Trophy Recycling Program is now OPEN again for receiving your old trophies. What: Donate your GENTLY used Trophies, Plaques, and Awards to be Recycled, Reused and Regifted to local area charities.
