where to donate breast milk near hillsdale mi

by Ms. Krystina Cummings PhD 9 min read

Where can I donate breastmilk?

Mothers who would like more information about breast milk donation can call Bronson’s Mother’s Milk Bank 269-341-8849. More About Human Milk Banking Want to …

How do I donate milk to a milk bank?

Dec 08, 2021 · The Human Milk Bank Association of North America (HMBANA) is a great resource for donating breast milk. They have a list of banks that accept donations, as well as information on how to donate and what you need to do to make sure your milk is safe.

What happens to my breastmilk after donating it?

Electronic donation is preferred using the form below. If you would like to send a check, checks should be made payable to Michigan Breastfeeding Network and mailed to 503 Mall Court #296, Lansing, Michigan 48912. To learn more about our fund development efforts, click here.

Why donate breast milk to HMBANA?

A Milk Depot is a conveniently located collection site for approved human milk donors. Area donors that have been approved by The Milk Bank can drop off their excess breastmilk at the Depot. These donations are collected and sent to The Milk Bank where they will be bottled, pasteurized and tested for sterility by an independent lab before being dispensed to an …


Where can I donate breast milk in Michigan?

Possible places to receive milk:Rocky Mountain Children's Health Foundation.Mothers Milk Coop.

How do I donate mother's milk?

Here is the process of donating breastmilk, step-by-step:Checking if you have excess Milk. ... Applying online and subsequent review. ... Getting medical confirmation forms. ... Testing of breast milk donor. ... Labelling and record-keeping. ... Milk is received at the bank.Nov 22, 2018

Can you sell breast milk in Michigan?

Selling breast milk is legal. There is no federal law in the United States that prohibits the sale of breast milk. There are legitimate milk banks that accept breast milk donations that will pay a minimum of $1 per ounce for your milk.May 29, 2020

Can you donate breast milk at a local hospital?

That makes them the best choice for finding donated milk for your baby. You can also check with your local hospital, which may provide milk through a partnership with a local or regional HMBANA bank. For-profit milk banks may be another option to consider, and may also donate to local hospitals.Jul 14, 2021

Can breastmilk be donated?

Donate Milk You can save lives by donating your extra breast milk for use as pasteurized donor human milk. Your breast milk contribution will have a big impact, as a premature infant eats as little as one ounce or less in a single feeding.

Who Cannot donate breastmilk?

You may be disqualified from donating breast milk if you: Have or are being treated for HIV, HTLV (human T-cell leukemia virus), hepatitis B or C, or syphilis. Have a sexual partner who is at risk for HIV, HTLV, hepatitis B or C, or syphilis. Have used recreational drugs within the last year.Jun 23, 2021

How much does breast milk sell for?

Breast milk is sold for $1.00 an ounce on Facebook marketplace. However, there are safe ways to get human breast milk for babies.Aug 20, 2020

How do you donate breast milk to a NICU baby?

You can reach them at 1.877. 375.6645 (option 4 for Spanish) or via email at [email protected]. You may also visit the University of California Health Milk Bank at https://uchealth.service-now.com/csp for more information and to become a donor.

How much is breast milk worth on the black market?

On ad classified sites, like Only The Breast, and Breast Feeding Moms Unite, people sell their milk for around two dollars an ounce. That's a bargain compared to over four dollars that milk banks will charge.Nov 19, 2018

What do I do with extra breast milk?

7 Creative Uses for Leftover Breast MilkDonate it. ... Sell it. ... Turn it into jewelry. ... Keep it on hand for home remedies. ... Feed your child with it. ... Cook with it. ... Make lotion out of it.Nov 19, 2018

Is donor milk covered by insurance?

Pasteurized donor milk could help those babies, but it's often not covered by either private or public insurance. And buying donor milk without insurance can easily cost thousands of dollars a month. That leaves many newborns, especially those in low-income families, without access.Oct 4, 2016

How do you stockpile breast milk?

Tips to Create Your StockpileStart pumping after the first 3-4 weeks, if possible. In the early weeks, before your supply has regulated, you will likely have more milk than you need. ... Pump longer. If you normally pump for 10 minutes, go for 15 or 20 minutes for several sessions. ... Try Power Pumping. ... Pump more. ... Sleep more.

How can I become a milk donor?

Donating to the Bronson’s Mother’s Milk Bank is easy! The first step is an in-depth phone screening with Bronson Hospital and a simple blood test....

Who donates their milk?

Milk donors are the foundation of our milk depot. Donors are healthy women who set aside time to express extra milk for the good of other babies. D...

What is a milk bank?

A donor human milk bank welcomes a mother’s extra milk. A human milk bank carefully screens healthy breastfeeding women and accepts their donations...

When is milk bank 2021?

Together we can make a difference. February 17, 2021. Nonprofit Milk Banks Celebrate Modest Growth, Despite Pandemic. January 21, 2021.

What is HMBANA in banking?

The Human Milk Banking Association of North America (HMBANA) mobilizes the healing power of donor milk by accrediting nonprofit milk banks in the US and Canada and setting international guidelines for pasteurized donor human milk. Find out more.

How much does breast milk cost?

Also know that buying breast milk from both nonprofit and commercial banks is expensive: The cost of donor breast milk varies but typically costs between $3 and $5 an ounce, which goes toward the processing, handling and distribution of the milk.

What to do if your baby isn't breastfeeding?

If your baby isn’t premature or doesn’t have a medical condition that requires human milk (including prematurity, failure to thrive, an intolerance to formula or allergies) and you’re among the many moms who struggle with breastfeeding, talk to your pediatrician. He or she may be able to help or refer you to a doula and/or a lactation consultant who can. Many nursing issues can be daunting to resolve on your own — but can be solved with the help of a professional.

What is compassionate use milk?

Some have a supply of what’s known as “compassionate use” breast milk, or donated milk that’s left over for moms who aren’t able to adequately feed their babies on their own but aren’t high on the priority list of those who get milk from banks first.

How long can you keep milk in the freezer?

While frozen milk is considered safe for use at home for up to 12 months, many banks have shorter limits on the amount of time milk can spend in the freezer before being donated.

What are potential donors screened for?

Potential donors are screened for HIV, hepatitis B and C, HTLV, and syphilis. The milk bank will give you instructions for having your blood drawn and will cover the cost of the test. Become an approved donor. Once your forms and bloodwork have been reviewed, you’ll be notified about whether you’re eligible to donate.

Can you donate milk outside of a bank?

But donating or receiving milk this way isn’t recommended, according to the AAP and the FDA. Donating outside of an accredited bank means donors haven’t undergone adequate health screening. And milk may not be collected, stored and processed properly to ensure that it’s safe.

What are the risks of taking non approved medications?

Take non-approved medications. Test positive for HIV, HTLV, hepatitis B or C, or syphilis or are at risk of having a bloodborne illness. Recently received a blood transfusion or organ or tissue transplant. Have had potential exposure to Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Have tattoos, body piercings or permanent makeup.

How long does it take to donate milk?

Willing to donate at least 100 ounces of milk by your baby’s 2nd birthday. On average this process takes 32 days to complete, though many donors are able to expedite the process. by encouraging their healthcare providers to sign off on medical releases in a timely manner. You Are Not Eligible If:

How to contact Milk Bank?

You can reach us at (317)536-1670. STEP 2. Complete and return an informational packet, including signed forms from your baby's pediatrician and your obstetrician. STEP 3. The Milk Bank will arrange for you to get your blood drawn and cover all costs. STEP 4.

How much milk do you need to donate to a milk bank?

Milk donors are asked to donate at least 100 ounces of milk. To some this may seem like a lot, but donor moms know that 100 ounces is just 20 milk storage bags filled with 5 ounces of milk each! There is no cost to you to become a milk donor, The Milk Bank will cover the costs of the routine lab testing required during the donor approval process.

Does milk bank cover blood tests?

To provide the safest milk possible, we require all donor moms to complete a blood test to screen for harmful viruses. The Milk Bank covers all costs associated with the blood screening.
