Donating your yarn stash will get it out of your house quickly, that’s for sure. You might think of donating to the Salvation Army, Goodwill, or a thrift store, but there are other options out there. …. Keep in mind, just as you would when donating finished …
Feb 22, 2018 · If you’re seeking an ideal location where you can donate your yarn, check out Project H.A.N.D.S. One question that I am asked A LOT is this: “Where can I donate my extra yarn?” Of course, as knitters and crocheters, we tend to accumulate a lot of yarn. A few months ago, I confessed a dirty little secret: that I’ve never donated yarn. I insisted to myself that “I’ll …
Aug 12, 2020 · They encourage people to make, wear, and post handmade blue hats, adding #HatNotHate when sharing on social platforms. What you can make to donate: Knit Hats. Crocheted Hats. Crochet for Cancer is a Christian volunteer based non-profit that donates handmade chemo caps to cancer centers for patients coping with hair loss.
Donate to Ukraine at one of these 6 drop-off locations organised by non-profit group Ukraine Lifeline. They’re urgently asking for items like non-perishable food, thermal clothing, first-aid and medicine kits plus tents and women’s sanitary products.
Where to Donate Your Handmade Crochet ItemsRed Scarf Project. Foster Care to Success is an established organization that helps lend support to foster children who head to college. ... Sunshine International Blankets of Love. ... Carewear. ... Operation Gratitude. ... Halos of Hope. ... Bridge and Beyond. ... Afghans for Afghans. ... Warm Up America.More items...•Mar 22, 2017
Crochet for Local Communities You can talk to people at your local hospitals, nursing homes, children's shelters, domestic violence shelters, transitional housing projects, churches, and animal shelters to see if they are interested in crochet donations and what they might need.Aug 7, 2020
Many organizations and charities accept crocheted items, so check out the list of recommendations below.Knit Your Bit. Knit Your Bit is hosted by a World War II museum in New Orleans. ... Project Linus. ... Binky Patrol. ... Hat Box Foundation. ... Operation Gratitude. ... Warm Up America. ... Snuggles Project. ... Carewear.Aug 18, 2021
If you are looking to crochet for a charity near you, here is a list of organizations where you can donate crochet to someone in need.Warm Up America.Red Scarf Project.The Snuggle Project.Project Linus.Crochet For Cancer.Warmth For Warriors.Knits For Kids.Knots Of Love.More items...
Project Linus National Headquarters You can donate home-made blankets by becoming a “blanketeer,” give of your time at a local chapter event, or even become a Chapter Coordinator yourself.
If you'd like to get involved, you can donate completed knit or crochet blankets, hats, scarves, gloves, and baby clothing, as well as the 7” x 9” blanket panels that WUA! is most known for. They also accept (and need) monetary donations (which have the added benefit of being tax-deductible).Mar 16, 2020
Blankets are collected locally and distributed to children in hospitals, shelters, social service agencies, or anywhere that a child might be in need of a big hug. Rarely a month goes by that Project Linus is not featured in a national magazine or program.
10 Inspiring Ways to Use Vintage AfghansUse them as upholstery or chair covers – a great idea for remnants.Decorate with them: The most obvious of all ways to use these blankets it to, well… ... Display them on an open shelf or cupboard.More items...•Feb 17, 2017
Related ItemsProject Linus. Over the last 25 years, Project Linus has donated more than 7 million knitted and crocheted blankets to children who are ill or are survivors of trauma. ... Crochet for Cancer. ... Snuggles Project. ... Magic Yarn Project. ... Soldiers' Angels.Mar 24, 2020
Alice's Embrace is a non-profit organization devoted to providing hand-knit and hand-crocheted prayer shawls and lap blankets to those suffering from Alzheimer's disease. We seek volunteers to knit and crochet the patterns that we have created.
Sewing and knitting for charityCats Protection. Cats Protection are looking for mice and blankets to help the thousands of cats in their care. ... Teddies for Tragedies. ... Francis House Children's Hospice. ... Knit for Syria. ... Dress a Girl Around the World. ... Little Dresses for Africa. ... Project Linus. ... Bonnie Babies.More items...
Project Linus UK – volunteer to make quilts and blankets for sick, disabled or disadvantaged children. Donations of suitable patchwork fabrics and threads or help with fundraising to purchase fabrics and wadding are also welcome.Feb 15, 2021
The address to send hats to is Hats for the Homeless, PO BOX 151, Bingley BD16 9DT, and the closing date is 30th November 2021.Aug 12, 2021
This is a charity asking for eight-inch crocheted or knitted squares to be sent to South Africa where they are made up into warm blankets for the estimated 11.6 million abandoned children and AIDS orphans.
There are so many different reasons to crochet for charity. It is a way to help others. It's an opportunity to crochet a lot of different items but not have to keep them sitting around your own house. It's a way to improve your sense of well-being in the world by doing your part to help people in your community and those affected across the world.
It's an organization that helps to keep newborns alive by providing education and supplies to new mothers in need. One thing that the mothers learn is how to keep their babies warm and that's where your crochet caps come into play.
Pine Ridge Reservation, the South Dakota home of the Oglala Sioux Tribe, is struggling with severe poverty. Friends of Pine Ridge accepts handmade donations of all types to assist the people in need.
Compassionate Creations. If you know someone who has been affected by assault and/or abuse, then Compassionate Creations might be the charity you want to crochet for. They accept crochet scarf donations as a way to support those survivors who are fearful and vulnerable to help get them through rough times.
Crocheting for charity is a thoughtful way to use your skills as a crafter. Giving the extra projects you work up to people in need is one of the best ways to show you care. Since many crocheters love to continuously crochet, there's a lot of crochet items that end up sitting around without a home. Give your beautiful handmade projects ...
'LILY' sews together squares sent in from all over the world to give to people that had to flee to refugee camps. These camps are not exactly comfortable or homey, so quilt, knit, and crochet blankets help show both children and adults that they are not forgotten.
Warm Up America distributes warm crochet afghans, crochet hats and knit caps and other items to tens of thousands of people. This fabulous organization started in 1991 and has been going strong ever since.
Crochet a pattern for a great cause. Knots of Love is a fabulous charity that helps out kids and adults of all ages. Their mission is to warm the hearts and heads of those experiencing traumatic hair loss, no matter the cause.
Project Linus. Project Linus accepts homemade blankets of all kinds. They donate these blankets to children in need for many reasons such as poverty, serious illness, trauma, etc. Their mission is to give people a sense of hope, security, and comfort when they just can't seem to find that anywhere else.
Halos of Hope focuses on those battling cancer and needing support by providing chemo caps and hats to hospitals all over. All of the hats that they donate are handmade so crocheting one is ideal!
Project H.A.N.D.S. (Helping Angels National Donated Support) started with a handful of residents from the Retirement Housing Foundation.
I hope you can see that this is an outstanding way for you to donate your yarn. RTF centers would be thrilled to take your yarn (or fabric, if you happen to have that on hand) for their seniors to use. Feel free to contact your local RTF center and see if they could use any other types of supplies.
Hats for the Homeless collects hats, scarves and gloves for the homeless in New York City.
The Ships Project sends handmade hats, slippers, and Cool-Ties to Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines deployed across the world in the War on Terror.