where to donate used books in nyc

by Roselyn Krajcik I 9 min read

Where Can I Donate Used Books in New York City?

  • Books Through Bars. To help provide support and encouragement to those in jail, consider donating to Books Through Bars.
  • Reading Reflections. Reading Reflections is an organization that provides reading material for children. ...
  • Reach Out & Read. ...
  • Housing Works Bookstore Cafe. ...
  • New York City Libraries. ...
  • Correctional Services. ...

Full Answer

Where can I donate used books in New York City?

Softcover Books. Children’s Books. Fiction, Non-Fiction. Just click the Schedule a Pickup button above to set up a FREE VVA Donation Pickup at your home. Choose a date for your donation pickup, leave your clearly labeled donations on the day you choose, and our driver will pick up your donation – rain or shine!

Where to donate books you no longer need?

Donations must be in copy paper sized boxes with lids or tops that fold closed. The Book Fairies warehouse and donation bin. Our warehouse is located around the back of 70 North Main Street, Freeport. We are open Tuesdays through Thursdays from 10am-2pm. Please use the blue donation bin for all after hours donations.

Where can I donate clothes in NYC?

New York, NY 10018 Phone: 212-736-1777 nyc.gov/donate/goodfoundation Goodwill Industries of Greater New York and Northern New Jersey Accepted Donations: area rugs; automobiles; bedspreads; bicycles; blankets; boats; books; CDs; clothing & accessories; computers & peripherals; curtains; dishes; DVDs; glasses; handbags; household appliances

Does goodwill take books?


How do I dispose of old books in NYC?

You can also donate old books to the Brooklyn Public Library at its central library in Grand Army Plaza. NYC Books Through Bars mails books directly to incarcerated individuals who make requests for them.Jan 15, 2020

Where can I donate books in Covid NY?

Reuse | Re-Read: NYC Book Donation CentersNew York Public Library. ... The Strand Bookstore will buy your books and may even pick-up and pack your books in large collections! ... Books Through Bars donations are dropped off at Freebird Books, 123 Columbia Street, Brooklyn, NY. ... Housing Works Bookstore Café guidelines here.More items...•Jun 20, 2016

Does NYC library accept book donations?

If your books match our needs, we accept donations through the mail or in person at our office in Midtown. Please email a list of your materials, their condition and quantity to [email protected].

Where can I get rid of old books near me?

Where to Donate booksLibraries. Libraries usually accept donations and sell those books in a Friends of the Library fundraiser. ... Local thrift stores. Goodwill accepts a lot more than clothes. ... Prisons. Prisons desperately need used books. ... Schools. Schools may also want your used books.Jul 14, 2018

How do I get rid of books?

10 Ways to Recycle Your Old BooksDonate to your local library. Bring your gently used books to your local library. ... Donate to a local charity. ... Make some gift tags. ... Recycle your unusable books. ... Sell them or give them away online. ... Make a “Free Books” box.Jul 10, 2017

What is the best way to sell used books?

5 best places to sell books onlineFacebook groups. The chances are, there'll be a group on Facebook for people on your course where you can share exam tips, module recommendations and (most importantly) sell books. ... eBay. ... WeBuyBooks.co.uk. ... Amazon. ... Abebooks.Jul 16, 2021

Who donated the New York Public Library?

The Astor Library was created through the generosity of John Jacob Astor (1763-1848), a German immigrant who at his death was the wealthiest man in America. In his will he pledged $400,000 for the establishment of a reference library in New York.

What do you do with old books on Long Island?

How to Donate Used Books in Long IslandE-mail or call public schools, including Benjamin N. ... Contact local libraries about your books. ... Call secondhand bookstores, such as the Village Book Shoppe or Spoonbill & Sugartown Books. ... Deliver the used books to those places that have agreed to accept them.

What to do with old children's books?

What to do with old or unwanted children's booksGive them to a Little Free Library. ... Donate to your school library. ... Donate to a nonprofit. ... Give to friends with younger kids. ... Hold a book swap. ... Try an online book exchange. ... Save your favorites. ... A last resort-recycle them.More items...•Jul 7, 2017

What to do with old hardcover books?

While you can throw your hardcover books in the trash, we recommend that you donate your books. They can be dropped off at your local thrift or used book store for others to enjoy! You can also remove the cover and binding to recycle the inside pages of the hardcover book.

What to do with old books you can't sell?

If there's no way you can sell or give away your books, contact your local council or recycling centre and ask if they can do anything to help recycle your books. Don't throw them in your recycling bin; they need a specialist recycler to look at them to judge whether they're recyclable.Oct 20, 2021

Where can I donate books in Covid Orange County?

Help the Orange County library system by donating your books. You can find them online at Ocpl.org. The El Toro, Irvine Heritage Park ad Irvine University Park branches of the county library system accept book donations for their "Friends of the Library" book sales. Proceeds from book sales help fund library programs.

Libraries Are for Books

Oddly enough, the New York Public Library doesn't encourage used book donations at most of its branches. But, in the heart of literary Manhattan, a library that's been around for more than a century, the St. Agnes Library on Amsterdam Avenue and West 81st Street, runs a twice-a-month used book sale in the basement that is a bibliophile's dream.

Goodwill and Salvation Army

Goodwill Industries and the Salvation Army have drop-off locations all over New York, in all boroughs, where you can hand over your clean used books along with the kids' outgrown clothes.

Books for Kids, Books Through Bars

The Books for Kids Build-a-Home-Library Program accepts only donations of new, hardcover books suitable for children up to 6 years of age. The program aims to fill homes with books to encourage early literacy for children who might not have access to reading materials or encouragement to read.

ReLIT Transit Handouts

ReLIT NY is an all-volunteer book-sharing organization that collects used books and hands them out to commuters. Once a month, the volunteers hit subway stations with boxes of donated books and let riders choose a novel or poetry collection -- whatever is in the box -- for some subterranean literary engagement.

What is Nazareth Housing?

Nazareth Housing, a nonprofit that provides supportive housing and emergency family shelter to New Yorkers, also accepts a wide variety of household items, including laundered and gently used bed and bath linens or blankets, dining tables, small kitchen appliances, chairs, and dressers.

Does Habitat for Humanity take furniture?

If you’ve got an old bed or other pieces of furniture to get rid of, Habitat for Humanity’s ReStore will take just about everything in that category. They have a long list of items they accept, which includes refrigerators, fans, mirrors, toilets, stoves, window air conditioners, and windows. (The organization uses two all-electric trucks for its pick-ups instead of regular, greenhouse gas-emitting vehicles.) Housing Works will also take furniture.

Does Goodwill take furniture?

Organizations like the Salvation Army, Goodwill, and Housing Works will take almost anything, with a few exceptions. For instance, Goodwill doesn’t accept furniture, while the Salvation Army and Housing Works do. All three accept clothes, books, and housewares.


Just About Everything

Organizations like the Salvation Army, Goodwill, and Housing Workswill take almost anything, with a few exceptions. For instance, Goodwill doesn’t accept furniture, while the Salvation Army and Housing Works do. All three accept clothes, books, and housewares. And both the Salvation Army and Goodwill will take vehicle don…
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Furniture and Other Household Items

  • If you’ve got an old bed or other pieces of furniture to get rid of, Habitat for Humanity’s ReStore will take just about everything in that category. They have a long list of items they accept, which includes refrigerators, fans, mirrors, toilets, stoves, window air conditioners, and windows. (The organization uses two all-electric trucks for its pick-ups instead of regular, greenhouse gas-emitt…
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  • Some bookstores, including the Strand and Argosy, will buy your unwanted books for cash or store credit, but keep in mind that they can be very selective. Some, like the Strand, offer you the option to take back what they don’t buy or to leave it as a donation, but the store does warnthat since it’s not a nonprofit, you won’t get a tax receipt for it. You can also donate old books to the …
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  • As of 2015, it’s illegal for New Yorkers to drop their electronics in the trash. For things like TVs, laptops, printers, or video game consoles, the city asks people to discard them at one of its special waste drop-off sites, at SAFE Disposal events, or at one of more than 90 drop-off locations around the city, including the Lower East Side Ecology Center, the Gowanus E-waste Warehouse…
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Clothing and Textiles

  • If you’re getting rid of clothes, thrift shops like Le Point Value and nonprofits like The Bowery Mission are natural places to donate. Many of the city’s Greenmarkets also have textile donation bins through the GrowNYC program, and will accept paired shoes, handbags, and belts as well. Materials for the Artsalso accepts rolls and large pieces of fabric. Happy decluttering!
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