Where can I donate used toys in NYC?
Full Answer
Where can I donate used toys in NYC? Resell Charities. Charity thrift stores such as Goodwill and The Salvation Army accept toys and then put them on the... Local Shelters and Children's Centers. Preschools and Nurseries. Church Charities. Freecycle.
nyc.gov/donate/bigreuse Arthritis Foundation SM BOP Shell Collection Program Accepted Donations: oyster shells from NYC restaurants and events Drop Off: No Pick-Up Service: Please register online. Address: BOP Shell Collection Program c/o Earth Matter NY 179 Rivington Street, #4A New York, NY 10004 Phone: 917-447-7256 nyc.gov/donate/bopshellcollection
Donate Toys That You Don’t Play With But Other Children Will. Give the gift of a beloved family toy on your next donation round.Donating through Pick Up Please is free, offers a pick up right at your doorstep, and benefits the Vietnam Veterans of America. The children of Veteran’s love toys, as do many adults. If you have some family toys you or your children haven’t played with in years, …
The charities listed below are a few of the Brooklyn organizations that accept used toys. Talk to the receiving organization before making a donation. Find out specific needs as demand changes frequently. Discuss the donation guidelines and policies, such as tax deduction receipts.
If there are outgrown, unloved, or excess toys around, consider giving them to an organization that will put them to good use. With several places to donate used toys in Brooklyn, the process is easy and benefits all.