where to take used books to donate

by Eve Howell 5 min read

Best Places to Donate Used Books.

  • 1. Your Local Library. Some local libraries and library systems accept used book donations. To find out whether your library or library system takes ...
  • 2. Your Neighborhood Little Free Library.
  • 3. A School or Community Book Drive or Fundraiser.
  • 4. Freecycle.
  • 5. Reputable Charities.

Where to Donate Books
  • The Salvation Army. The Salvation Army is one of the world's largest providers of social aid. ...
  • Goodwill. ...
  • Local Libraries. ...
  • Vietnam Veterans of America. ...
  • Habitat for Humanity ReStores. ...
  • Other Local Charities. ...
  • Local Theaters. ...
  • Retirement Homes.
Oct 29, 2019

Full Answer

Where to donate large amount of used books?

Jul 14, 2018 · Where to Donate books. If you’re feeling generous, donating your used books can be a great way to find them a loving home. 1. Libraries. Libraries usually accept donations and sell those books in a Friends of the Library fundraiser. Local libraries give us so many books for free–let’s give some back to them!

Where should you donate your old books?

Jun 09, 2021 · So if you want to support the library system while donating used books you no longer need, then check with your local library to see if they accept book donations. 2. Little Free Library. Another fantastic place to donate your used books is to a Little Free Library near you. Little Free Library is a book sharing movement where people set up tiny libraries in …

Where can I find organisations which donate books?

Mar 10, 2022 · Where to Donate Books 1. Salvation Army 2. Goodwill 3. Your Neighborhood Library 4. Homeless Shelters 5. Books for Soldiers 6. Operation Paperback 7. Books for Africa 8. Books Through Bars 9. Books to Prisoners 10. Better World Books 11. Pickup Please 12. Donation Town Summary Where to Donate Books

What are the best places to donate books?

Santa Teresa Branch - 408-808-3068. Vineland Branch - 408-808-3000. For more than 15 items, make an appointment by emailing [email protected]. Fifteen items or less can be dropped off at the donation bin inside the branch. West Valley Branch - 408-244-4747. 20 …


How do you get rid of thousands of a book?

Share the books with your local community. Donating to local organizations can help you feel connected to and create a positive impact in your community! Homeless shelters, schools, hospitals, and thrift stores often accept book donations. Just give them a call to find out what they need.Jan 18, 2019

What do you do with old books?

10 Ways to Recycle Your Old BooksDonate to your local library. Bring your gently used books to your local library. ... Donate to a local charity. ... Make some gift tags. ... Recycle your unusable books. ... Sell them or give them away online. ... Make a “Free Books” box.Jul 10, 2017

How do I get rid of books when I move?

The easiest way to get rid of the books you've decided not to move is to donate them....Option 3: DONATE your no longer wanted booksLocal libraries. ... Local schools. ... Nursing homes. ... Prisons. ... Freecycle. ... Charitable organizations.Jan 15, 2019

What do you do with too many books?

Too Many Books Lying Around The House? Here Are 9 Cool Ways To Store ThemLet Your Books Float On The Wall. ... Use The Space Under The Stairs. ... Transform That Ladder Into A Bookshelf. ... Or The Bed. ... How About A Circular Bookshelf? ... Let These Shelves Set The Tune. ... Give Your Bookshelf A Personality. ... Make The Most Of Your Coffee Table.More items...

What do I do with all my books?

Remember, there's no such thing as too many books, so if you want to keep them all, then by all means, DO IT!...Remove the dust jackets. ... Play with horizontal book stacks. ... Separate hardcover books from paperbacks. ... Organize books by a certain category.More items...

How do I declutter my book collection?

The first step is to go through your bookshelf, shelf by shelf, taking each and every book off the shelf. It's important that you actually hold each book in your hands and don't just skim your eyes over the shelves.Dec 29, 2020

What do you do with downsizing books?

Downsizing Your Book Collection Start by taking all of the books in your home and putting them in one central place. Just like with your clothing and treasured keepsakes, create piles — keep, donate/give away, and toss. Use a sharp paring knife! When downsizing, paperbacks really should not make the cut.Mar 14, 2021

What to do with old hardcover books?

While you can throw your hardcover books in the trash, we recommend that you donate your books. They can be dropped off at your local thrift or used book store for others to enjoy! You can also remove the cover and binding to recycle the inside pages of the hardcover book.

What organizations donate used books?

However, some literacy organizations, such as Book Aid International , encourage supporters to indirectly donate used books. They organize community book drives or yard sales and contribute the financial proceeds.

How to find out if a library takes donations?

To find out whether your library or library system takes donations, visit its website and look for details on its donation policy. Don’t assume your library takes used books — some major library organizations, like the Chicago Public Library system, do not accept unsolicited physical donations.

What is a little free library?

Little Free Library is a network of small drop boxes erected by regular people across the country where others are free to grab or donate their old books. It’s an excellent way to recycle an old read of your own and pick up a new one while you’re at it.

Why are books important to Freecycle?

Because they’re cheap and plentiful, books are perennial objects of interest to Freecycle network members. If you live in an area with an active Freecycle community, you shouldn’t have any trouble finding multiple people to take old books off your hands.

Why do schools sponsor book drives?

School groups and community organizations routinely sponsor book drives to raise funds, collect books for deserving recipients, or both. If you’re already involved with school-based organizations that could use books (or use books to raise funds), your donations will probably have the highest impact there.

What are some examples of nonprofit organizations?

Otherwise, look for nonprofit organizations in your area that collect and distribute books. One example is the Children’s Book Bank, a Portland, Oregon-based group that organizes book drives to supply reading material to lower-income families.

Is the standard deduction better than itemizing?

Following the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act ’s expansion of the standard deduction, the vast majority of American taxpayers are better off taking the standard deduction than itemizing their deductions, eliminating any direct financial benefit from used-goods donations.

What is a reader to reader book donation?

Reader to Reader’s book donation program has donated millions of books to schools and public libraries, including those in low-income areas. You can find a donation program near you and hold a book drive.

What is a book to prisoners?

Books to Prisoners is an organization that’s dedicated to sending books to prisoners. There are lots of Books to Prisoners groups in the US. Canada and England. One of the organization’s groups, Prison Book Program has a list of states the organization services, so you may be able to find one near you.

What is letgo for books?

LetGo is a website where people can buy and sell stuff locally. But it also has a section just for free stuff. In this section, people can give away and get items for free. So you could list your books for free on the site.

What is 5miles?

5miles is a website where you can buy and sell things in your area. It has a section just for free stuff where you can give items away. So if you’re looking to donate books near you, then give the site a try.

What is Books for Africa?

Books for Africa collects, sorts, ships, and distributes books (fiction, nonfiction and textbooks) to students of all ages in Africa. Its goal is to end the book famine in Africa. So by donating to this cause, you’ll be helping students in Africa. In addition to donating your books, you can also make a financial donation to cover the cost ...

What is freecycle?

Freecycle is a non-profit organization that helps people to give and get stuff for free in their own towns. You could have a browse of the site to see if there’s anyone local on there who’s looking for used books.

How many books end up in landfills each year?

Sadly, around 320 million books end up in landfills each year. Don’t throw yours out. Donate them instead. You can donate textbooks, old and new books to charities, websites and lots of other places both online and near you. Here are 23 places to donate used books.

What are some good places to donate books?

Libraries usually accept donations and sell those books in a Friends of the Library fundraiser. Local libraries give us so many books for free–let’s give some back to them! 2. Local thrift stores . Goodwill accepts a lot more than clothes.

Where can I sell books I finished?

Click here to find a store near you. Indie bookstores are also a great option for selling books you’ve finished. Local stores will usually also give you a decent amount of store credit or cash. Plus, you’re supporting small business–always a good thing!

Can books be recycled?

If your books are battered and beat up beyond hope, sometimes they can be recycled. Typically, books can’t be recycled with other paper products because of the glue in their binding. Find a recycling center near you and ask them if they accept books.

Do prisons need books?

Prisons desperately need used books. They provide a vital source of information and connection to the rest of the world. Click here for more specifics on what and how to donate.

Does Goodwill take books?

Goodwill accepts a lot more than clothes. They also will take books in good condition (and the bookshelf they’re on, if you’re feeling minimalist). Click here to see if a Goodwill near you needs used books. Other local thrift stores also will usually accept book donations.

What is a little free library?

Little Free Library is a book sharing movement where people set up tiny libraries in neighborhoods, and then anyone can donate or take books from these little libraries for free. So if you have extra books that you don’t want in your collection anymore, consider donating to a Little Free Library near you. You can check out the map of Little Free ...

Can you donate books online?

Online used bookstores are also an option for donating books, although it’s likely you won’t get credit in return. But you will get the satisfaction of rehoming your books instead of sending them to a landfill, as well as the satisfaction of knowing you are contributing to literacy programs around the world (since many online used bookstores donate portions of their proceeds).

How many books does the African Book Club take?

The nonprofit, founded in 1988, accepts all kinds of fiction, nonfiction, and textbooks and has delivered over 40 million books to Africa. They accept books via mail (it costs 50 cents to ship each book to Africa), but also accept books via drop off if you happen to live in the St. Paul, MN or Atlanta, GA area.

How many countries does the Salvation Army serve?

The Salvation Army helps 25 million Americans and serves 128 countries around the world. Most major cities have a Salvation Army since it’s one of the world’s largest social aid resources designed to help the needy, poor, homeless, and jobless. Check their website to find the closest location to you. 2.

Do you have to be home to pick up books?

After you make a schedule, put your books inside of a box or bag, but make sure they are clearly labeled. You don’t even have to be home, just leave the labeled box or bag outside of your house. Once your books are picked up, the driver will leave you a donation and tax deduction receipt for you.

Do homeless shelters need books?

Homeless Shelters. As with many nonprofits in need, homeless shelters often need books to provide for those in need of their services. Call or email your local shelter to see if there is a list of requirements that need to be met before you donate.

Why is Book EM important?

Book ‘Em is dedicated to improve the quality of life for the incarcerated, and believe that education is an integral part of rehabilitation . Ex-offenders who are given access to books and other educational resources are less likely to reoffend and so helping this cause allows you to take part in improving society.

When was the last update on Kat Whittingham?

Written by Kat Whittingham. Last Updated on March 24, 2021. The recent pandemic may have had you cooped up inside reading more, or maybe your bookshelves are bursting and you want to have a clear out. Either way, a de-clutter of books may be on the cards for you. If so, we’re here to help with our handy guide to the best places to donate books in ...

Does the library accept used books?

The Library accepts gently used, or like-new books. Most donated items are sold in book sales, the proceeds of which go toward supporting the Library. In some cases, if a truly rare title is donated, these will be added to the library’s collection.
