who should i donate my guitars to

by Oliver Kreiger IV 9 min read

Have extra musical instruments laying around that you and your family no longer play? Donate your used guitar, drums, violin, saxophone, flute, clarinet, and more. Your used musical instrument donations can make a big difference in the lives of America’s Veterans and their families.

Guitars for Vets regularly accepts donations of acoustic and electric guitars, bass guitars, effects pedals and amplifiers, and drums and cymbals.

Full Answer

Where can I donate musical instruments to charity?

Donate your used guitar, drums, violin, saxophone, flute, clarinet, and more. Your used musical instrument donations can make a big difference in the lives of America’s Veterans and their families. Your donations are needed and appreciated! Just click the Schedule a Pickup button below, choose a date for your donation pickup, leave your clearly labeled donations outside on …

How to take care of a brand new guitar?

Collectibles with Causes accepts musical instrument donations of virtually any type. Donate Electric or Acoustic Guitars, Percussion Instruments, Amplifiers, DJ or Pro Audio Equipment, Brass Instruments, Band & Orchestral Woodwind Instruments, Pianos or Keyboards and guitar parts & accessories. Top brands include Cecilio, Bach, Fender, Gibson, Gretsch, Ibanez, Korg, …

Can I give my Guitar a dude name?

Jan 31, 2022 · As far as selling for cash goes, Guitar Center can give up to $1,000 for your used gear. If it’s worth more than that, then you can get the rest of the value in trade value at their store. However, there are a couple of things that you need to bear in mind.

What kind of donations can I donate?

Feb 02, 2012 · Naming Your Guitar. February 2, 2012. B.B. King's Lucille. I’ve often wondered how one goes about naming a guitar. I’ve heard many people say that guitar names should always be female and be reminiscent to women who’ve done the guitarist wrong. Then again, I do have a friend who named his Hammertime and then kept telling people they ...


What can you do with old instruments?

Here are six methods for handling unneeded instruments.Sell Them Through Social Media. One of the best ways to dispose of unneeded musical instruments is through your social media channels. ... List Them on a Reseller Website. ... Donate for a Tax Deduction. ... Give Them to a Local School or Church. ... Keep Them. ... Have Them Appraised.Sep 10, 2015

How do vets donate to guitars?

Donate Musical Equipment Contact us at 1-855-G4V-HERO/ 1-855-448-4376 or [email protected] for more information about donating equipment to help our vets.

Are old musical instruments worth anything?

Almost any good string instrument can fetch several hundred dollars, and better examples can bring well into the thousands. The best can bring into the hundreds of thousands and beyond.Jul 22, 2020

What is GC Music Foundation?

Mission: DONATE RESOURCES TO MUSIC EDUCATION AND THERAPY PROGRMAS SO THAT THEY CAN OFFER MORE PEOPLE THE OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE MUSIC. Guitar Center Music Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization, with an IRS ruling year of 2005, and donations are tax-deductible. Contact Information. www.guitarcenterfoundation.org.

Where are Harvest guitars made?

The guitar is designed in Colorado and handcrafted in China. Please note, it was built in China, but this is not a low end factory made guitar! See "The Harvest Story" I've copied below from the founder and president of the company. The guitar has an incredible amount of volume and resonance for its size.

Where can I donate musical instruments in San Francisco?

Donate An Instrument We have three instrument drop-off sites in the Bay Area: MUST Home Office (San Francisco), Music at Kohl Mansion (Burlingame), and East Palo Alto Warehouse. Please select your drop-off location below and a staff member will contact you to make the arrangement.

What's the rarest instrument?

Hydraulophone. The hydraulophone is one of the rarest musical instruments in the world. This instrument is a sensory device that is primarily designed for low vision musicians. This tonal acoustic instrument is played by direct contact with water or other fluids.Dec 8, 2016

What is the most valuable musical instrument?

Ten Most Valuable Musical InstrumentsGuitar—C.F.Viola—Gasparo Bertolotti da Salò ... Violoncello—Gennaro Gagliano. ... Violin—Carlo Giuseppe Testore, ... Viola da Gamba—Pieter Rombouts. ... Violin—Giovanni Battista Ceruti. ... Classical guitar—Antonio de Torres. ... Classical guitar—Robert Bouchet. Price: $122,500. ... More items...•Oct 15, 2010

What is the weirdest instrument?

The 10 strangest musical instruments1 The Great Stalacpipe Organ. ... 2 The Blackpool High Tide Organ. ... 3 The road that plays Rossini. ... 4 Musical ice. ... 5 The Cat Piano. ... 6 Aeolus Acoustic Wind Pavilion. ... 7 The Musical Stones of Skiddaw. ... 8 The Singing Ringing Tree.More items...•Jan 21, 2014

What is Guitar Center's mission statement?

We want to help make that gift available to everyone, with the understanding that the process of participating in music is a means to this end; that people don't have to be rock stars or professional musicians to enjoy the rewards of music participation, and that age is not a factor in the enjoyment or ability to learn ...

Where can I donate musical instruments in San Diego?

If you are interested in donating an instrument, please contact Instrument Librarian Charlie Perkes at [email protected] or (619)233-3232 x114.

Where can I donate musical instruments in Massachusetts?

Instrumental Angels is a 501(c)(3)non profit organization dedicated to helping children in need obtain musical instruments and accessories to assist them in their musical journeys. We have been featured in a recent article by Boston Voyager magazine.

How Much Does Guitar Center Pay for Used Gear: Is It Worth It?

Now, we come to the main question here. Is selling or trading your gear over at Guitar Center stores worth it? Yes and no. It’s not really a simple question to answer. The image below is a screenshot from the Guitar Center website.

What Can I Sell or Trade-in at Guitar Center?

Guitar Center stores will consider buying most music gear related to guitar, bass, drums, etc. Whether or not they will buy an item will depend on in-store inspection and appraisal.

Tips When Selling or Trading in Your Gear to Guitar Center

The main thing to know is that you can’t really call your local Guitar Center and ask for a rough estimate on the gear that you have. Maybe they could potentially tell you something if you have this old specific piece of gear. But otherwise, you’ll just be wasting your time.

Guitar Center Trade-In: How Does It Work?

In this section, we’ll talk about how the trade-in process works. Basically, all you have to do is bring in used gear into a Guitar Center location and after one of their experts evaluates it, they will tell you what it’s worth.


Do you name your guitars? You should know that there's a right and a wrong way to do it.


lol. OK, I laughed a little and you posted pictures of sexy females so you are approved. Also? Very nice guitar.


I've got a Melissa Ann, a Scarlett and an Etta (Place). Do you name acoustics?


This thread is already full of win. When the names are good (Hannah, Scarlett, Melissa Ann, Corey) they're good but even when they're bad (Surfy, Mutt, Hamertime) they're damn hilarious.


My first guitar, which is a Washburn WI64, was called "the Bluesbreaker", but I got rid of it because naming property sounded rather silly.


My first guitar, which is a Washburn WI64, was called "the Bluesbreaker", but I got rid of it because naming property sounded rather silly.


Naming guitars is kind of hot-button topic around here. There's a group of people that get quite snarky whenever the subject comes up. I'm a bit surprised that someone hasn't already wandered in and said something like "Guitars are just wood and wire they're just tools. Would I name my hammer?"

How to store guitars?

If you choose to store your guitar (s) on a stand or wall hanger, make sure that the room’s humidity is closely monitored. Controlling the environment within a guitar case is much easier to maintain and recommended.

How to keep a guitar clean after playing?

Before you close up the case and call it a night, it’s a good habit to give it a quick wipe down with a polishing cloth. Pay a little extra attention to the strings and any hardware since that is where your hands spend most of their time.

How to prevent fretboard cracks?

Avoiding fret sprouting, fretboard cracks, or finish damage is as simple as running your fretboard oil down the fingerboard of your guitar and rubbing it in with a polish cloth. Do not use furniture polish or any glass cleaner on a guitar as this will not react well with the finish.

Why does my guitar sound scratchy?

Debris like dust and sweat will accumulate in potentiometers (knobs) and cause a scratchy sound when used . The good news is that this is a normal phenomenon and is cured by repeatedly turning the pot back and forth until the scratchiness disappears. For better guitar maintenance, there is even DeoxIt spray available for deep cleaning and to maintain performance. If the sound does not go away or have other crackles, a loose input jack may need to be tightened, or the guitar may need to be seen by a technician.

How to keep your guitar from getting dirty?

Our hands are covered in a lot of dirt, oils, and sweat, but our guitars don’t have to be. So for guitar maintenance, washing your hands before playing can help keep your guitar safe from the dirty things that we’re exposed to throughout the day.

How to care for acoustic guitar?

Maintain consistent humidity. A very easy and also incredibly important tip for guitar care is properly humidifying; especially for acoustic guitars. The best investment you can make with your new instrument is not a new set of guitar strings or fancy guitar strap.

What is guitar maintenance?

Guitar maintenance often includes the need to be set up to maintain their playability. Climates with frequently changing weather will require adjustments more often. Check out our guitar setup guide for more information about setting up your electric guitar.
