who will trump donate his paycheck to

by Simeon Jones II 6 min read

Did Donald Trump donate his salary as president?

Mar 24, 2021 · Donald Trump kept his promise to donate his salary as president, reports say. Here’s how he donated the paychecks he received during his four-year term at the White House. As president, Trump ...

Where do President Trump’s paycheck donations go?

Aug 20, 2020 · Here’s an overview of where the President’s 100,000 quarterly paycheck donations went since his first term in office to date: 2017 first quarter: donated to The Department of the Interior for The National Park Service, for the preservation, security and maintenance projects of the nation’s 25 battlefields.

Did Trump donate his entire salary to a military cemetery?

Dec 13, 2019 · As we previously reported, U.S. President Donald Trump did not donate his entire salary for the purpose of rebuilding military cemeteries.. However, Trump has repeatedly followed up on his pledge ...

Which US president donated his salary to charity?

Jul 11, 2020 · Trump and his constituents have not yet announced where he will donate his salary for the first and second quarters of 2020. The president came under scrutiny for donating $100,000 to the...

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President Trump Donates His Paycheck To The VA By Jacob H. President Trump donated his presidential salary for the first financial quarter to the Department of Veterans Affairs. The donation totals $100,000, and it is the fifth such donation he has made.


Where is Susan Price?

Susan Price. Susan Price is a National Gold Star Mother and resides in the Tampa Bay area of Florida. The daughter of a Marine, and Army Veteran, She is also the Mother of a Fallen American Hero, Gunnery Sgt, Aaron Michael Kenefick, a highly decorated and stellar Marine of over twelve years.

What is the 3rd quarter of 2019?

2019 3rd quarter: The Office of the Assistant Secretary of Health – To continue the ongoing fight against the opioid crisis by overseeing federal public health offices and programs. 2019 4th quarter: The Department of Health and Human Services – To help confront, contain, and combat coronavirus.

How much is Donald Trump worth?

Forbes reports Trump’s net worth as of July 9 at $2.1 billion, making him the first president to be a billionaire. When Trump announced his decision to forgo a salary, critics expressed doubt because presidents are required to be compensated for their work. To get around this, Trump takes $1 each year from his paychecks.

Does Donald Trump still make money?

Trump still earns money. Trump still profits off property he owns, including the Trump International Hotel in Washington and Trump Tower in New York . He also earns money from the rights to a U.K. television spinoff of "The Apprentice" and various properties in the United Arab Emirates, Indonesia, Scotland and the Philippines.

Did Donald Trump donate his salary?

Trump has donated his presidential salary. Trump is not the first president to donate his salary. Former Presidents John F. Kennedy and Herbert Hoover, both wealthy before they took office, donated all their earnings.

What did Donald Trump donate his salary to?

In 2018, Trump donated his first-quarter salary to the Department of Veteran Affairs for caregiving programs, according to The Hill. The Small Business Administration and National Institutes of Health were the recipients of his second- and third-quarter salaries, USA Today reported.

Did Donald Trump donate his salary to the National Park Service?

In 2017, Trump donated his first-quarter salary to the National Park Service. The Department of the Interior announced in a July 2017 statement that it would fund restoration projects at Maryland’s Antietam National Battlefield. Those funds, however, did not go toward the Antietam National Cemetery, according to a spokesperson from ...

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Some of the top parks for tourists included the Grand Canyon, with nearly 6 million visitors per year, and Yosemite, which got roughly 5 million people.

ALSO: Donald Trump's Environmental Scorecard

Our National Parks are part of our national heritage, and visitor statistics show that their popularity is only growing. Trump was smart to donate part of his salary to the NPS. Now, if he’ll only do something about that $12.5 billion backlog.
