why can t you donate blood while pregnant

by Prof. Maximilian Gislason I 3 min read

Pregnant women are not eligible to donate blood. The body needs the blood and its iron to support the fetus. Donating blood during pregnancy may increase the risk of complications such as anemia and compromise fetal health. The Red Cross require a woman to wait at least 6 weeks after giving birth before donating blood.Jun 30, 2020

What conditions disqualify you from donating blood?

Nov 11, 2021 · You aren't eligible to donate blood during pregnancy because it could be unsafe for you and your baby, according to the American Red Cross. The group also recommends waiting at least six weeks after giving birth before donating.

What are the reasons why a person cannot donate blood?

Apr 07, 2022 · Are you willing to donate your blood when you are pregnant? Then, you are at the right place. Read this post to know is it safe to give blood while pregnant

What are some reasons to not donate blood?

Why Can’t You Donate Blood Or Plasma While You’re Pregnant? It is recommended that expecting mothers do not donate either for a couple of different reasons. Donating takes vital nutrients out of the body that both the baby and mother need.

What drugs prevent blood donation?

Feb 24, 2022 · There is no clear reason as to why a pregnant woman should not donate blood. But anemia is a big concern during pregnancy. And donating blood can make the condition worse ( 1 ). Not just that. You are also not advised to donate blood till you are breastfeeding your baby.


Can you donate blood to yourself?

And then, in that event, you’ll be donating blood to your future self!

Can pregnant women donate blood?

The American Red Cross advises pregnant women not to donate blood since it is considered unsafe.

Do women donate blood?

Women make up a big part amongst the universal blood-donating population. Nothing can beat the peace one attains upon helping another human being. Despite how selfless and compassionate you are, you will be discouraged from the gracious act of donating blood once you are pregnant.

Can you give blood while pregnant?

The sole reason you may be permitted to give blood during pregnancy is if your doctor believes you might require a blood transfusion during delivery in case you are tagged under a high-risk pregnancy. This happens mainly if the mother develops severe anemia or if she experiences or possesses any chance of excessive bleeding at some point in the course of pregnancy. If there are chances of hemorrhage, to handle the complications that may come up when receiving blood from some other source, the doctor may ask you to store some blood for yourself in case you necessitate it. And then, in that event, you’ll be donating blood to your future self!

Why do people donate plasma?

The first is to help people. In this case, the money is just a nice bonus. The other reason is that you need extra cash.

Can you donate blood after a baby is born?

If you love to help people, and science, you still can! After your little one is born, you’ll have the option of donating blood from the umbilical cord and placenta.

Can you give blood while pregnant?

The only reason you may be allowed to give blood while pregnant is if your doctor thinks you might need blood transfusion during delivery. So, in that case, you’ll be donating blood to your future self!

Does the Red Cross donate blood?

The Red Cross discourages pregnant women from donating blood. You may feel this is unfair. But it is not some form of discrimination. Your body produces some extra blood during pregnancy. But you need this blood to sustain your baby’s life in the womb.

How long after birth can you donate blood?

Agencies responsible for blood donation will tell you it’s next to impossible to donate. If you insist, they advise one to wait for at least six months after you give birth. Plasma donation by mothers not only puts them in risks but also present dangers to blood recipients.

Why does anemia occur during pregnancy?

Also, this can occurs when red blood cells fail to work well resulting in a lack of iron in the body. Besides, pregnancy results in high demand for iron for fetus development.

What happens to the mother during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, there are chances of blood from the fetus crossing into the mother. Also, this can happen during delivery. During the blood exchange, the mother’s immune is likely to react. As a result, the mother develops antibodies to the baby’s blood cells.

Why do we need anticoagulant?

The anticoagulant substance is used to prevent blood clotting when donating plasma. As you know, blood is pumped into a machine then plasma separated before blood is returned into the body. While the machine retains the anticoagulant substance, some find their way into your bloodstream.

What is the purpose of blood transfusion?

Answer: The main purpose of blood transfusion is to provide a safe and adequate supply of blood to those in need. However, certain antibodies have been found to cause adverse reactions in blood recipients. One such is called the Human Leukocyte Antigens. Pregnant and previously pregnant women have been found to contain this kind of antibodies more. However, this doesn’t mean you are automatically disqualified from donating platelets.

Can a transfusion cause death?

While it’s rare, transfusion-related acute lung injury causes serious complications to the lungs and this may lead to death. Though plasma lacks cells, it does contain proteins such as antibodies. Plasma antibodies are likely to trigger the immune system thereby causing life-threatening dangers.

How much weight do you need to donate plasma?

You should have at least 110 pounds to be considered healthy for plasma donation. Those who are underage are required to meet specific requirements. Underweight individuals are likely to become weak after donation. The same applies to people with inadequate amounts of iron.

Where are HLA antigens found?

Some are only in blood cells. Others are in all the different tissues of the body. These proteins’ main work is to reject tissue transplanted from one individual to another as a protection to the body.

Can HLA antibodies be produced after pregnancy?

Anti-HLA antibodies produced in the body after pregnancy usually have no effect on the woman or on her subsequent pregnancies.

What is a TRALI?

In rare instances, a condition called Transfusion-Related Acute Lung Injury ( TRALI) can occur. The likelihood of this harmful reaction depends on the specific antibodies and amount of antibodies in the donor’s blood. The types of the HLA proteins in the person receiving the blood, the amount of blood transfused and the size ...
