why can t you donate blood with low iron

by Dr. Jermey Prosacco 3 min read

Low iron can lead to fatigue, impaired concentration or difficulty exercising and may also lead to a low haemoglobin (anaemia) which may cause breathlessness and dizziness. So it’s really important you have healthy iron stores before you donate and to replace your iron before your next donation, to keep you feeling your best.

If your hemoglobin is too low, we will ask that you wait to donate. Iron is an essential mineral that is a part of hemoglobin which helps maintain your strength and energy. Your body needs iron to make new blood cells, replacing the ones lost through blood donations.

Full Answer

Is low iron and low blood the same thing?

Mar 22, 2022 · Donating a unit of whole blood or double red cells (2-units) removes iron from your body. Frequent apheresis donations (i.e., research donors, plateletpheresis donors) also lose blood over time and can have low levels of iron. You need iron to make new red blood cells. Low levels of iron can cause anemia, which is a low hemoglobin value.

What is the cause of low iron in the blood?

Answer (1 of 8): The way that the blood bank would know that your iron might be low is not that they actually measure your blood iron. They don't. (I'm a regular donor, and I'm sitting across the breakfast table from a member of the committee that …

Will donating blood lower my iron levels?

Dec 11, 2003 · You can have a hematocrit which is completely compatible with good health but is still considered too low to donate blood. Blood banks hold a higher standard for liability’s sake – they don’t want people to become ill after donating. Nichol, I’m surprised that the blood bank didn’t give you some reading material about iron deficiency ...

How do we manage iron deficiency after blood donation?

It is normal for iron levels to fluctuate, even in those individuals who don’t donate blood and platelets. Many people who have low iron feel fine and have no symptoms. Symptoms may change from mild to more serious and can include: anemia, tiredness and irritability, reduced endurance during physical activity, difficulty concentrating or a craving to chew things such as …

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Low hemoglobin disqualifies you from donating and it is tested prior to blood donation. The great news is that it is usually temporary! How to help your body absorb iron: - Add fruits and vegetables high in Vitamin C. Vitamin C can enhance the iron absorption by as much as 20 times.


What happens if you are anemic and donate blood?

The Blood Center tests your hemoglobin before each donation. Since iron is an essential part of hemoglobin, a low hemoglobin can indicate low iron stores and anemia. However, some donors may have enough hemoglobin to donate blood even if their body's iron stores are low.

How long do you have to wait to give blood after low iron?

You will have been asked to leave at least 3 months before your next donation to allow your haemoglobin to reach a higher level.

Who Cannot donate blood?

Persons with the following conditions are not allowed to donate blood anyime:Cancer.Cardiac disease.Sever lung disease.Hepatitis B and C.HIV infection, AIDS or Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD)High risk occupation (e.g. prostitution)Unexplained weight loss of more than 5 kg over 6 months.Chronic alcoholism.More items...

How can I check my iron levels at home?

How do I use an at-home iron test?Order a kit online or at a local pharmacy.Use the provided testing materials to perform a finger prick.Collect a blood sample.Send the sample to a laboratory.Wait for the results.

How much iron is needed for blood donation?

There are things you can do to help maintain healthy iron levels: Frequent donors and young donors should consult with their health-care provider about taking multivitamins with 18 mg of iron.

Why do people donate blood?

Donating blood removes iron from your body which is needed to help maintain strength and energy. The American Red Cross encourages all blood and platelet donors to learn how to maintain healthy iron levels and how blood donation impacts the level of iron in your body.

What is the purpose of hemoglobin screening?

A screening test measures the amount of hemoglobin from a single drop of blood obtained from a finger stick.

What foods help the body absorb iron?

Foods such as tomatoes, oranges and other citrus fruits, and bell peppers have high levels of vitamin C. In addition to having high levels of heme iron, red meats can also help the body absorb non-heme iron.

What is a screening test for hemoglobin?

A screening test measures the amount of hemoglobin from a single drop of blood obtained from a finger stick. If your hemoglobin is too low, we will ask that you wait to donate. Iron is an essential mineral that is a part of hemoglobin which helps maintain your strength and energy. Your body needs iron to make new blood cells, ...

What foods are high in non-heme iron?

Examples of foods high in non-heme iron are breakfast cereals fortified by iron, breads and pasta (whole grain and enriched), tofu, beans, lentils, peanuts, dried fruits like raisins and eggs.

What is the best diet for a donor?

The Red Cross recommends that all donors eat a nutritious, well-balanced diet that contains foods rich in iron and high in vitamin C. Donors should also avoid foods that may block the absorption of iron in your body. Some donors, such as young and frequent donors, may help increase or maintain their iron levels by taking an iron supplement ...

What is the minimum hemoglobin level for a female donor?

Female blood donors must have a hemoglobin level of at least 12.5 g/dL and male blood donors must have a hemoglobin level of at least 13.0 g/dL. If your hemoglobin is too low, you will be asked not to donate blood until your levels increase. What is Iron?

How old do you have to be to be a frequent blood donor?

You are a frequent blood donor if you are: A woman 18- to 50-years-old who donates 2 or more units a year. A woman older than 50 who donates 3 or more units a year. A man who donates 3 or more units a year.

What are the different types of iron supplements?

What kinds of iron dietary supplements are available? 1 Iron is available in many multivitamin-mineral supplements or in supplements that contain only iron. Most multivitamins for women contain iron; some multivitamins for men contain iron. Check the nutrition label for 18-27 mg iron or 38 mg iron. 2 Tablets labeled "325 mg ferrous gluconate" usually contain 38 mg of iron, which is also called "elemental iron". Please check the labeling, as indicated below. 3 If you experience side effects such as stomach upset, nausea, constipation, or other gastrointestinal symptoms, try taking a lower dose. 4 Ferrous gluconate might cause fewer side effects than ferrous sulfate 5 Always follow the directions on the package 6 Keep iron and all medications out of reach of children. Accidental overdose of iron-containing products is a leading cause of fatal poisoning in children under age 6. 7 For more information about iron supplements, see the NIH Office of Dietary Supplements website.

What is the red color of blood?

Hemoglobin is a protein in your blood that contains iron and gives blood its red color. Hemoglobin carries oxygen from your lungs to nourish all the tissues in your body. The NIH Blood Bank and Platelet Center check your hemoglobin level before every blood donation to ensure you meet the minimum requirements for blood donation. ...

What foods help your body absorb iron?

Your body absorbs iron from plant sources better when you eat it with meat and foods that contain vitamin C, like orange juice, citrus fruits, and tomatoes. View Additional information on iron in your diet.

Why do we need iron?

Iron is an essential mineral found in our diet and is part of hemoglobin. You need iron to make new red blood cells to replace the ones lost in a blood donation. The amount of iron you need depends on many factors, including age, gender, and how often you donate blood.

What foods contain iron?

Plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables and nuts contain iron and are a part of a nutritious well-balanced diet, but the iron contained in these foods is not absorbed as completely as the iron in meat, fish and poultry.

Why is hemoglobin low?

Abnormally low hemoglobin, also called anemia, can develop when a person does not make enough red blood cells or loses blood from the body. The most common cause of mild anemia in otherwise healthy people, particularly women, is a low level of iron. You can help replenish your iron by eating a nutritious, well-balanced diet with foods rich in iron ...

What does the Red Cross check before donating?

Prior to donating, the Red Cross checks your hemoglobin level, which is a measure of the protein in your blood that carries oxygen to help nourish tissues throughout your body. Iron is a part of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin does not measure whether or not the iron stores in your body are healthy.

What happens if your hemoglobin is below normal?

If your hemoglobin was below the normal range, or if this is not the first time you’ve been deferred for a low hemoglobin level, the Red Cross recommends you discuss your test results with your health-care provider. Abnormally low hemoglobin, also called anemia, can develop when a person does not make enough red blood cells or loses blood from ...

How to replenish iron?

You can help replenish your iron by eating a nutritious, well-balanced diet with foods rich in iron and high in vitamin C. My hemoglobin was in the normal range, but I was told I couldn’t donate. It is normal for hemoglobin levels to fluctuate. If you’ve not previously been deferred due to low hemoglobin levels and your level was in ...

How long does it take for the Red Cross to check your hemoglobin?

The Red Cross checks your hemoglobin level prior to each blood or platelet donation to make sure your level is healthy enough to donate. It may take several weeks for high-iron foods, combined with multivitamins with iron or iron supplements, to increase your levels.

Can you donate if you have low hemoglobin?

Donors Deferred for Low Hemoglobin. Although you were not able to donate on your recent attempt, you may be able to donate in the future. The American Red Cross recommends taking some important steps to help increase your hemoglobin (Hgb) levels before returning to donate. Sometimes, donors may not meet the requirement for donating ...

Why is my blood reading low?

This is to protect donors from becoming anemic when they give blood. Common reasons for low reading: - A low-iron diet. - Menstrual blood loss. - A diet low in folate, vitamin B6 or B12. People with chronic illnesses such as arthritis, diabetes, and kidney disease may also have low readings.

When is it important to increase iron intake?

It is important to increase your iron intake in the weeks before you donate. Low hemoglobin disqualifies you from donating and it is tested prior to blood donation. The great news is that it is usually temporary! How to help your body absorb iron:

What foods help with iron absorption?

Eating foods rich in vitamin C (citrus fruits, broccoli and tomatoes) helps in iron absorption. Avoid drinking tea while eating high-iron foods. Coffee, milk, fiber and soy protein may also block the absorption of iron.

What happens when you donate blood?

When you make a donation, it removes red blood cells and iron from your body. We always make sure you have enough red blood cells to donate safely. Don’t worry—low blood count is usually temporary, and you’ll likely be able to donate again soon. On an average day, about one-in-ten donors is deferred because of a low red blood cell level.

Why do we need iron?

Iron: Your body—and everybody—needs it! Iron is an essential mineral that helps move oxygen to all the organs and tissues in your body, and helps turn food into energy. Your good health depends on iron, just like we depend on you as a blood donor.

What foods help with iron?

These include beans, nuts, seeds, dark leafy greens, root vegetables, dried fruits, enriched and whole grain breads, lean red meats, shellfish, whole grains, and eggs.

Does Bloodworks Northwest have iron?

Iron is included in many multi-vitamins too. Additionally, Bloodworks Northwest has iron supplements available for you free- of-charge at all of our donation centers for pick up. Parents/Guardians can also complete the online request form below to have iron supplements mailed to your home.

Can you take iron supplements over the counter?

They are safe, can be taken daily to keep your iron stores in balance. Iron supplements are widely available in many forms over-the-counter at drug stores or pharmacies. Iron is included in many multi-vitamins too.

Is it important to have a good red blood cell count?

Making sure you have a normal red blood cell level is very important to your good health. In some cases, a person whose blood count is chronically low may have anemia, which means a blood count lower than the normal range. Here’s what we recommend if you were deferred from donating today:

Does meat have iron?

Having vitamin C along with iron increases your body’s absorption of iron (orange juice, citrus fruits, tomatoes, cantaloupe, strawberries). Meats have the highest iron content, so vegetarians have to work harder to get enough iron, but still have lots of good dietary choices.

How many people can donate blood?

Red blood cell, plasma, and platelets all the components of blood are vital for a lifeline. But, are you aware that only one in thirty people can donate blood.

How long do you have to wait to donate blood after getting a tattoo?

If you get a tattoo done from such places you have to wait for 12 months before donating blood, else you might spread infection (2). Always discuss your situation with a healthcare professional. Also, if gone for certain cosmetic treatments which require piecing with needles you got to wait at least for 4 months.

How long after syphilis can you donate blood?

In some, despite getting the treatment, they need to be re-treated. If wanting to donate blood, you should wait for 12 months after getting fully treated.

How long should a drug user wait before giving blood?

Someone in Relationship With A Drug User: If a person has had sex with someone taking drugs he needs to wait for a year before giving blood. Also, he should abstain himself from that partner for that time duration. Donating blood under these conditions can put the life of recipient and sometimes even the donor at risk.

Do you have to wait to donate blood after taking antibiotics?

Such as, if a person is on antibiotics, he has to wait until he feels healthy.

Can you donate blood if you have high iron levels?

Also, those with high iron levels should not donate blood as high blood iron levels increase the risk of heart disease, heart attack, stroke, and certain cancers. Suffering From Cancer: A person cannot donate blood if he is being treated for cancer, or the cancer is spreading or has come back, or is having cancer of blood such as leukemia ...

Can you donate blood with low iron?

Underweight individuals have low blood volumes and would not be able to tolerate the removal of the required volume of blood. Someone With Too High Or Too Low Iron Levels: People with low iron levels i.e. less than 12.5g/dl in women and 13g/dl in men cannot donate blood. (3) Regular donors, therefore, are advised to eat food rich in iron ...
