why cant i donate blood at 12.1

by Emily Runolfsdottir 9 min read

To help ensure that it is safe for you to donate, females must have a minimum hemoglobin level of 12.5g/dL and males must have a minimum level of 13.0g/dL. A donor's hemoglobin level cannot be higher than 20.0g/dL to donate.

Should there be an upper age limit for blood donation?

It is normal for hemoglobin levels to fluctuate. If you’ve not previously been deferred due to low hemoglobin levels and your level was in the normal range, we encourage you to eat a nutritious, well-balanced diet with foods rich in iron and high in vitamin C. If you donate often, the Red Cross recommends you consider taking a multivitamin with iron or an iron supplement.

Can you be turned down for blood donation?

Mar 07, 2022 · In-Depth Discussion of Age and Blood Donation. Those younger than age 17 are almost always legal minors (not yet of the age of majority) who cannot give consent by themselves to donate blood. (Each state determines its own age of majority, which can be different for different activities.) Persons under the age of 17 may, however, donate blood ...

Why was I deferred from donating blood?

Study design and methods: Twelve blood center members of the Biomedical Excellence for Safer Transfusion (BEST) Collaborative from four countries with no upper age limit for whole blood and double RBC donation (Canada, New Zealand, England, and the United States) or an upper age limit of 80 (Australia) provided 2016 data on donors and donations ...

Can I donate blood if my hemoglobin and iron are low?

Feb 11, 2022 · Some people learn that their hemoglobin is low when they try to donate blood. Being turned down for blood donation isn't necessarily a cause for concern. You can have a hemoglobin count that's fine for you but doesn't meet the standards blood donation centers set. If your hemoglobin count is only a little under the required level, particularly if you've been …


Is 12.5 a low iron level?

A low hemoglobin count is generally defined as less than 13.2 grams of hemoglobin per deciliter (132 grams per liter) of blood for men and less than 11.6 grams per deciliter (116 grams per liter) for women.

Why can't I donate blood if I'm under 110 pounds?

Blood volume is in proportion to body weight. Donors who weigh less than 110 pounds may not tolerate the removal of the required volume of blood as well as those who weigh more than 110 pounds.

Is 12.7 a good iron level?

In adults, the average hemoglobin level is slightly higher for men than it is for women. It's measured in grams per deciliter (g/dL) of blood....Adults.SexNormal hemoglobin level (g/dL)Female12 or higherMale13 or higher

What is 1 reason why you would not be able to donate blood?

Sever lung disease. Hepatitis B and C. HIV infection, AIDS or Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) High risk occupation (e.g. prostitution)

Is there a weight limit for donating blood?

Blood donation requirements Be healthy and not suffering from a cold, flu or other illness at the time of donation. Be aged between 18 and 75 years (other rules may apply if you are a current donor). Weigh at least 50kg. Have normal temperature and blood pressure.

Why do you have to weigh a certain amount to give blood?

We need you to be above a minimum weight because the amount of blood your body contains is related to your weight and height. If our standard donation represents too high a volume, it's not safe for you to donate.

Is 12 a low iron level?

Lower than normal hemoglobin levels indicate anemia. The normal hemoglobin range is generally defined as 13.2 to 16.6 grams (g) of hemoglobin per deciliter (dL) of blood for men and 11.6 to 15 g/dL for women.Jan 4, 2022

Why can't I donate blood with low iron?

If your hemoglobin is too low, we will ask that you wait to donate. Iron is an essential mineral that is a part of hemoglobin which helps maintain your strength and energy. Your body needs iron to make new blood cells, replacing the ones lost through blood donations.

What should a woman's blood count be?

ResultsRed blood cell countMale: 4.35-5.65 trillion cells/L* (4.35-5.65 million cells/mcL**) Female: 3.92-5.13 trillion cells/L (3.92-5.13 million cells/mcL)HematocritMale: 38.3-48.6 percent Female: 35.5-44.9 percentWhite blood cell count3.4-9.6 billion cells/L (3,400 to 9,600 cells/mcL)3 more rows•Dec 22, 2020

Can you give blood while on your period?

You can safely donate blood during your period if it is required and your period will not be affected by the donation. It may be better to donate the week after periods, but it is still manageable if you are not bleeding heavily, your haemoglobin is more than 11 g/dl and you are not in any discomfort or pain.Jun 14, 2020

Is there an age limit for donating blood?

Most people aged between 17-65 can donate.

What medical conditions disqualify you from donating plasma?

People can't donate if they have or had tuberculosis, heart disease (and currently taking medication for it), sickle cell anemia, certain types of cancer, or malaria (contracted in the past three years or travelled to an endemic area in the past year).Nov 12, 2019

What is hepatitis blood donation?

In-Depth Discussion of Hepatitis and Blood Donation. "Hepatitis" means inflammation of the liver. Hepatitis can be caused by many things including gallstones, medications, drinking alcohol, obesity and liver infections.

What is the name of the disease that cattle get from blood donation?

In-Depth Discussion of Variant Creutzfeld-Jakob Disease and Blood Donation. In some parts of the world, cattle can get an infectious, fatal brain disease called Mad Cow Disease. In these same locations, humans have started to get a new disease called variant Creutzfeld-Jakob Disease (vCJD) which is also a fatal brain disease.

What is the blood pressure of the heart?

Blood pressure is the pressure of blood being pushed by your heart against the walls of your arteries. Arteries carry blood from your heart to other parts of your body. Your blood pressure normally rises and falls throughout the day based on your activities.

What is the number of systolic blood pressure?

Your blood pressure reading contains two numbers, for example 130/80. The first number, called systolic blood pressure, measures the pressure in your arteries when your heart beats. The second number, called diastolic blood pressure, measures the pressure in your arteries when your heart rests between beats.

Can CJD be transmitted through blood transfusion?

Rarely, CJD is associated with an hereditary predisposition; that is, it occurs in biologic or “blood” relatives (persons in the same genetic family). There is evidence that CJD can be transmitted from donors to patients through blood transfusions. There is no test for CJD that could be used to screen blood donors.

Is CJD a disease?

CJD is a rare, progressive and fatal brain disorder that occurs in all parts of the world and has been known about for decades. CJD is different from variant CJD, the new disease in humans thought to be associated with Mad Cow disease in the United Kingdom and elsewhere. CJD appears to be an infectious disease.

Can you donate cadaveric human growth hormone?

If you received an injection of cadaveric pituitary human growth hormone (hGH) you cannot donate. Human cadaveric pituitary-derived hGH was available in the U.S. from 1958 to 1985. Growth hormone received after 1985 is acceptable.

How to know if you have low hemoglobin?

Signs and symptoms can include: Fatigue. Weakness. Pale skin and gums. Shortness of breath. A fast or irregular heartbeat.

Can you be turned down for blood donation?

Being turned down for blood donation isn't necessarily a cause for concern. You can have a hemoglobin count that's fine for you but doesn't meet the standards blood donation centers set.

Why don't people donate blood?

Studies have shown that the main reason people haven’t donated blood is that no one asked them. Forming a committee and personally asking people — even signing them up for donation times — is the best way to ensure that you’ll achieve your goal.

Why is my blood count low?

Causes for low blood count in women: The most common cause of low blood count in women who are premenopausal, is iron deficiency caused by menstrual blood loss. Women of childbearing age have high iron requirements because of the extra iron needed for menstruation and pregnancy.

How does a component donation work?

The primary difference is that during a component donation, blood flows from a tube in your arm to a sterile chamber within an automation machine that separates the blood into various components. The needed components are collected, the remaining blood is returned to your body.

How long does it take to collect blood?

This includes registration, a brief medical screening, blood collection and refreshments. Collecting one unit of whole blood only takes about 10 minutes; however, you can expect to spend more time donating products like red cells, platelets and plasma (also known as apheresis procedures).

What does a negative result mean?

A negative result most likely means you have not been exposed to COVID-19. It is also possible you have been exposed but have not developed an immune response, or if you have made antibodies, they are present at a low level below the threshold of detection for the test.

Do deer ticks carry Lyme disease?

Their bites can be a nuisance for people and pets, and some deer ticks carry Lyme disease and Babesia . Babesia infects red blood cells and causes Babesiosis, which can be a severe, life-threatening disease in infants, elderly, people with weak immune systems and other serious health conditions.

Finding and treating underlying causes and making lifestyle changes will help

Many people have high blood pressure in older age, and sometimes it’s hard to control. That problem is called resistant hypertension — blood pressure that stays above a set goal, such as 140/90 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg), despite taking three classes of blood pressure drugs (including a diuretic) at the highest tolerable doses.

Reassess all medications

Bring your doctor a list of all the medications you are taking, or bring a bag with all the medication bottles. Include over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, and supplements. The list, or bag, of medicines can help your doctor identify drugs or supplements that may be raising your pressure.

Treat underlying causes

Underlying conditions can also keep your blood pressure high (see "What causes resistant hypertension?"). Getting them under control is essential. But figuring out if you have one can take detective work and a thorough physical evaluation.

Make lifestyle changes

You may need to ramp up healthy habits to maximize their effects. Start by eating a plant-based diet that’s low in salt; aim for less than 2,400 milligrams (mg) of salt per day. You should also be getting at least seven hours of sleep per night, limiting alcohol, avoiding smoking, and maintaining a healthy weight.

What else will help?

If these strategies don’t reduce your blood pressure, your doctor may feel it’s necessary to prescribe more pills. But don’t despair. "No matter what you are taking now, your doctor should be able to make affordable changes in your blood pressure medications to bring down your numbers," Dr. Bhatt says.


As a service to our readers, Harvard Health Publishing provides access to our library of archived content. Please note the date of last review or update on all articles. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.

Is the burnt offering before the sin offering?

One as a burnt-offering and one as a sin-offering: Scripture places [the burnt-offering] before [the sin-offering] only insofar as how they must be read [in the Torah. This is due to the higher esteem of the burnt-offering, because it is burned in its entirety (Maskil LeDavid).]

Is a woman unclean on account of giving birth?

as [in] the days of her menstrual flow: According to the order of all the uncleanness mentioned in regard to the menstruating woman (נִדָּה), she becomes unclean on account of giving birth. [This is true] even if the womb opens without [any issue of] blood.
