why does is cost resources to donate troops

by Myrtis Kuhlman 8 min read

How much experience do I get for donating troops?

When service defines your family, finding new ways to serve and give back is almost second nature. For many military families, that means after the …

How much do military families donate to charity?

Mar 03, 2022 · It is cheaper and more environmentally friendly to use items that are available locally rather than ship them around the world. It is also more likely to meet the actual and current needs. Donated...

What happens when you donate troops to your clan?

Dec 02, 2019 · The media also reported that U.S. military leadership in South Korea discussed the possibility of withdrawing up to 4,000 troops from South Korea if it does not increase its contributions. The ...

How much does it cost the US to deploy troops overseas?

4. Saving the World. Why you should donate to Charity. 1-Small charitable donations have a huge impact. 2-It is beneficial for needy people. 3-Poverty can be reduced. 4-Provides a chance to create a better world. 5-Peace of Mind. 6-Spread Justice.


How much does Super troops cost?

Activating a Super Troop costs Dark Elixir, and you train it with the same resource as the regular version of the troop. You can activate 2 Super Troops at the same time. When activating a Super Troop, you can continue to train its regular counterpart. Super Troops are not removed from the Army Camps when they expire.

Why are my donated troops lower level?

Not only the donations sent or received but also the level cap will affect War donations as well. When a player receives a higher level Troop donation, it will automatically have their levels reduced to the level cap. In addition, any Troop levels gained through Clan perks will also follow the rule of level cap.Apr 6, 2021

Do Troops level up when donated?

Referencing the table above, a level 1 Clan Castle, when you receive donated troops, the level of those troops will be restricted to troop levels for a level 5 Laboratory....Hey Chief!Clan Castle LevelDonated Troop Lab Level Cap610 (TH12 including all remaining Super Troops)711 (TH13)8Can receive any level troops5 more rows•Apr 5, 2021

What happens if you destroy clan castle before troops come out?

If the Clan Castle is destroyed when defending, any troops remaining inside will not be able to deploy for the battle. However, they will be still safe otherwise. This can happen if the troops inside can't target the units deployed.

Do you get XP for donating war troops?

Gain XP for Donating Troops in Wars & War Leagues You will now gain XP when you donate Troops during Wars and War Leagues, but not during Friendly Wars. The amount of XP earned is based on the donated Troops at the start of the Battle Day.Sep 25, 2021

Can Super troops be donated?

Super Troops can be requested and donated just as regular troops. However, to receive the specific Super Troop you have requested someone in your clan must have the Super Troop active as Super Troops can't be donated with Gems. You can donate Super Troops as reinforcements to Clanmates.

Do Siege Machines trigger clan castle?

Upon being destroyed, the Siege Machine releases the Clan Castle troops housed within it.

Can I request troops if CC is upgrading?

During the upgrade you can use the Clan Castle without any issues. You can request troops, use on attack and defenses and collect resources from the Treasury.Nov 18, 2019

What is the best thing to put in war clan castles?

The best clan castle troops to defend your base in Clash of Clans are listed below: Dragon and 3 Balloons : As said earlier drags and loons are always a great combination for defense at any th level. Dragons have high HP while loons can give heavy damage.Apr 26, 2021

Can you freeze a clan castle?

The Freeze Spell is used to temporarily disable defenses and/or ground and air troops from the enemy Clan Castle within a small radius. Until the spell's duration finishes, the affected enemy units will neither move nor attack (or heal, in the case of a Healer being frozen).

Can bat spell trigger clan castle?

Like Skeletons, Bats do not trigger traps or Clan Castle troops. Bats prioritize defensive structures above all other targets, and will bypass all other types of enemy buildings and troops while any defenses remain on the battlefield.Dec 4, 2018

Can you lightning spell a clan castle?

Lightning Spell will no longer have any effect on the Clan Castle. Like the Elixir and Gold Storage buildings, Lightning Spell will cause no damage to the Clan Castle.Dec 2, 2020

Why does the US pay so much for the defense of its allies? 5 questions answered

Since the start of Donald Trump’s run for the U.S. presidency in 2015, he has been critical of the amount of money U.S. allies contribute to their own defense.

Public opinion toward US military presence

Researchers conducted a survey in 14 countries with a history of large U.S. military deployments, asking residents how they felt about the military presence.

Is the US military helpful?

Researchers conducted a survey in 14 countries with a history of large U.S. military deployments, asking residents whether the military presence was helpful and made them safer from foreign threats.


A Clan Castle is needed for creating or joining a Clan. It houses Troops which can either be placed as reinforcements during an attack, or used as defenders when the player's base is under attack.


The Clan Castle troops are very important in higher Leagues. This is because they can distract and possibly kill attacking troops, reducing the attacking army size and wasting precious seconds.

Deployment Order

The first criteria is housing space; troops with lower housing space will leave the Clan Castle before troops with higher housing space. For example, a Balloon (taking 5 housing space) will always leave the Clan Castle before a Dragon (taking 20 housing space).


When the Clan Castle is selected, the activation radius can be seen. It and the hero altars are the only non-defensive buildings that demonstrate this behavior.

Icon Descriptions

Tapping this icon displays information about the Clan Castle, such as Level, Troop Capacity, Hitpoints and Troops inside.

Why do we need charitable donations?

One of the biggest purposes of the charitable donations is to help the poor. Poor are not only the people of the underdeveloped countries. Many people even in our neighborhood need our help in different ways. They cannot afford education for their children. They cannot afford food to end hunger for children.

Why do we donate to charities?

Donating to charities definitely will help us to build a more diverse society or workplace.

What is charity organization?

Charity is an organization that is established to help the society in different ways. The donations can be used to help a group of people somewhere in the world, promoting recyclable products to save the world or by supporting sports and arts.

What does it mean to give a donation?

When you give a donation, you will be able to set an example for the people around you. You will work as an inspiration for the people who might not have been donating. It means that charities will receive more donations and so it would be easier for them to work on their cause. You can also host a charity event to collect money for a special cause or organization.

Why do charities match?

The first purpose of the charity match is to make this world a better place. The organizations will use the money you have donated for the production of good using recycled material. The products are then sold to the merchants that will sell them at a lower cost in the developing and poor countries. It helps to save the environment from chemicals. Such organizations work with the weight management companies to dispose of the non-recyclable products. Environment Sustainability is an important topic to help the world. You can Donate to environmental charities to support climate changes to help.

What are the aims of a charity?

The aims of the charity have been divided into different categories that have approved by the law as charitable donations. It can be associated with the relief or prevention of poverty or promotion of culture, arts, science, technology, and heritage.

How do NGOs work?

By giving, the donation to the NGOs that work for animals and natural habitat will provide them a chance to protect the forests, the animals, and plants. They work by developing different natural parks where animals can get jungle like the atmosphere or transferring them to a better habitat.



  1. A Clan Castle is needed for creating or joining a Clan. It houses reinforcement Troops, Spells and Siege Machines which can be used to assist in an attack, or (in the case of troops) defend the pla...
  2. Players begin the game with a ruined Clan Castle. While it is in ruins, it is surrounded by Obstacles (plants and stones) and cannot be moved. Rebuilding a Clan Castle requires 10,00…
  1. A Clan Castle is needed for creating or joining a Clan. It houses reinforcement Troops, Spells and Siege Machines which can be used to assist in an attack, or (in the case of troops) defend the pla...
  2. Players begin the game with a ruined Clan Castle. While it is in ruins, it is surrounded by Obstacles (plants and stones) and cannot be moved. Rebuilding a Clan Castle requires 10,000 Gold but does...
  3. Once players join a Clan, they have the ability to "Request" once every 20 minutes (or faster if the clan has a "Donation Request Wait Time" perk or if they bypass this wait time by using Gems). Al...
  4. Players receive experience points for each troop they donate. 1 Experience point is earned fo…


  • Defensive
    1. The Clan Castle troops are very important in higher Leagues. This is because they can distract and possibly kill attacking troops, reducing the attacking army size and wasting precious seconds. 2. If your Clan Castle is in 'guard' mode and enemy troops come within a 12-tile radius of your Cl…
  • Offensive
    1. It is crucial to try to lure the troops out of the defending Clan Castle when attacking. Players can do this by deploying a single unit within the range of the enemy's Clan Castle. This is to prevent a situation where players are forced to fight these troops within range of the enemy's defenses. It'…
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Deployment Order

  1. When multiple troops are stationed in a Clan Castle, they are deployed in a predetermined order using three criteria.
  2. Between June 2017 and March 2020, troops left the Clan Castle roughly in the order in which they were donated, but this appeared inconsistent and was never fully understood.
  3. Prior to the June 2017 update, troops left the Clan Castle in the order: Barbarians, Archers, G…
  1. When multiple troops are stationed in a Clan Castle, they are deployed in a predetermined order using three criteria.
  2. Between June 2017 and March 2020, troops left the Clan Castle roughly in the order in which they were donated, but this appeared inconsistent and was never fully understood.
  3. Prior to the June 2017 update, troops left the Clan Castle in the order: Barbarians, Archers, Goblins, Giants, Wall Breakers, Balloons, Wizards, Healers, Dragons, P.E.K.K.As, Baby Dragons, Miners,...

Upgrade Differences

  • The Clan Castle undergoes significant visual changes when it is initially repaired (level 1), and when it is upgraded to level 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, and 10. Much of the detail of the top of the Clan Castl...
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  1. When the Clan Castle is selected, the activation radius can be seen. It and the hero altars are the only non-defensive buildings that demonstrate this behavior.
  2. When clanmates donate troops, they march into your Clan Castle from the Clan Path located on one edge of the clearing. When you donate troops to your clanmates, they march from your Army Campsto th...
  1. When the Clan Castle is selected, the activation radius can be seen. It and the hero altars are the only non-defensive buildings that demonstrate this behavior.
  2. When clanmates donate troops, they march into your Clan Castle from the Clan Path located on one edge of the clearing. When you donate troops to your clanmates, they march from your Army Campsto th...
  3. Donated ground troops walk through Wallsto get to your Clan Castle, rather than jumping over them.
  4. The level 6 Clan Castle can be seen in the Party Wizard Party Time video, despite the Town Hallbeing at level 7.