why is it important to donate blood essay

by Tyrese Green 9 min read

Benefits of donating blood

  1. You save lives of people. – There are many people who are in urgent need of blood and by donating your blood you can easily give them a new ...
  2. Refreshes your system. – After you donate the blood, the cell count decreases due to which new cells regenerate. ...
  3. Adds to the blood quantity. ...
  4. Receive proper diagnosis. ...

A. 2 Donating blood is very beneficial for the donor as well as the acceptor. It saves lives and helps people overcome their critical situation. The blood donor's body gets revitalized and generates new cells which freshen it up.

Full Answer

Why you should donate blood essay?

May 04, 2020 · The prime reason behind voluntary blood donation programs is to build a reserve of usable blood, which can be accessed whenever the need arises. It is not prudent to donate blood only during emergencies. Donation of blood in advance ensures that a continuous supply of blood is readily available for emergencies and other demanding circumstances.

Why is blood donation important for a community?

Importance of Blood Donation Blood donation is a voluntary practice that helps those in need of blood transfusion due to some accident or illness. The most essential body fluid, excessive blood loss can cause an untimely death if the need is not fulfilled immediately. Hence, blood donation is a life-saving procedure. World Blood Donor Day

What are the reasons for donating blood?

Vigilance Awareness Week 2013 Essay Contest. Contact Us; X. Call Us Today @ +91 95902 65693 ...

What are the health benefits of donating blood?

Short Essay on Importance of Blood Donation. Blood donation is one of the most significant contribution that a person can make towards the society. It is not harmful for an adult person to donate blood. The body of the donor can regenerate the blood within few days. It poses no threat to the metabolism of the body.


Why is blood donation so important?

Blood is the most precious gift that anyone can give to another person – the gift of life. A decision to donate your blood can save a life, or even several if your blood is separated into its components – red cells, platelets and plasma – which can be used individually for patients with specific conditions.

Why should I donate blood 5 Reasons?

5 reasons to donate bloodYou'll help someone else. ... Every donation makes a difference. ... You get a free health check-up. ... All blood types are needed. ... You may need a blood donation in the future.Jan 21, 2021

What is blood donation in easy words?

Blood donation is when a person voluntarily gives blood, which can be used for blood transfusions or to make certain drugs. Blood banks store this blood. The blood can be used to help the victims of accidents, for example.

How can donating blood save lives?

Just 1 donation can save up to 3 lives. The average red blood cell transfusion is 3 pints (or 3 whole-blood donations). More than 1 million people every year are diagnosed with cancer for the first time. Many of them will need blood—sometimes daily—during chemotherapy.

What do students learn from giving blood?

Donating blood, not only saves multiple lives but also give an opportunity to add value to your life. It helps in teaching students about humanity and also defines the spirit of our natural co-existence in the most extraordinary way.Jun 14, 2018

Why is blood donation important?

Importance of Blood Donation. Blood donation is a voluntary practice that helps those in need of blood transfusion due to some accident or illness. The most essential body fluid, excessive blood loss can cause an untimely death if the need is not fulfilled immediately. Hence, blood donation is a life-saving procedure.

Why do people need blood?

Maybe he has met with an accident, has undergone an operation or is suffering from an illness like anemia. Your donated blood goes on to help this affected person in overcoming his critical situation and regain new life. It symbolizes a helpful and responsible gesture not only to the person in need, but also towards society at large.

What is a preliminary check up?

Initiates a Preliminary Health Check Up. A person, before donating blood is subjected to a complete diagnosis by doctors and hospital professionals to determine the levels of iron, haemoglobin, cholesterol, etc in his body. This enables the donor to have a clear idea of the condition of his body.

How long can blood be stored?

Amidst the three components of blood, plasma can be preserved for years, red blood cells can be stored for 42 days and platelets can be kept only for 5 days.

How old do you have to be to donate blood?

You can give blood if you are between 17‑66 years of age, if your weight is over 50 kg and you are in sound health. Similarly, you cannot donate blood if you suffer from diseases such as cardiac arrest, hypertension, epilepsy or diabetes or if you have undergone treatment for malaria within the last three months.

Is blood donation good for the body?

Advantageous for the Body. Blood donation is not at all harmful for the body; rather the four or five liters of blood that can be donated every three or four months by both men and women ensures that you remain fit and fine. Firstly, the cell depletion that occurs due to blood donation, forces the body to produce new cells within 48 hours, ...

Why is blood donation important?

It enhances their health condition and makes them overcome their critical situation. In other words, blood donation does not simply help that specific person but also contributes to a responsible gesture towards society. Moreover, it also enhances the health of the donor.

Why do people donate blood?

Blood donation refers to a practice where people donate their blood to people so it helps them with their health problems. Blood is one of the most essential fluids of our body that helps in the smooth functioning of our body. If the body loses blood in excessive amounts, people to get deadly diseases and even die.

Why is World Blood Donor Day celebrated?

Therefore, on World Blood Donor Day, they also appreciate blood donors for their contribution to making the world a better place.

When is World Blood Donor Day?

A.1 World Blood Donors Day is celebrated on 14th June to create awareness about blood donation. This day also appreciates the blood donors for their contribution towards society in improving people’s lives.

What do you need to know about blood donation?

Blood Donation: What You Need to Know For those in the medical industry, the possibility of saving someone’s life is a very real possibility. For the rest of us, we assume heroes and life savers are left for televisions and the big screens. Not anymore. It’s time we celebrate those everyday heroes that selflessly go above and beyond to make a difference. The fact is, saving someone’s life may involve sitting and relaxing in comfort and can take less than an hour. Saving a life is making the decision

Why can't I donate blood?

Reasons for not being able to donate: • Hepatitis after age 11. • IV Drug User (even one time) • Certain obstructive lung disorders. • Certain liver disorders. • Persons who have taken Tegison for psoriasis. • Persons who have taken human-derived pituitary growth hormone.
