how do i donate to california department of rehabilitation

by Jerod Wunsch I 4 min read

What is the California Department of rehabilitation?

The California Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) is an employment and independent living resource for people with disabilities...

How do I get a certificate of rehabilitation in California?

Oct 01, 2019 · Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) must give you information and support services so you can make meaningful decisions about your job goals and services. This is called informed choice. This pub tells you about informed choice. It tells you when to use it. It tells you how to get help if you have a problem getting informed choice.

Who is eligible for a certificate of rehabilitation?

Vocational Rehabilitation Consumers Served by Age Group and County, SFY 2017. This dataset represents the statewide count of Department of Rehabilitation’s total number of consumers served by State Fiscal Years 2014 through 2017, age group, and county. CSV.

How is a certificate of rehabilitation transmitted to the court?

The Department of Rehabilitation’s (DOR) determination of an applicant's eligibility for vocational rehabilitation services must be based only on the following requirements: (1) A determination by qualified personnel, who need not be Department employees, that the applicant has a physical or mental impairment.


What is the Department of Rehabilitation?

Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) can help you attend college or a training program. This pub tells you the kinds of programs DOR will pay for. It tells you how to get help if you have a problem getting services from DOR.

What is an IPE in vocational rehabilitation?

The Individualized Plan for Employment is a critical document in the vocational rehabilitation process you will go through with the Department of Rehabilitation (DOR). The IPE contains important information on your employment goal, and what services and supports the DOR has agreed provide to assist you in meeting that goal.

What does the pub do?

It tells you how to apply for services and how DOR decides who gets services. It tells you what to do if you have a problem with DOR . It tells you who can help you, if you have a problem with DOR.

What does CIE mean in employment?

Competitive Integrated Employment , or CIE, means people with disabilities can earn the same pay as others without disabilities. It means those with disabilities can work where people without disabilities work. This pub tells you about CIE. It tells you what happens to your SSI when you work. It tells you how to get CIE, and who can help you get it.

What is a CAP?

CAP provides information, advice and advocacy to help people who have disabilities get employment services from DOR, such as training, education and a job. CAP helps protect the rights of people who receive or need services from DOR, Independent Living Centers, or other Rehabilitation Act Funded partners.

What does the pub tell you?

This pub tells you how to get or look at your records from the Department of Rehabilitation. It tells you how much your records cost and how to change your records. It tells you how to get help if you have a problem getting or looking at your records.

What is communication support?

“Communication supports” are devices or services that can help a person with a disability to communicate. For example, Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), Assistive Technology (AT) or “Special Adaptive Equipment,” are devices that can help a person to communicate.

Vocational Rehabilitation Successful Closures Average Hourly Wage By County, ..

This dataset represents the statewide average hourly wage of Department of Rehabilitation’s total successful closures in State Fiscal Years 2014 through 2017 by county.

Vocational Rehabilitation Successful Closures by Age Group and County, SFY 2017

This dataset represents the statewide count of Department of Rehabilitation’s successful closures in State Fiscal Years 2014 through 2017 by age group and county.

Vocational Rehabilitation Successful Closures by Occupation and County, SFY 2017

This dataset represents the statewide count of Department of Rehabilitation’s total successful closures in State Fiscal Years 2014 through 2017 by occupation by county.

Vocational Rehabilitation Successful Closures by Sex and County, SFY 2017

This dataset represents the statewide count of Department of Rehabilitation’s total number of successful closures in State Fiscal Years 2014 through 2017 by sex and county.

Vocational Rehabilitation Consumers Served by Age Group and County, SFY 2017

This dataset represents the statewide count of Department of Rehabilitation’s total number of consumers served by State Fiscal Years 2014 through 2017, age group, and county.

Vocational Rehabilitation Successful Closures by Disability and County, SFY 2017

This dataset represents the statewide count of Department of Rehabilitation’s total successful closures in State Fiscal Years 2014 through 2017 by disability type and county.

Vocational Rehabilitation Consumers Served by Disability and County, SFY 2017

This dataset represents the statewide count of Department of Rehabilitation’s total number of consumers served in State Fiscal Years 2014 through 2017 by disability type, and...

What is California Department of Rehabilitation?

The California Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) can supply you with a wide variety of counseling, training, job skills, and job placement services. DOR can help you get the training or other services that you need to return to work, to enter a new line of work, or to enter the workforce for the first time. Together, these services are called “ ...

What is a DOR counselor?

DOR also has some offices with counselors that specialize in employment services for people who are Deaf, hard of hearing, or late deafened. These Rehabilitation Counselors for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (RCDs) are fluent in American Sign Language (ASL). To learn more about these services, click here.

What is a DOR contract?

DOR can also contract with a local rehabilitation provider to supply you with other long-term support services that can help you keep your job and move ahead in your career.

How to appeal a VR decision?

If you are not offered VR services, you can request mediation or appeal that decision within 1 year of being denied services: 1 You can get a mediation form from your local DOR office . 2 If you appeal, you will have a hearing in front of the Rehabilitation Appeals Board. If you still are not satisfied with the result of your appeal, you can appeal again to the California Superior Court.

What is center based employment?

Center-based employment is typically a job in an industrial production, food service, or janitorial operation in a community rehabilitation program. You will perform standard work assignments while earning wages based on your rate of production and developing work skills.

What is community employment?

Community employment refers to jobs done by a work crew that includes a high percentage of people with disabilities and where workers often are paid less than the usual wage for similar work done by people without disabilities. Community employment offers intensive job supports and often is a step towards reaching SE.

Can I get DOR if I have SSI?

If you get Social Security disability benefits, either Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), you are automatically eligible DOR services. If you are disabled but do not get Social Security disability benefits, then you may or may not qualify for DOR services.

What does a rehabilitation counselor look for in a diagnosis?

The Counselor may also look at statements by qualified professionals who have diagnosed or treated you.

How long does it take for a DOR to determine eligibility?

Generally, DOR must determine your eligibility for services within 60 days of the date of your application. 29 U.S.C. § 722(a)(6); 34 C.F.R. § 361.41(b)(1); 9 C.C.R. § 7060(a). DOR may take longer than 60 days if:

What is an employment network?

An Employment Network is an approved public or private employment service provider that will be authorized to accept your Ticket and provide the services necessary for you to become employed. These services could include, but are not limited to training, employment counseling, job seeking skills preparation and job placement.

How long does it take to get an administrative review?

You must ask for an Administrative Review within one year of the decision with which you disagree. Your request can be made orally or in writing and must include the following information:

What is a substantial impediment to employment?

“Substantial Impediment to Employment” means that a physical or mental impairment (in light of attendant medical, psychological, vocational, educational, communication, and other related factors) hinders an individual from preparing for, entering into, engaging in, or retaining employment consistent with the individual's abilities and capabilities. 9

What is a CAP program?

The Clients Assistance Program (CAP) is a federally mandated program under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. 29 U.S.C. 701, et seq. CAP is available to help you understand your rights and responsibilities involving your right to services from DOR. CAP advocates may be able to help you resolve problems with your DOR counselor or assist and advocate on your behalf regarding vocational services while pursuing legal, administrative, or other appropriate remedies to ensure the protection of your rights. See generally, 29 U.S.C. § 732.

What is a ticket issued by the Social Security Administration?

Ticket, issued by the Social Security Administration (SSA), can be used to obtain employment services, vocational rehabilitation services, and other supportive services from the DOR or another employment network of your choice in order to become employed.

What is a certificate of rehabilitation?

A Certificate of Rehabilitation is a form of post-conviction relief in which a judge finds that a person has been rehabilitated following a criminal conviction. In California, obtaining a certificate acts as an automatic application for a California’s governor’s pardon. 1. Benefits of a Certificate of Rehabilitation in California.

What is a prior conviction in California?

In general, it is available to people who have a prior conviction of: A felony and were sentenced to a California state penal institution or agency (such as California prison), or. A felony and were sentenced to probation AND the conviction has been expunged, 2 or.

What is the Penal Code for a felony?

Penal Code 4852.01 (a) “A person convicted of a felony who is committed to a state prison or other institution or agency, including commitment to a county jail pursuant to subdivision (h) of Section 1170, may file a petition for a certificate of rehabilitation and pardon pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.”.

How long has Carl been on probation?

Even though Carl has been rehabilitated for more than the required seven years (see Section 5.3, below) and he has lived in California for a total of five years since being released from probation, he is not eligible for a Certificate of Rehabilitation.

Can a California certificate of rehabilitation be used to deport a non-citizen?

A California Certificate of Rehabilitation does not prevent a crime from being used to deport a non-citizen. But getting one is often the first step to obtaining a California governor’s pardon, which often does (unless the conviction is for a California drug crime ). 10.

Is a certificate of rehabilitation the same as a pardon?

A Certificate of Rehabilitation offers many of the same benefits as a governor’s pardon – but not all of them. It acts as an automatic application for a governor’s pardon and is the only way for most people to obtain one. 7. A Certificate of Rehabilitation also offers additional benefits in and of itself.




  • There are a few ways to apply for DOR services: 1. You can download an application form, complete the form, and then hand it in or mail it to your local DOR office 2. You can also complete an application at your local DOR office 3. You can apply at your local America's Job Center of California (AJCC)(One-Stop) You can also be referred by a program ...
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Long-Term Job Supports

  • The California Department of Rehabilitation offers various long-term job supports – also called “ongoing supports” or “extended services.” These typically offer help with training or retraining on: 1. Job tasks 2. Dealing with schedule changes 3. Adjusting to new supervisors 4. Promotion to new job tasks or positions 5. Managing changes in nonwork environments or life activities that a…
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Supported Employment

  • A person who gets Supported Employment(SE) services has an independent job in a competitive setting and gets the same wages and benefits as coworkers who don’t have disabilities. Because they are highly individualized, the services that are offered to a person who gets SE vary but they may include: 1. Communication technology 2. Help communicating with coworkers and supervis…
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Community Employment

  • Community employment refers to jobs done by a work crew that includes a high percentage of people with disabilities and where workers often are paid less than the usual wage for similar work done by people without disabilities. Community employment offers intensive job supports and often is a step towards reaching SE.
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Center-Based Employment

  • Center-based employment is typically a job in an industrial production, food service, or janitorial operation in a community rehabilitation program. You will perform standard work assignments while earning wages based on your rate of production and developing work skills. The focus of the service is on disability-related issues that present real or perceived obstacles to competitive em…
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Services For People Who Are Blind Or Visually Impaired

  • The Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) has some offices that have counselors that specialize in employment services for the blind and visually impaired. To find out more about these services, click here. In addition to these counselors, DOR operates the Orientation Center for the Blind(OCB) in Albany (in the San Francisco Bay area) where people who have recently lost their vision can p…
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Services For People Who Are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Or Late Deafened

  • DOR also has some offices with counselors that specialize in employment services for people who are Deaf, hard of hearing, or late deafened. These Rehabilitation Counselors for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (RCDs) are fluent in American Sign Language (ASL). To learn more about these services, click here.
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