how to donate anonymously

by Dr. Arden Wisozk IV 7 min read

Ways To Make An Anonymous Donation.

  • #1. Private foundation. Obtain legal counsel and begin the process of forming a private foundation. Becoming anonymous may bother, even though this ...
  • #2. Make a direct donation.
  • #3. Using intermediaries.
  • #4. Organize a fund devised by a donor to raise money.
  • #5. Donate online.

Here are the pros and cons of various philanthropic vehicles, which may be used separately or in some cases in combination with each other.
  1. Set up a private foundation. ...
  2. Make direct gifts to public charities. ...
  3. Use an advisor as intermediary. ...
  4. Create an entity. ...
  5. Set up a donor-advised fund. ...
  6. Donate online.
Sep 19, 2012

Full Answer

How can you make an anonymous donation to an individual?

Oct 27, 2021 · You may donate to a charity by visiting a collection webpage. A non-profit that works similarly to donor-advised funds is available online, except that payments are made using the donor’s credit card instead. The donor can remain anonymous or disclose their identity to the organization that will receive the funds.

How do I make an anonymous donation?

Mar 03, 2022 · How to make your donation anonymous before donating: Visit the GoFundMe you’d like to support and select the "Donate Now" button; Choose the "Don't display name publicly on the campaign" option underneath the donation amount and name fields; Click “donate now” to finalize your donation; Steps to donate anonymously shown above.

Which charities use your money most efficiently?

The law firm in turn could pass along the receipt to the client with a letter that says, “We made a gift anonymously, as you directed. Here is the receipt that corresponds to the contribution.”...

How can I give money anonymously to someone I know?

As far as anonymity, you simply tell the DAF that you want to be anonymous when you re-donate. The DAF takes care of it, and is the donor of record. The DAF is a charity itself, and you take the tax deduction at the time you donate to the DAF. So …


Can you donate anonymously on PayPal?

PayPal allows you to send money anonymously, so you don't have to worry about anyone knowing who you are. Sending money to friends and family requires you to sign into your PayPal account with your email ID. When you transfer money anonymously, you will not be shown the email address you use.Dec 1, 2021

Is donating anonymously better?

While giving anonymously is less common than giving publicly, the rationale for it can be equally compelling. You believe it's better for the cause. Giving still makes you feel good, but you believe the results you seek would be best achieved if the attention is focused on the cause—not the donor.

Is silent donor legitimate?

Silent Donor facilitates and permits Donors to make donations to organizations of their choice, vetted by Silent Donor employees, or pre-vetted by third party sites for their legitimacy (charities, universities, non-profits, etc.Mar 2, 2022

Should I donate to GoFundMe anonymously?

Making a donation anonymous means that your name will not be visible to the public on the campaign page. For security reasons, you cannot make an entirely anonymous donation: The organizer and beneficiary will always be able to see your name. You are required to enter the name on the credit card when making a donation.Mar 3, 2022

How do you donate to a non profit anonymously?

The first — and easiest — is to ask the charity receiving your donation to keep your name confidential. What results from your request is that, beyond the nonprofit's need-to-know staff and board members, the public will never learn of your contribution.Aug 15, 2015

What is anonymous donation?

"anonymous donation" means any voluntary contribution referred to in section 2(24)(iia) of the income tax act, where a person receiving such contribution does not maintain a record of the identity indicating the name and address of the person making such contribution and such other particulars as may be prescribed.

How do I protect myself from fake charities?

Don't open suspicious or unsolicited emails (spam)—delete them....Protect yourselfAsk to see their identification.Check the ACNC register to find out whether the charity is listed. ... Call the charity to verify that the person represents their organisation.Oct 2, 2013

Is it safe to donate to charities online?

If you're ready to donate It's safest to donate by credit card or check — after you've done some research on the charity. If you're donating online, make sure the webpage where you enter your payment information has “https” in the web address. That means your information is encrypted and transmitted securely.

How much money did Charles Feeney give away?

For many years Charles Feeney, who went from rags to riches as cofounder of the Duty Free Shoppers chain, carried anonymous giving to extremes. He reportedly gave away $600 million over several decades before going public with his story in 1997, anticipating that a pending lawsuit from the sale ...

Is a limited liability company a disregarded entity?

For federal tax purposes, however, the limited liability company is treated as what’s called a disregarded entity, meaning the tax liability flows through to the members as if they were one and the same. Therefore, the donor gets the benefit of any tax deduction the LLC receives for the gift.

There are times when you should give anonymously

There are times in our lives, when we do not want recognition for giving. And while public recognition should never be the driving force behind any of our giving, there are times when we do not want any recognition at all. Possibly it is for safety’s sake, but usually it is because we simply want to bless someone with nothing in return.

1. Create an alter-ego email address on Paypal

This may sound strange, but most online sites only require a valid email address and proper bank information (account number or card number). By using an email address not tied to your name, you fulfill those requirements while remaining anonymous to the person receiving the money.

2. Use money transfer services

The most well known service is, but there are others, like Each of these services allows you to transfer money to someone anonymously. The best way to do this is to simply transfer the money directly to the other person’s account.

3. Have a third party deliver cash

Obviously, this needs to be someone who is trusted, but you can simply ask someone you trust to give someone money on your behalf. This is hard to do without being “found out,” but if you choose someone the other person or company does not really know, it can work. And, of course, you want to send cash (or a gift card).

4. Contribute to a Gofundme anonymously

If there are several people pooling money together to give, simply join in that group. Most groups will allow you to join in without listing your name.

5. Get a blank check printed

If you have a checkbook your name is likely printed on it, but if you go to the bank and ask them to print you a single check, they will likely be able to print one with your account number, but not your name listed. This way the recipient will be able to deposit the check while you successfully send them money anonymously.

6. Go through a charity organization

Obviously, this is another post entirely, but you need to do your homework before working through an agency. You need to be sure your money will actually be used for the purpose you intend.

Pick a car in a parking lot

If you are pulling into a random parking lot, like Target, the grocery store, or your doctor’s office, choose a random car and leave some cash with a small note under their windshield wiper.

Buy coffee for someone behind you

The next time you are going through the drive-thru of your favorite coffee place (you could do this for fast food as well), pay for your order and then tell the cashier you would like to pay for the person behind you.

Pick a table at a restaurant

Walk into a restaurant, you don’t even need to be eating there. (You could eat there and hang out just to enjoy the show.)

Tip a musician a whopping tip

You know when you see a musician playing on the side of the road or an artist painting? Consider leaving a massive tip in their tip jar.

Donate to a cause you love on Go Fund Me

Our son was in the hospital when he was 4 with a really rare disease. A year or so after it happened, it was on my heart to help another family who was going through the same thing.

Create a care package

If you know someone who is currently down on their luck, consider putting together a care package and leaving it on their doorstep.

Buy a store gift card and leave it for the next person in line

Buying stuff for someone behind you is tougher when you’re playing in the big leagues like a clothing or grocery store. That doesn’t mean you can’t still do it!

Why do you donate more to charities?

Instead of giving small amounts to several charities, donate more to select organizations. This not only helps more of your donation go towards the cause (rather than being eaten up by transaction costs), it could also keep your information from being sold or shared as often.

Is it illegal to call a company?

It’s illegal for a company to keep calling you if you’re on this list and you have verbally asked them not to call you at least once. Unfortunately, it is not illegal for non-profits. But most non-profits run seasonal campaigns, so at least your lead will be put to rest for three to 11 months.

What is anonymous donation?

The purpose of anonymous donations is to hide your identity from the internet at large. It is more accurately described as “hide name (and comment) from everyone but the organizer”. (1) A donation is not anonymous to the person who donated.

Do children follow their parents?

Children rarely follow their parent’s advice; they silently follow parent’s footsteps. That’s human nature. Great work cannot be accomplished alone - you need teamwork, you need others to join you. Hence you need to motivate people, and the best way to motivate people is to set examples – let people see and learn.
