where to donate items to charity

by Prof. Roxanne Langworth 8 min read

  1. Goodwill. With more than 3,200 thrift stores around the country, Goodwill is one of the most popular places to donate used goods.
  2. Salvation Army. Another highly popular charitable organization, the Salvation Army has convenient locations in more than 7,000 U.S. towns and cities.
  3. Habitat for Humanity. Although slightly less prevalent, with only 900 locations across the U.S., if you have a Habitat for Humanity ReStore in your area, it’s an excellent place ...
  4. Pickup Please/ Vietnam Veterans of America. Though less widespread than other organizations, if Pickup Please offers services in your area, it’s both a worthy and convenient organization to donate ...
  5. AMVETS National Service Foundation. The AMVETS National Service Foundation operates in 22 U.S. states and has been serving U.S. veterans since 1944 (AMVETS stands for “American veterans”).
  6. Planet Aid. The mission of Planet Aid is in the name — it aims to keep as many textiles out of landfills as possible while helping individuals in impoverished ...
  7. Animal Shelters. Animal rescues and pet shelters almost always need donated supplies. ...

  • Salvation Army. When you think about where to donate unwanted belongings, your mind might go to Salvation Army first. ...
  • Goodwill. ...
  • AMVETS National Service Foundation. ...
  • Habitat for Humanity. ...
  • The Arc. ...
  • Pickup Please. ...
  • Furniture Bank Network. ...
  • PickUpMyDonation.com.
Jan 4, 2021

Full Answer

Where is the best place to donate household items?

With more than 3,200 thrift stores around the country, Goodwill is one of the most popular places to donate used goods. Salvation Army. Habitat for Humanity. Pickup Please/ Vietnam Veterans of America. AMVETS National Service Foundation. Planet Aid. Animal Shelters.

Where is the best place to donate stuff?

Feb 04, 2022 · 5 Charities That Pick Up Your Donations. We've researched dozens of donation centers to find charities that will come to your home and pick up your donation instead of requiring you to drop it off. These five are our favorites. Best overall. The Salvation Army.

What are the best things to donate?

You can also schedule a fast, free pickup of your donated household items. Your household items can go to charities like the Salvation Army, Rescue Mission, Salvation Army, Good Samaritan Ministries, Habitat for Humanity, Hope Services, and many more!

Where can I donate household goods?

Mar 26, 2022 · Donations of unused equipment and unsold inventory and supplies can change lives in many ways, especially if the items have been given to individuals and businesses unused for decades. A recipient might be motivated to spend these gifts effectively for humanitarian, educational, or operational needs.


Where can I donate anything and Capital District?

Habitat for Humanity ReStore (retail store) Habitatcd.org.HATAS Capital Region Furniture Bank www.hatas.org.Schenectady Home Furnishings Program Inc. www.schenectadyhomefurnishings.org.Troy Area United Ministries Furniture Program (TAUM) www.taum.org.

Where can I donate to support in Minneapolis?

Funds, Donations, and Organizations to SupportBlack Visions Collective. ... El Sabor Chuchi GoFundMe. ... Floyd Family GoFundMe. ... Gandhi Mahal GoFundMe. ... Maxwell's Cafe & Market. ... Midtown Global Market Mend. ... Midway United. ... MIGIZI Communications.More items...

What can you donate to charity?

What Can Be Donated to Charity?Financial Donations. First, the most simplistic way to donate to a charity is with a monetary donation. ... Clothing. Clothes donations are the most popular type of charitable contribution. ... Shoes and Bags. ... Kitchenware. ... Books. ... Toys and Games. ... Art. ... Linens.More items...•Dec 11, 2019

What is the simplest way to donate to a charity?

7 Ways You Can Make a Donation to CharityUse Your Checkbook. Donating to a charity by writing a check is still the most common form of philanthropy in the world. ... Give Online. ... Give Through a Donor-Advised Fund. ... Set Up a Private or Family Foundation. ... Join a Giving Circle. ... Donate Your Car, Food, or Clothing. ... Give Your Time.Nov 20, 2019

How can I donate to Minneapolis?

Ways to Support the Minneapolis CommunityDonate to Community Organizations. ... Order takeout or delivery. ... Tip well if possible. ... Shop at Local Stores. ... Stay stocked with local brews. ... Buy gift cards. ... Stream local musicians. ... Follow local artists on social media, and buy their art.More items...

How can I help Minnesota?

ApplyMN. This web application can connect you with state and county services to help meet your and your family's basic needs. Use it to apply for cash assistance, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits, child care assistance, and Emergency Assistance. Call 651-431-4000 for questions.

How can I donate a lot of stuff?

If you're not sure where or how to donate your stuff before moving, take a look at these 9 suggestions below.Goodwill. ... Local Libraries. ... Dress for Success. ... Habitat for Humanity Restore. ... Baby2Baby. ... Food Banks. ... eBay Giving Works. ... Salvation Army.More items...•Aug 3, 2017

What do charities need most?

Most charities prefer unopened or new toys. However, if you have a gently used item that is in high demand, it may also be acceptable. Any used toys you donate should be washed and refurbished to look like new. Food – Food drives are most often hosted by grocery stores and houses of worship.Dec 18, 2015

What should I donate or keep?

If you have an old, beloved copy of a book you haven't read in a while but are glad to have on your shelf, keep it. On the other hand, if you have a book that you've been promising yourself you'll “get to” for several years now, it's probably time to donate. If you aren't sure about something, give it a deadline.Apr 23, 2019

What is the safest way to donate to a charity?

If you're ready to donate It's safest to donate by credit card or check — after you've done some research on the charity. If you're donating online, make sure the webpage where you enter your payment information has “https” in the web address. That means your information is encrypted and transmitted securely.

What is the best way to give to charity?

GIVE YOUR TIME6 Donate blood. Donating blood regularly - or even as a one-off - is a great way to ensure that you're giving back to those who need it. ... 7 Volunteer your time in a soup kitchen or homeless shelter. ... 8 Take part in a charity run. ... 9 Get involved with Decembeard. ... 10 Sell or donate your unwanted gifts.

How can I support a charity without donating?

Six ways to help charity without donating moneyGive blood. Most of us can give blood, as often as every three months for women and four for men. ... Become an organ donor. You can register to donate your organs when you die. ... Help a neighbour in need. ... Take unwanted goods to a charity shop. ... Volunteer. ... Raise awareness.Aug 8, 2017

Wondering How to Donate Household items?

Do you have clothing and household items to donate to charity and you don’t know where to begin? DonationTown.org is the right place to get started...

Donating Household Items Gives A Second Life to The Things You No Longer Need

Many of us have clothing and household items piling up in the closets and the corners of our homes — things that we just don’t use anymore. Maybe i...

What Kinds of Household Items Can I Donate?

Donate clothing and shoes. Donate appliances. Donate kitchenware. Donate dishes, plates, cups, bowls and cookware. Donate pots and pans. Donate ute...

What Charities accept My Clothing and Household Donations

DonationTown.org will help you find a charity in your community that will take your clothing and household donations off your hands. You can also s...

What to do before donating?

Before donating, determine if it is still useful. Before donating, take the condition of the item into consideration. Only donate items that are new, unused, or “gently used,” which means items that are in good condition, clean, and presentable. Do not donate items in disrepair that don't work properly, are missing parts, or are ripped, torn, ...

How to deduct donations from taxes?

How to deduct. Make a list of all of the items you donate, and attach the receipt you receive from the charity. Retain the receipt for your taxes. If you are audited by the IRS, you don't have any way to prove you donated the items if you don't have a receipt.

How much clothing does the average American throw away?

Even more concerning, the average American throws away more than 68 pounds of clothing per year, clogging up landfills at an alarming rate. And that is only clothing; consider everything else homeowners typically toss in the trash.

Who is Christa Baxter?

Christa Baxter has worked as an editor for more than seven years. She leads the Move.org content team in producing whip-smart moving tips and recs. After relocating four times in the last calendar year, she’s got strong opinions about moving best practices. (Just don’t ever pull a Marie Kondo and suggest she whittle down her personal library.)

Is a 501c3 a 501c3?

Eligible charities. Charities must be registered with the IRS as a 501c (3) tax-exempt organization for your donated items to be tax deductible. You can check a charity's tax status on the IRS's website. You can also perform a background check on a charity at sites such as Charitynavigator.org and Charitywatch.org.

What does the Salvation Army do?

The Salvation Army. Sells donated items and uses funds to help children and families, the homeless, veterans, and others in need. They accept clothing, furniture, and other household goods. Offers free pickups.

What is Volunteers of America?

Volunteers of America. Provides support for at-risk youth, those returning from prison, the homeless, the disabled, and those struggling with addictions. Accepts clothing, household items, and other used goods at their thrift stores located in various cities throughout the US.

What to do before you donate tools?

Before you donate: You don't have to do much except box your tools up. Just make sure you don't have anything dangerous floating around in a box in case of someone roots around, i.e., small saws, nails, etc. Contain those items or label them and donate them separately. Read More.

What is a furniture bank?

Furniture Banks lets you donate your gently used furniture to persons in need, typically formerly homeless people trying to get back on their feet financially. Before you donate: Dust it, clean it, and make sure there are no ragged, dangerous edges or nails sticking out that could potentially hurt someone.

Who is Elizabeth Larkin?

Elizabeth Larkin is an organizing and productivity expert with a strong interest in time management and process refinement. Nothing makes clutter clearing easier than knowing your household items, clothes, and shoes are going to a worthy cause.

How many people does the Salvation Army help?

The Salvation Army assists roughly 23 million Americans every year, and it operates in 130 different countries. 1 Here are some of the communities that the organization assists: Disaster victims. People experiencing homelessness and/or food insecurity. People in addiction recovery. Veterans.

What is the Salvation Army?

First on our list is The Salvation Army, an international organization that uses donations to help those in need all over the world. If you've ever gone shopping around the holidays, you've probably seen Salvation Army volunteers asking for donations for the organization's red kettle project.

Who is Joe Roberts?

Joe Roberts is a professional writer with a degree in writing studies and over three years of copywriting experience. He previously worked at Overstock.com, where he wrote about furniture, home decor, and moving. Joe has moved all over Utah, so he knows his way around a moving truck—and he spends his time (and money) expanding his personal library so it will be even heavier next time he moves.

What is Habitat for Humanity?

Habitat for Humanity is a global nonprofit with an ambitious humanitarian goal: “A world where everyone has a decent place to live.” 2 Habitat for Humanity collects monetary donations to build and renovate affordable housing that those in need can apply for.

Is it worth donating something?

If there’s something you’re thinking of donating, first ask yourself if it would be useful to someone in need. If it’s unusable or broken beyond repair, it isn’t worth donating. If you’re unsure how useful the item is, call a donation center and ask if they’ll accept it.

What is Goodwill training?

Goodwill’s free online training programs teach valuable workplace skills, financial literacy, and interview coaching. Goodwill also helps people earn high school and college degrees (or equivalents) and can even assist with industry certifications. 5.

Can I donate furniture to Habitat for Humanity?

You can also donat e furniture and other household goods to Habitat for Humanity. The organization resells these items in home improvement stores—called Habitat ReStores—and uses the money to fund its humanitarian efforts. Schedule Your Donation Pickup.

What do shelters provide?

Shelters provide everything from bedding to toiletries to clothing. Most shelters warmly welcome donations like women’s and children’s clothing in good condition. They also appreciate children's toys, books, and educational tools for kids of all ages.

What is Dress for Success?

Dress for Success is an international nonprofit organization serving women who seek economic independence. Dress for Success welcomes gently-used workplace-appropriate women’s clothing. It also accepts shoes, purses, undergarments, cosmetics, and toiletries and can offer a total head-to-toe makeover for women in need.

What do people leave with when they leave domestic violence?

When people exit a situation where domestic violence is present, they often leave with only the clothes on their backs. Many victims of domestic violence aren’t even able to grab small necessities. Shelters provide everything from bedding to toiletries to clothing.

Can you keep everything Marie Kondo?

It can be so hard to let go of items that a loved one treasured. But you can’t keep everything. Channel your inner Marie Kondo and only choose items that bring you real joy or a positive emotional connection.

Wondering how to donate household items?

Do you have clothing and household items to donate to charity and you don’t know where to begin? DonationTown.org is the right place to get started! DonationTown.org will connect you to a charity in your community that will gladly accept your donations. Within minutes, you can also set up a fast, free pickup of your household donations.

Donating household items gives a second life to the things you no longer need

Many of us have clothing and household items piling up in the closets and the corners of our homes — things that we just don’t use anymore. Maybe it’s an appliance that you no longer find yourself using (that bread machine sure seemed like a good idea at the time!). Perhaps you’ve bought new dishes and don’t have room for the old set.

What kinds of household items can I donate?

Donate clothing and shoes. Donate appliances. Donate kitchenware. Donate dishes, plates, cups, bowls and cookware. Donate pots and pans. Donate utensils. Donate household furniture. Donate blankets. Donate exercise and sports equipment. Donate a table and chairs. Donate electronics, like TVs, cameras, VCRs and DVDs.

What charities accept my clothing and household donations

DonationTown.org will help you find a charity in your community that will take your clothing and household donations off your hands. You can also schedule a fast, free pickup of your donated household items.
