where to donate old bibles near me

by Kattie Weissnat 9 min read

Where can I donate Christian books?

Sep 06, 2021 · Prison pastors typically need sources for ministering to inmates. Some neighborhood collections might accept contributed old Scriptures. bible donation. Utilized book shops, as well as second-hand shops, may accept old Scriptures for resale. Homeless sanctuaries and feeding facilities may approve old Holy bibles.

How to send Bibles overseas?

Feb 16, 2019 · Ship your old bibles and other used Christian literature to us at: 220 Union St Butler, IL 62015. or. 60 South Mountain Dr, Unit D Decatur, AL 35603. Drop-off locations:

Where to donate to the needy?

Where to Donate Materials. You can mail or drop-off materials at either of our locations—in Butler, Illinois, or Decatur, Alabama. You can also drop off materials at any of our partner collection points. Please feel free to call us with any questions! (217) 532-6701

Where can I bring donation books?

Bible Collection Centers Master Bible Collection/Distribution Centers in U.S.A. & Canada (all are independent) U.S.A. LOVE PACKAGES 60-D So. Mountain Dr Decatur, AL 35603 (256) 355-3004 www.lovepackages.org HELP THE CHILDREN 333 S. 4th Street Montebello, CA 90640 Phone (323) 980-9870 www.helpthechildren.org email: [email protected]


How do you dispose of old Bibles?

If you need to dispose of a Bible, consider donating it to a person or a charity who could use it, like a church or a Christian homeless shelter. If you prefer to permanently dispose of the book, do so respectfully, such as with a thoughtful burial or cremation, or have the book recycled.

Can Bibles be donated?

Local Libraries: Some local libraries may accept donated old Bibles. Nursing Homes: Many nursing homes are looking for donated Bibles. Bookstores and Thrift Stores: Used bookstores and thrift stores may accept old Bibles for resale. Shelters: Homeless shelters and feeding centers often accept old Bibles.Apr 4, 2022

How do you dispose of religious books?

It should be wrapped in something pure and buried in a place where people do not walk. Many of the religious leaders who spoke to NPR agreed that burial was the most respectful way to dispose of their sacred text.Feb 23, 2012

Are old family Bibles worth anything?

Rarity plays a big part in the worth of an old Bible. In general, a Bible published from around 1820 – 2000 almost certainly has little or no value. Because Bibles published in that time period are so common today, they are easy to obtain.Mar 20, 2019

What organizations distribute Bibles?

1 Gideons International. In 1899, Gideons International was born. ... 2 Spirit One Ministry. Spirit One Ministry began as a Christian broadcasting feed over the Internet in 2004. ... 3 Recycled Bibles. Many organizations collect used Bibles and distribute them to needy individuals. ... 4 Online Bibles. ... 5 Local Churches.Sep 29, 2017

How do you order a Gideon Bible in memory of someone?

Access the Gideon website at www.gideons.org. Enter either an amount or number of Bibles you wish to donate, at a suggested rate of $5 per Bible. Pay by credit or debit card. Sign up for an automatic donation withdrawal from your savings or checking account.Sep 29, 2017

How do you dispose of old Catholic Bibles?

Roman Catholic “There is no specifically mandated means of disposing of old Bibles. Some Catholics follow a custom of disposing of religious articles that have been blessed by either burying or burning. ... If not, dispose of it as you would any other book.Feb 21, 2012

What do you do with old religious articles?

Catholic convention is that discarding objects such as statues, rosaries or the palms from Palm Sunday should be by means of respectful burning or burial. But this is not normal practice for most libraries, and the burning of books and artwork has worrying associations with censorship or even war crimes.Mar 31, 2021

What do you do with old crucifix?

I know of no graveyards for broken holy items. But a blessed crucifix or a blessed statue is not just an ordinary item: it is blessed. And blessed objects should be treated with reverence. If you cannot fix the item, or you have no use for it, you may discard the item by incineration, burial or pious disposal.Apr 21, 2021

How much is a 400 year old Bible worth?

about $8 millionThe Bible was among hundreds of rare books, maps and other items, worth about $8 million in total, that the authorities have said were stolen by the archivist in charge of the collection over nearly 20 years.Apr 27, 2019

What are the most valuable Bibles?

If you're curious, the most expensive Bible ever is a Gutenberg Bible (more on Gutenberg later) that sold for $5.39 million ($12.2 million) in 1987; the most expensive Talmud went for $9.3 million ($10.1 million) in 2015; and the most expensive Quran was a 7th century fragment that sold for $4.9 million ($5.8 million) ...Dec 9, 2019

How much is a first edition King James Bible worth?

$150,000-250,000"First edition of the whole Bible in English, and one of the most complete copies to appear at auction in over twenty years." The estimate is $150,000-250,000. Lot 86: The 1611 King James Bible. This copy originally belonged to a "close confidant" of King James I.

How to dispose of old Bible?

There are no specific scriptural instructions about how to dispose of an old Bible. While God's word is holy and to be honored ( Psalm 138:2 ), there's nothing sacred or hallowed in the physical materials of the book: the paper, parchment, leather, and ink. We cherish and respect the Bible, but we do not worship it.

What is Christian Library International?

Christian Library International . The goal of Christian Library International is to advance Christ’s light in prisons. They collect used Christian books and Bibles and distribute them to prisons in all 50 states. They also offer receipts for tax deduction purposes.

What is love package?

Love Packages aims to put Christian literature and Bibles into the hands of people around the world who are hungry for God's Word. They accept new or used Bibles, tracts, reference books, commentaries, Bible dictionaries, concordances, Christian fiction and nonfiction (adult or children's), Christian magazines, daily devotionals, ...

Can you recycle an old Bible?

Often, however, an old Bible can be repaired easily, and many organizations—churches, prison ministries, and charities—are set up to recycle and reuse them. If your Bible has significant sentimental value, you might want to consider having it restored.

Do we worship the Bible?

We cherish and respect the Bible, but we do not worship it. Unlike Judaism, which requires a Torah scroll that is damaged beyond repair to be buried in a Jewish cemetery, discarding an old Christian Bible is a matter of personal conviction. In the Catholic faith, there is a custom of disposing of Bibles and other blessed items ...

Who is Mary Fairchild?

General Biblical Studies, Interdenominational Christian Training Center. Mary Fairchild is a full-time Christian minister, writer, and editor of two Christian anthologies, including "Stories of Cavalry.". our editorial process.

Can churches accept used Bibles?

Many local churches accept used Bibles for believers in need. Consider contacting your local prison or correctional facility and ask to speak to the chaplain. Prison chaplains often need resources for ministering to inmates. Some local libraries may accept donated old Bibles.

What is Christian Resources International?

Another organization that ships Christian resources overseas, CRI is equipping orphans, evangelists, pastors and missionaries for the works of service all the while setting up distribution centers, lending libraries, bible college libraries, and holding crusades Not only can you donate used Christian books, ...

What is love package?

Love Packages. Love Packages sends used Christian books and Bibles to ministries in many poor countries (like Bangladesh, Guatemala, Kenya, Mozambique, Sri Lanka, Trinidad, and more) to distribute freely to people hungry for the Word of God.

Is Christian Library International tax deductible?

Christian Library International collects and distributes used Christian books and Bibles to 1,400 prisons in all 50 states. They also offer a receipt for tax deduction purposes (shipping is also tax-deductible). Make sure to use their book donation form here.

Can I donate used Christian books?

Yes, their primary needs are for food and shelter, and I strongly encourage you to find ways to give generously. But these ministries will often let you donate used Christian books as well, and you might reach someone who would never step into a church building.

Click on your location

To find out if there is a collection point near you, click on your location on the map. To maintain the confidentiality of our collectors we do not list their individual addresses on this site.

We can only use the following types of books as part of our overseas shipping programme

All kinds of Christian books (hardback or paperback) Please avoid sending paperbacks with browned pages
