why do we need to donate blood

by Miss Vida Mohr DVM 9 min read

Why should people donate blood? Safe blood saves lives. Blood is needed by women with complications during pregnancy and childbirth, children with severe anaemia, often resulting from malaria or malnutrition, accident victims and surgical and cancer patients.Jun 7, 2021

Why should I donate blood instead selling it?

May 19, 2021 · Every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood. Blood is essential to help patients survive surgeries, cancer treatment, chronic illnesses, and traumatic injuries. This lifesaving care starts with one person making a generous donation. The need for blood is constant. But only about 3% of age-eligible people donate blood yearly.

What conditions disqualify you from donating blood?

Jun 10, 2020 · Blood is the most precious gift that anyone can give to another person – the gift of life. A decision to donate your blood can save a life, or even several if your blood is separated into its components – red cells, platelets and plasma – which can be used individually for patients with specific conditions.

Why soldiers should consider donating blood?

Jun 14, 2017 · World Blood Donor Day: 13 Reasons why you should donate blood 1. Reduce risk of heart attacks and liver ailment. Donating blood regularly is beneficial to prevent and reduce heart... 2. Lower the risk of cancer. Cancer is the most feared and deadly disease. Blood donation helps in lowering the risk ...

What are the advantages and disadvantages of donating blood?

Blood is in constant demand for accident victims, surgery and cancer patients and more. Any one between the ages of 17 to 76, in good health and weighing at least 110lbs. can donate. Healthy individuals over 76 can donate with written permission from their physicians that has the blood drive date and within two weeks of the date.


Why should people donate blood?

Safe blood saves lives. Blood is needed by women with complications during pregnancy and childbirth, children with severe anaemia, often resulting...

What happens when I give blood?

Whether you are a first-time or regular donor, the blood service must make sure that you will come to no harm by donating blood. This includes chec...

How much blood will be taken? Will I have enough?

In most countries, the volume of blood taken is 450 millilitres, less than 10 per cent of your total blood volume (the average adult has 4.5 to 5 l...

Is giving blood safe?

Yes. Remember that you will only be accepted as a blood donor if you are fit and well. Your health and well-being are very important to the blood s...

Does it hurt?

Just squeeze the inside of your elbow tightly and you will get a quick idea of what the needle feels like. All you should feel is a gentle pressure...

Who can give blood, and how often?

The criteria for donor selection varies from country to country, but blood can be donated by most people who are healthy and do not have an infecti...

Who should not give blood?

The blood service is concerned with the welfare of both the blood donor and the recipient (patient). Donors are often asked not to donate blood fo...

Can I give blood after vaccination against SARS-CoV-2?

Consistent with current general global practice, recipients of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines that do not contain live virus may donate blood if they feel wel...

How will I feel after giving blood?

You should feel great for selflessly giving someone the gift of blood.

What is the role of blood donors?

Blood donors play a vital role in the healthcare of patients in your community . 37% of the population is eligible to donate blood, yet only 5% actually do. With every blood donation, you are providing strength, hope and courage to patients and their families in your local hospitals. View more reasons to donate here.

Why is blood needed?

In fact, every two seconds of every day, someone needs blood. Since blood cannot be manufactured outside the body and has a limited shelf life, the supply must constantly be replenished by generous blood donors.

How old do you have to be to give blood?

You probably can. While donors must be at least 17 in most states, there’s no upper age limit for giving blood as long as you are well with no restriction or limitation to your activities. Anne Eder, M.D., executive medical officer of the American Red Cross, says she’s seen people in their 80s giving blood.

Can you donate blood to cancer patients?

Cancer patients are among the most common recipients of blood transfusions. But donations are also used daily for surgery patients, accident victims, organ transplant recipients and burn patients — young and old. 2. You probably can. While donors must be at least 17 in most states, there’s no upper age limit for giving blood ...

Why is it important to donate blood?

Donating blood regularly is beneficial to prevent and reduce heart attacks and liver ailment. The risk of heart and liver related problem is caused by the iron overload in the body. Donating blood helps in maintaining the iron level in the body and thus reduce those risk.

Why is World Blood Day important?

Donating blood regularly has proved beneficial not only for the recipient but also the donor. It is helpful for the vital organs, and it reduces risk for chronic diseases such as cancer and stroke.

What is the blood test for a donor?

Blood is tested for 13 infectious disease like HIV, West Nile Virus, hepatitis B and C and Syphilis. It gives you a cost free quick look into your health.

Where is blood stored?

The blood that we donate is also stored at the blood bank after their usage and used in future when needed.

Does blood help cholesterol?

Blood contains iron, if the iron in blood is overloaded it can increase the chances of blockage in blood vessels. Blood donation can help to reduce the amount of iron in the blood thus helps in lower cholesterol.

Does blood donation help with weight loss?

While donating blood, you not only lose weight but it also helps in reducing stress. Stress is one of the reasons that triggers premature ageing. Blood donation helps in reducing stress on your mind and body. Also, keeps the skin tight and wrinkle-free.

How often can you donate blood?

You can donate every 56 days. That’s up to 6 times per year. When you donate, you get a mini-examination, including a blood pressure reading, iron count, temperature and pulse check. It takes about 10 to 12 minutes to donate but allow one hour for the whole process.

How long does blood last?

Blood products have a short shelf life, from 5 to 42 days. Blood is in constant demand for accident victims, surgery and cancer patients and more. Any one between the ages of 17 to 76, in good health and weighing at least 110lbs. can donate.

What are the benefits of giving blood?

According to a report by the Mental Health Foundation, helping others can: reduce stress. improve your emotional well-being. benefit your physical health. help get rid of negative feelings. provide a sense of belonging and reduce isolation.

How many lives can you save by donating blood?

There’s no end to the benefits of donating blood for those who need it. According to the American Red Cross, one donation can save as many as three lives, and someone in the United States needs blood every two seconds.

What is the most common type of blood donation?

Whole blood donation is the most common type of donation. This is because it offers the most flexibility. It can be transfused as whole blood or separated into red cells, platelets, and plasma for different recipients. For a whole blood donation procedure: You’ll be seated in a reclining chair.

How old do you have to be to donate blood?

You need to be 17 or older to donate whole blood. Some states allow you to donate at 16 with parental consent. You have to weigh at least 110 pounds and be in good health to donate. You need to provide information about medical conditions and any medications you’re taking.

Can you get dizzy after donating blood?

There’s no risk of contracting disease. New, sterile equipment is used for each donor. Some people may feel nauseous, lightheaded, or dizzy after donating blood. If this happens, it should only last a few minutes. You can lie down with your feet up at the until you feel better.

Do you have to register to donate blood?

You must register to donate blood. This includes providing identification, your medical history, and undergoing a quick physical examination. You’ll also be given some information about blood donation to read. Once you’re ready, your blood donation procedure will begin.

Does blood donation reduce heart disease?

The research is mixed on whether blood donation actually lowers risk of heart disease and heart attack. . This may reduce the risk of heart attack. High body iron stores are believed to increase the risk of heart attack. suggests these observations are deceiving and are not a real physiological response.
