why you shouldnt donate to salvation army

by Lawson Erdman 5 min read

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This Holiday Season, Remember That The Salvation Army Is Not Worth Your Money

There are so many other charities that you can donate to this holiday season that are actually worth your money.

Best NFT Games on the Market in 2022

It's no secret that the cryptocurrency and gaming industries are booming. In this article, we'll take a look at some of the best NFT games on the market in 2022.

What Are the Best Shares Trading Platforms for Beginners?

Although there are many share platforms, you want to choose one that offers essential trading tools.

5 Best Luxury Wellness Retreat To Restore Your Mind

Health is a state of mental well-being, physical vitality, and spiritual salubrity. If you're tired of the hectic lifestyle and stressful workload, then you might want to head out for a wellness retreat. You can plan a rejuvenating getaway to the best wellness retreats all over the globe to unwind and recharge.

Best Health & Fitness Hacks for Busy Entrepreneurs

Starting your own business is crazy enough - how are you supposed to find time to work in health and fitness? We asked some of our favorite business experts for their tips and tricks that they have for other entrepreneurs that might be struggling with this aspect.

Here's Why You Shouldn't Donate to The Salvation Army This Holiday Season (Or Ever)

No, I’m not a grinch or a scrooge. I’m just a member of the LGBT+ community that is tired of seeing my community suffer at the hands of organizations that are supposed to help us.

Best NFT Games on the Market in 2022

It's no secret that the cryptocurrency and gaming industries are booming. In this article, we'll take a look at some of the best NFT games on the market in 2022.

What Are the Best Shares Trading Platforms for Beginners?

Getting started as a new investor in the trading market can be overwhelming. The significant risk involved and the complicated financial terms used in trading platforms may be hard to understand. So, it is essential to choose a user-friendly platform that will help you start on the right foot.

5 Best Luxury Wellness Retreat To Restore Your Mind

Health is a state of mental well-being, physical vitality, and spiritual salubrity. If you're tired of the hectic lifestyle and stressful workload, then you might want to head out for a wellness retreat. You can plan a rejuvenating getaway to the best wellness retreats all over the globe to unwind and recharge.

Best Health & Fitness Hacks for Busy Entrepreneurs

Starting your own business is crazy enough - how are you supposed to find time to work in health and fitness? We asked some of our favorite business experts for their tips and tricks that they have for other entrepreneurs that might be struggling with this aspect.

What is the Salvation Army?

The Salvation Army is a huge group that exists in multiple countries, including New Zealand, Australia, and more. In America, we’re so used to seeing donation collection take place everywhere during the winter, but I found through research that the quantity of workers and popularity they have do not match their quality. The group is meant to help the poor, but their religious beliefs have lead them down a dark path of discrimination, homophobia, and racism, and with so many people speaking out against them, it’s time for us to stop the support. Boycott them for the wrong that they have done.

Why are ex-employees fired?

Couples that live together before marriage, same-sex couples, single parents, and people in normal situations are discriminated against because their lives supposedly go against the church. Source: NYTimes

Why are Twilight and Harry Potter thrown away?

Twilight and Harry Potter merchandise were thrown away after being donated, but employees claim that violent things, like toy guns, are acceptable. They tend to not like donations from movies or books that involve supernatural beings, because it is deemed as disrespectful to the religion. Source: Wetaskiwin Times.

What is Jennifer's major?

Jennifer is part of the Class of 2021, and she's a middle level English education major, with a creative writing minor. Her hobbies include volunteering, watching YouTube for way too many hours, and posting memes on her Instagram.

Is the Salvation Army homophobic?

They’re extremely homophobic. Since the 1980s, the Salvation Army has made a name for itself being homophobic. In 1986, they collected signatures to repeal an act for gay rights called the Homosexual Law Reform Act of New Zealand, and in 1998 they refused to sign contracts with the city of San Francisco because of the city’s support ...

Did the Salvation Army fire a bisexual employee?

In 2001, the spokesperson of the group said they didn’t want their medical benefits to reach same-sex couples. In 2012 they fired an employee for being bisexual, and recently in 2013 news sources were pointing out links on the Salvation Army’s website that lead to conversion therapy, and they removed the links without comment.
